The Trump-Vance Administration (The People Who Work For Trump)

I'm seeing the giddy glee over Elon Musk being put in charge of DOGE, and then this song came on at the restaurant where I'm having dinner. It's a song that came out when the Berlin Wall fell, and the Cold War ended.

I'm too cynical to think now is like then, but I am feeling a little hopeful

It looks like Trump's domestic policy picks so far have been good--at least in the sense that they've been very unconventional. Unfortunately, it looks like his foreign policy picks have been Israel Firsters and people who are not serious about preventing the next world war. The level of pride and ignorance now being elevated to some of the highest levels of leadership signals that we are about to fall, and fall hard.

Look at Trump's pick for Defense Secretary:

It reminds me of when Trump commented that, after starting a war with Iran, that "we don't need an exit strategy."

Pride goes before the fall. We just elected one of the most prideful individuals on the face of the planet to lead the United States. It's not a good characteristic for a leader.
What they deserve, and who can get actually get through the RINO Senate appointment process are two very different questions.

People are making the mistake as if Trump has control over his cabinet. He doesn't. Very few Presidents do. In Trump's case, he is especially constrained by the RINO Senate.

All of Trump's picks must be Zionists or else they will not get through. This is just the political reality of Talmudic Jews owning Congress.

Have any of these key NatSec appointees demonstrated understanding of the changing world dynamic? There are plenty of brains in there, but have they noticed. We know that all appointees, save Massie, are old thinkers on Israel. Ok, so be it, the israel taboo is just that strong.

It looks like Trump's domestic policy picks so far have been good--at least in the sense that they've been very unconventional. Unfortunately, it looks like his foreign policy picks have been Israel Firsters and people who are not serious about preventing the next world war. The level of pride and ignorance now being elevated to some of the highest levels of leadership signals that we are about to fall, and fall hard.

Look at Trump's pick for Defense Secretary: snip

It reminds me of when Trump commented that, after starting a war with Iran, that "we don't need an exit strategy."

Pride goes before the fall. We just elected one of the most prideful individuals on the face of the planet to lead the United States. It's not a good characteristic for a leader.

Exact same concern as you @Cornelius V.E.

I see no evidence of such thinking. I hope I'm wrong. Maybe it's too taboo, or un 'Merican to say it out loud, but we are living on old assumptions. I've been after this issue for the last year. The taboo needs to be broken. Reality isn't un-American. The people can handle it and will welcome leadership that faces reality head on, as opposed to expired dogma.
It looks like Trump's domestic policy picks so far have been good--at least in the sense that they've been very unconventional. Unfortunately, it looks like his foreign policy picks have been Israel Firsters and people who are not serious about preventing the next world war. The level of pride and ignorance now being elevated to some of the highest levels of leadership signals that we are about to fall, and fall hard.

Look at Trump's pick for Defense Secretary:

It reminds me of when Trump commented that, after starting a war with Iran, that "we don't need an exit strategy."

Pride goes before the fall. We just elected one of the most prideful individuals on the face of the planet to lead the United States. It's not a good characteristic for a leader.

How prideful a person is compared to another is literally unknowable. Perhaps there was another realistic candidate on the ballot that had characteristics that you preferred? The election was a week ago and Trump deserves time and room to work.

NEW: Newly appointed Secretary of Defense Pete Hegseth on reforming US military leadership:

Anyone "involved in the woke sh*t has got to have to reestablish that trust by putting in no-nonsense warfighters in those positions who aren't going to cater to the socially correct garbage."


HEGSETH: There's a chance to course correct it, but, it would take the new a new Trump administration going after it really hard.

RYAN: How would they correct it? Well, first of all, you got a fire.

HEGSETH: "You've got to fire the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs and obviously, to bring in a new Secretary of Defense, but any General that was involved, General, Admiral, whatever that was involved in any of the DEI woke sh*t has got to go."

