Third Parties in US Politics

Since we're in election year and both the Democrats and GOP has shown themselves as controlled opposition to their constituents as the the uni-party of US politics, I thought I would make this thread and hope we have some discussions and enlightenment that could potentially lead to US citizens breaking out of the Oligarchy in the US politic system.

In before the jUsT vOtE HaRDeR meme and the third parties will never win against the blue and red oligarchy, I do agree with you on that, but keep in mind we are not living in ordinary times anymore and there's more ways (and freedom) to spread information thanks to the internet, especially with meme culture and the viral effect on social media (both are actually great ways to broadcast if you know how and where to strike when the iron is hot). Plus, with ignorant normies dying off more and more due to the proliferation of mRNA Vaccines usage, we could use this tragedy to our benefit. On national elections, from what I remembered, you only need 10% of the US voter for third parties to be officially recognized (e.g. the particular party is eligible to be on the national presidential debates, etc.). Of course, that's a long shot, but still it's doable if enough of us enlightened people spread the word and vote for it. Grassroots movement!

Anyways, so far from i what I see, there's two third parties that seem have potential to go against globalhomo: The Liberterian Party and The US Constitution Party.

For The Libertarian Party, I know Libertarianism not popular among Christians due to lack of regulations on morality, but then again many Local, State and Federal Christian GOP politician have proven to be questionable on their faith when passing morally questionable policies with questionable loopholes (e.g. Lindsey Olin Graham, lack of anti-abortion enforcement, Homosexuality, etc.). So, at least in my opionion, Libertarians are at least a decent option where the party's politicians will at allow you to be left alone if you want and won't force you to accept anti-Christian globalhomo things if you don't want to accept them.

For the US Constitution Party, I'm genuinely surprised this hasn't picked up steam among popular conservative Christians yet, and even more shocked no one here on this forum even mentions them as I definitely see this becoming party for fed-up GOP voters. In fact the whole party was founded due to cuckservatives within the GOP like George Bush. The party platform is based on conservative interpretations of the Constitution and shaped by principles which it believes were set forth in the Declaration of Independence, the Bill of Rights, the Constitution and the Bible. That right there should tell you everything you need to know about the candidates running on the party.
Just realized I had made this thread from awhile ago. Looks like I was wrong about the Libertarian Party federally speaking. The fact they nominated Chase Oliver makes me question them. Chase was pro-vaccine mandates. Some state Libertarian Parties in a few states are trying to prevent him from coming on their state's ballot, but overall, the Libertarian party is a joke at best or controlled opposition for Globalhomo at worse...
Not surprised. That Matt Groening dude really knows how to commit predictive programming really well that you don't notice it until decades later.
I remember back the day during the 1996 election. I think most people thought both Clinton and Dole were very disappointing candidates.

This clip on the Simpson's Treehouse of Horror managed to skewer the American political process worse than anything I've ever seen. What a way to make the point that both candidates stunk, while also pointing out the hopelessness of a third party in the US system!
I remember back the day during the 1996 election. I think most people thought both Clinton and Dole were very disappointing candidates.

This clip on the Simpson's Treehouse of Horror managed to skewer the American political process worse than anything I've ever seen. What a way to make the point that both candidates stunk, while also pointing out the hopelessness of a third party in the US system!

Yeah it looks like the 1990s was the last time a third party could truly gain some popularity and neutral media coverage on a federal level. Ross Perot was even on the debate in 1992, which explains why he got a high third party vote count and most likely affected George H.W. Bush's re-election. I can see why globalhomo didn't want to even show RFK Jr. on CNN's debate a few weeks ago.

I like the Reform Party. Out of all the third parties, these were the guys that got the closest to doing anything.
And it got fractured once Trump came into the party in 2000.
