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The US Income Tax system might be voluntary and most Americans may not actually be liable to pay income tax

Anyone who thinks they can get away with not paying taxes for any length of time is a fucking moron.

This is fed bait 101.

Of course income tax is unconstitutional.

But not paying it is a surefire way to get nailed. ask Vox Day's dad.
Just the thread title alone has that "Free Men on the land" vibe.
Just the thread title alone has that "Free Men on the land" vibe.
If you want to pay no tax, go unbanked, fake your own death, and cut up your social security card. I know a guy who went the Free Men on the Land route with all of this, but in all honesty it seems to be so much more trouble than it is worth.
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18%? Heavens to Murgatroyd! I pay 55% tax where I live!

Marvin The Martian What GIF

Sounds like one of those nordic femminist "paradises" !
The only real way to do this is never file and by definition, they won't know you or be able to cross reference you (very easily). That can only really be done, however, if you are a 1099 your whole life.
I have a friend who inadvertently started doing this 30 years ago. So far so good. He actually didn't file for 10 years prior to Covid and then filed a 1099 "exempt" to get the checks and got all of them. He hasn't filed again since.

However, the key to his success with this is that he has an LLC that pays him 19K a year (just under the tax exempt poverty line) and he shows no other income via his social security number. He brings in another 150K a year in cash via very ingenious off-grid side hustles that do not involve dealing drugs or hurting others (one is a scrap metal/recycling business).
Anyone who thinks they can get away with not paying taxes for any length of time is a fucking moron. This is fed bait 101.
Disagree. See above.
Of course income tax is unconstitutional.
"If a law is unjust, a man is not only right to disobey it, he is obligated to do so."
I have a friend who inadvertently started doing this 30 years ago. So far so good. He actually didn't file for 10 years prior to Covid and then filed a 1099 "exempt" to get the checks and got all of them. He hasn't filed again since.

However, the key to his success with this is that he has an LLC that pays him 19K a year (just under the tax exempt poverty line) and he shows no other income via his social security number. He brings in another 150K a year in cash via very ingenious off-grid side hustles that do not involve dealing drugs or hurting others (one is a scrap metal/recycling business).

Disagree. See above.

"If a law is unjust, a man is not only right to disobey it, he is obligated to do so."
Congratulations, you found the exception that proves the rule.

Riddle me this Batman...
How a bout a regular working person with a corporate job making 200k with a family and insurance being paid given W2. How are they supposed to do this and not get caught?

I mean if you want to play that game go ahead... I'll take the bigger salary, benefits, and being right in the event of financial scrutiny.
Congratulations, you found the exception that proves the rule.
Nah, I didn't "find" anything. There are all types out there living great lives. Some are by the book, others not so much. The interesting part that you blew past was that you claim fed taxes are unconstitutional but you pay them anyway. And so let's try this again... "If a law is unjust, a man is not only right to disobey it, he is obligated to do so."
Riddle me this Batman...
I'm not Batman, I'm Purple Nurple.
How a bout a regular working person with a JQ corporate job making 200k with a family and JQ insurance being paid given a JQ-W2. How are they supposed to do this and not get caught by the JQ?
Fixed it for you.
I mean if you want to play that game go ahead... I'll take the bigger salary, benefits, and being right in the event of financial scrutiny.
Bigger salary, bigger taxes to fund unnecessary, unwinnable (without nukes) JQ war games which morons voluntarily sign up for to get their legs blown off for nothing.

Mission Accomplished!
Nah, I didn't "find" anything. There are all types out there living great lives. Some are by the book, others not so much. The interesting part that you blew past was that you claim fed taxes are unconstitutional but you pay them anyway. And so let's try this again... "If a law is unjust, a man is not only right to disobey it, he is obligated to do so."

I'm not Batman, I'm Purple Nurple.

Fixed it for you.

Bigger salary, bigger taxes to fund unnecessary, unwinnable (without nukes) JQ war games which morons voluntarily sign up for to get their legs blown off for nothing.

Mission Accomplished!

Yes they are unconstitutional, but that doesn't mean that I'm willing to go to jail for not paying them.

There are plenty of realities in life that are unjust but we suffer them given the realities of rebellion resulting in an inability to participate in your families success.

You are familiar with the "render unto Caesar what is Caesar's and God what is God's" right? There was this Holy man who said that once ... Might check him out....

And No.... A bigger salary for a family so that they have a better future within the system we live in, I can have peace of mind know that if I die from a tragedy they have a paid for house and opportunities for success. I don't see you moving to Libya to escape our JQ system. You can disparagingly remark about that reality all you want, but me giving bigly to the Church is contingent on my ability to make a living.

As for insurance and all that... This sort of comment belies either someone with out kids or someone that hasn't experienced issues. To insult someone for providing something for their family in a moral and ethical way is the height of idiotic Internet points.

Isn't it just as Jewish to kvetch and argue of ways to scam the system? Who's the Jew here....me or you?

If you have owned your own business you know hard it is for people to deal with state regulations and taxes and laws. If people want to play that game fine.

If someone wants to play the game if not paying taxes... Go ahead... Good luck... But you better not get caught messing about and get your pepe slammed in the desk drawer aka audited and screwed.

Again... Go look at vox day's dad and the effect of not paying your taxes.

As I said... You found one extreme example that the vast majority of people here are not going to do. And I'll add... That's not that much money in the grand scheme of things.

Is the person paying themselves 19k also using any government subsidies like medical insurance? If so...they are abusing the system and stealing your tax payer dollars and thieves.
He brings in another 150K a year in cash via very ingenious off-grid side hustles that do not involve dealing drugs or hurting others (one is a scrap metal/recycling business).
Does he try to get the cash into "banks"? Just curious.

Unless you've already done this for a long time, at this point I'd just make money in the US, or what's left of the west, and just geo-arb anyway. I was telling someone the other day that at this point, and yes this is a simplification but guys around here know it gets at the main pint of things, all the US is good for is making money. And even that's running out.

It's hard telling other people that there's not much left when you don't have a future or family to make excuses for the dumb grind you have, but it's mostly true. They also don't like it when you are a person who has a good net worth, or a good amount of discretionary cash/flow. That's what is so sad about the system, though - it has incentivized productive guys to just take their ball and go home. That doesn't work out well for anyone in the end, and especially women, who are more or less incapable of really changing or fighting the culture. I think the elites know that, or the evil forces influencing them surely do, so now we're all just waiting for the next shoe to drop. Sadly, we will see it much sooner than most people realize.
We are free-range humans on a tax farm. Don't pay up and you will wind up on the chopping block eventually.
This reminded me of a comment on a video about how the world has just morphed into a different type of slave farming i.e. it's just clandestine now. It's pretty obvious to me that's the way of the world, but what's interesting is that a few countries break away, for a time, and have good runs until the collective sinks them back into oblivion (hello USA, haha).