The War Against Christianity

He's right about everything he said. As people become less impoverished and are brought into the middle and upper middle class, the less children they have. I'm hoping the invaders are not immune to this phenomena. I began to panic about low birth rates in the West when I read Pat Buchanan's book The Death of the West 20 years ago. I don't know where that Bishop is, but speech like that can land you in jail in European countries. Tommy Robinson is still in jail in the UK for a YouTube video! We need to make westerners aware of plummeting birth rates and most importantly get westerners back in Church.
As people become less impoverished and are brought into the middle and upper middle class, the less children they have.
This is a talking point that the globalists love to spout (they frame it as a good thing, of course), but it's simply not true. It's very much possible to have material abundance and healthy birthrates simultaneously, and we know it's possible because historical records prove it. America was very wealthy in the 50's and 60's and yet it had perfectly healthy birthrates. Today, America's economy is in shambles and yet the birthrates are absolutely tragic even in spite of the infinity migrants flooding in. Clearly, material abundance is not the issue.

The decline in birthrates has nothing to do with economics and everything to do with women's rights and other psyops and social engineering projects. Latin America has none of the material abundance America has, but it still has tragic birthrates, and the reason for that is because Latin America also has all the same psyops and social engineering projects, that's the common denominator.

Get rid of feminism, outlaw birth control methods and abortion, and you immediately solve the birthrate problem. There are other problems that hurt birthrates, but solving just those things would be enough solve the problem. It's literally that easy, but no nation of Earth is willing to do any of these things with any degree of seriousness.

Getting rid of feminism would be the most important step, but it's so insidious and so deeply rooted that I don't think it's even possible to remove it in any real sense, I certainly don't think there's even a will for it. Even among people who are supposedly opposed to feminism, there are next to none who actually want to fully remove it (meaning take away women's right to vote, remove them from the workplace, set up the legal system in such a way that they actually depend on their husbands and they get nothing if they initiate a divorce, etc), which means they're all really just first or second-wave feminists at heart.
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As predictable as this is, it’s still infuriating to see it. For decades, Bashar al-Assad protected minority religious communities in Syria, including the country’s large Christian population. No one in the United States was allowed to notice this, and anyone who did was immediately denounced by neocons as a dangerous extremist. Bari Weiss declared Tulsi Gabbard “monstrous” and an “Assad toady” for noticing. But it was true. Assad protected the Christians. The weaker Assad was, the more Christians died. During the years that neocons in the west backed the war against Assad, the percentage of Christians in Syria went from ten percent to two percent. Now that Assad has been driven from power, many of the remaining Syrian Christians are being slaughtered and their holy places desecrated. Bari Weiss and John Bolton haven’t said a word about it. But no one who’s paying attention can be surprised it’s happening. Neocon projects in the Middle East invariably destroy ancient Christian communities, from Iraq to Gaza and in many places in between. Can this be an accident? You wonder.

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The Escalation of Fighting and Civilian Deaths in Syria

Press Statement

Marco Rubio, Secretary of State

March 9, 2025

The United States condemns the radical Islamist terrorists, including foreign jihadis, that murdered people in western Syria in recent days. The United States stands with Syria’s religious and ethnic minorities, including its Christian, Druze, Alawite, and Kurdish communities, and offers its condolences to the victims and their families. Syria’s interim authorities must hold the perpetrators of these massacres against Syria’s minority communities accountable.