The Trump-Vance Administration (The People Who Work For Trump)

Is Hegseth a good appointment? I've read some criticism, but I don't really know him at all. The other picks seem solid at least.
Some say he is too much of a Zionist. He certainly is one, but any alternative is likely to be the same, so in a way it doesn't matter.

What's good is that he is extremely outspoken about removing all wokeness from the military, and getting rid of the traitors that actually refused to carry out Trumps orders the last time around.
Some say he is too much of a Zionist. He certainly is one, but any alternative is likely to be the same, so in a way it doesn't matter.

What's good is that he is extremely outspoken about removing all wokeness from the military, and getting rid of the traitors that actually refused to carry out Trumps orders the last time around.
This is pretty much the case. He will rebuild the military by focusing on the war fighter not the woke fighter
Trump may not need to do a recess appointment, he could also just wait to appoint the RINO favorites until the end; first they appoint his MAGA candidates, and then they'll get Rubio, Waltz, and other swamp men. Pretty sure Trump would get everyone he wants with this strategy.

NEW: Border Patrol & ICE morale is surging following Trump’s win & appointment of Tom Homan as border czar.

I reached out to a handful of contacts to gauge the temperature, and it sounds like a night & day change.

Responses below:

ICE officer: "It’s a total 180, troops are finally feeling like the sun is coming out after a very long storm. People are fired up to have support. It’s amazing because we all became so numb I don’t think we realized how bad until we finally have hope again. Everyone so happy about Homan's return."

ICE official: "I feel that people know now they will get to do the work they signed up to do. And that they want to do. They know they can get the bad guys now. Public safety threats, national security threats, gang members, here we come!"

ICE officer: “[Morale] super high. Especially with the Homan news too.”

AZ Border Patrol agent: "Ecstatic to go to work! Morale is even higher than the first time he won."

CA Border Patrol agent: "We've all been hopeful but the giveups are still trickling in. Nothing will change until Tom Homan takes the leash off us."

TX Border Patrol agent: "Oh dude people who were going to retire are not and everyone is happy."

Border Patrol union also tells FOX agent morale is surging.

Lots of excitement about Tom Homan being named Border Czar. Widely respected within Border Patrol & ICE.

Several contacts also indicated they're looking forward to no longer having to use politically correct language, for instance, "noncitizen" instead of illegal immigrant.
I'm quite sure there's a strategy to all this. Neither Gaetz nor Trump are retarded.

Matt Gaetz just resigned from Congress so that DeSantis can call a special election eight weeks from today and his seat will not go empty for a minute.

Also, this means Gaetz knows something about confirmations.

They’re likely going recess for the whole Cabinet.

We’re about to save this damn country.
You almost had a good post until your usual shortsightedness kicked in.

America was already 100% beholden to Talmudic interests with Dems in power. With Trump in power, it goes down to like 80%. You clearly have no idea what's going on between either party. The last cabinet under Biden was 100% Talmud, ethnically Jewish.

Amazing how dishonest ideologues like yourself cannot admit basic facts.

The fact that Thomas Massie is going to be a part of Trump's cabinet, who refuses AIPAC money, is massive, but Massie could not get in unless guys like Mike Waltz get in. This is basic horse trading, and that is the reality of Congress being owned by Talmuds. This isn't 4D chess, it's basic checkers and it's the only thing anyone could reasonably do in Trump's situation.

The fact that Trump can even get in a single anti-AIPAC person into his administration is the most positive news we've had in decades, yet all you can do is blackpill because you lack capacity for introspective thought.
No one here is fit to judge what a "good post" is. Your insinuation of dishonesty on my part is as unwelcome as it is slandering and evident of your own uncontrollable anger.

"until your usual shortsightedness kicked in."
"clearly have no idea what's going on"
"dishonest ideologues like yourself cannot admit basic facts"
"all you can do is blackpill because you lack capacity for introspective thought"

I am not one of the cuckservative peons or liberal dunces you are forced to interact with at work or in your social circles, do try to remember that. You can have an open filter and engagement with detractors like myself that you will never get from those people, and I will answer any query you pose to me, openly and honestly. The echo chamber we have here lets you talk as freely as the rest of us, so you have no reason to hold anything back, unless you are afraid to do so.

