The Venezuela-Guyana Conflict Thread

The funny thing is invading Guyana from Venezuela is like trying to march through the Mississippi delta. Not so much a thing.

Also Chevron (through acquiring Hess) and Exxon have major interests in those oilfields. Methinks as stated... There's nothing going to happen significantly to alter corporate deals already in the works.
I just want to focus on this part "The only roads that lead from Venezuela to Esequibo are through Brazil".

So if Venezeula wants to invade they would need permission from Brazil to pass through Brazilian territory. That does not seem that likely to me. And Venezuela would not dare start a war Brazil because they would get their ass handed to them.
The Biden administration is set to potentially renew sanctions on Venezuelan oil in April after the banning of an opposition candidate for this year’s presidential elections, Bloomberg reports. The six-month suspension of sanctions on Venezuelan oil ends in April, and the Biden administration may renew all sanctions at that time due to failure to meet the conditions for their lifting.
Last week, opposition leader Maria Corina Machado was blocked from running for president by a court ruling in a move she has referred to as “judicial criminality” orchestrated by Venezuelan leader Nicolas Maduro.