The immediate guttural reaction to anything reasonably critical about this Administration as "blackpilling" is almost as useless as calling someone a racist is nowadays. Recognizing that America is in a swamp and nothing will change outside of surface-level liberal demonism, in place of which you get a jewish power and position that is only further entrenched into America and protected by additional laws is not a blackpill. A presence that is insidiously more demonic and dangerous than the unhinged liberal freaks yet coincidentally has the same anti-Christian and anti-White agenda.

How exactly is this a blackpill if I preach that the people must become more spiritually attuned and physically gritty and tribally connected to deal with the future? This same logic would call the Bible a blackpilling book for saying how we're all allegedly about to get wrecked in Revelations.

Continual references to the Biden Administration as a deflection from the Trump Administration like it was some kind of completely different entity is a flip-switch tactic that is easy for comparison because it is done within the confines of the system rather than an honest look from the outside in. Yes they are different, but the end goal doesn't change from one admin to the other. What I mean by that dynamic is this:

Whether 80% or 100% jews either one of them is a gross overrepresentation of the less than 2% of the jewish American population. There shouldn't be a single yid near the cabinet lid. Two wings of the same bird will apply eternally to both of these parties as long as the jewish control, blackmail, and lobbyism remains. The trading horse game you reference is not a fair trade, nor done with bargaining posture from the American White majority, it is a slow-release.

The case with Massie, it's still early to tell, but his position, which is not confirmed yet, would be in agriculture and he would only act as a gnat for jewish food consortiums to swat at. Little victories may be allowed to keep the slaves from revolting completely, but nothing big will ever return to the people by this system. You should know this from studying the nature of power under jewish kleptocracy. Nothing will ever change as long as the jews are part of the government or receive concessions from an allegedly Christian state. Don't shoot the messenger for relaying what has been a reality for 79 years in Western Europe, 107 in Russia, and 111 in the USA. Orthodox Byzantium kept the jews in their place and that is why they survived for a millennia. The same with Charlemagne's Reich.

When you are ruled over, you are ruled over, there is no equal footing without deposing the current ruler completely and utterly.

Also the overrepresentation of jews and shabbos goys in any US presidential administration is a dependent variable that is interchangeable. There could be no jews in the cabinet but only shabbos goys, bought and paid for by jewish lobbies to get the job done. So essentially now we're seeing less genetic jews in the cabinet but more chicken hawks, scammers, and 3rd temple nuts. This renders comparison to the Biden administration impotent, even more so now that jews are openly celebrating Trump with what they expect will come under him. So instead of your claim of 100% jews we now have 80% jews, yet a more bold and open jewish agenda that shows no signs of slowing.

Operation "Warp Speed" was also the biggest jewish swindle in American history, did the Biden Administration bring Americans this? They capitalized off of its after-effects, but weren't overseeing its construction and implementation. Trump's appointed chief of staff is big-pharma demon Susie Wiles who has spent her entire career feeding from the trough of the jews at Pfizer.

The shabbos goys are more damaging than the jews themselves, here's a woman who shouldn't even be in politics asserting her vagino-supremacy over what Americans can say about the treasured and protected dreidels. As Secretary of DHS she will weaponize federal law enforcement further against Americans who are starting to organize in their noticing:

"Kristi Noem annouences her intent to implement nation-wide "anti-semitism" laws."
View attachment noemlovesjews.mp4

The coddling is incredibly cringeworthy. I despise these people who dare to call themselves Christian obeisance themselves to the rats who murdered Our Lord and carry that curse with them into eternity. There will be no blessing for America for as long as they honor those who have no honor and can never be honorable. It is as it always was, up to the people, to remove their oppressor or die under their boot.

Anyone who covers and deflects for these whores and prostitutes will not be remembered pleasantly in the future, if they are remembered at all.

"The nation which indulges towards another a habitual hatred or a habitual fondness is in some degree a slave. It is a slave to its animosity or to its affection, either of which is sufficient to lead it astray from its duty and its interest." - George Washington.
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Robert F. Kennedy junior right now