"Either you're in for war fighting and that's it. That's the only litmus test we care about. You got to get DEI and CRT out of military academies. You're not training young officers to be baptized in this type of thinking. And then, you know, whatever the standards, whatever the combat standards were, say, and, I don't know, 1995, let's just make those the standards. And as far as recruiting to hire the guy that, you know, did Top Gun Maverick and create some real ads that motivate people to want to serve."

"And there's lots of other ways in which you could identify who gets promoted and what. But there's an ethos change, I mean, there's a reason we're not, people don't want to serve because they don't trust that their senior leaders are going to have their best interest in mind in combat."

"I know there were mistakes made on our tours all over the place. But I, at least for the most part, had a sense that my senior leaders were committed to the completion of the mission for the right reasons, and maybe there were strategic differences and all that other stuff. And it wasn't always perfect, but now that trust is broken. And you have to reestablish that trust by by putting in no nonsense warfighters in those positions who aren't going to cater to the socially correct garbage."

The remarks were made in an episode of The Shawn Ryan Show released November 7.
HEGSETH: "You've got to fire the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs and obviously, to bring in a new Secretary of Defense, but any General that was involved, General, Admiral, whatever that was involved in any of the DEI woke sh*t has got to go."

By that criterion, I doubt there is a single flag officer that will be retained. Even SOCOM super warriors got roped into those things.
National Security Advisor appointee Mike Waltz:

This is what I am talking about - outdated assumptions and over the top bravado. Respecting this sounds like campaign stumping, it isn't going to work irl. He may be too young and gentile to qualify as a neocon, but he's setting us up for a fall or at least a helluva unnecessary battle.
HEGSETH: "You've got to fire the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs and obviously, to bring in a new Secretary of Defense, but any General that was involved, General, Admiral, whatever that was involved in any of the DEI woke sh*t has got to go."

By that criterion, I doubt there is a single flag officer that will be retained. Even SOCOM super warriors got roped into those things.

I’m not in the military. How would that even work? You fire all of the generals and admirals and start interviewing for new ones?
Obama turned over the leadership of the military in order to bring in teh gey. Trump can do the same in reverse.

I’ve had a while to think about what’s going on and what the Trump win means. Truth is Troon Troopers led by Colonel Paw Patrol (you’ve seen the picture) just aren’t that good and now Israel is in trouble. Hamas and Hezbollah have social media too. They attacked for a reason. Zionists threw their hat in with Trump for a reason.

The hope is from certain Zionists elements in the Deep State / Cathedral Trump will roll back the Wokeness and rally white men so the US can project strength again. It’s basically a Hail Mary. Trump probably cut a deal - stay out of his way and he’ll deliver white America AND Hispanic America which Mexican Americans might as well be white at this point. They don’t give a shit about Israel and just want a safe, functional society to raise their families.

The deal is probably “don’t drum up the race riots and endless hoaxes or another pandemic and I won’t run the revenge campaign I promised. Just go away.” Incidentally FBI’s Christopher Wray announced retiring soon. How’s that for a smoking gun?
National Security Advisor appointee Mike Waltz:

This is what I am talking about - outdated assumptions and over the top bravado. Respecting this sounds like campaign stumping, it isn't going to work irl. He may be too young and gentile to qualify as a neocon, but he's setting us up for a fall or at least a helluva unnecessary battle.

The clip contradicts the caption. Mike was quoting Trump who said, "You try anything and I'll take the tops off the Kremlin."

Have any of these key NatSec appointees demonstrated understanding of the changing world dynamic? There are plenty of brains in there, but have they noticed. We know that all appointees, save Massie, are old thinkers on Israel. Ok, so be it, the israel taboo is just that strong.

It's not a taboo. 98% of Congress relies on AIPAC money to win their elections. Talmuds literally own Congress. Congress cretins won't bite the hand that feeds them, so they will not vote for anyone who is not 100% pro-Talmud.

For God's sake, doesn't anyone remember Biden's last cabinet? Literally, 100% ethnically Jewish.
It’s funny. In 1992 I was 15 years old, I heard the song and thought it was gay, pretentious, stupid.

I hear it now and think its beautiful
I'm about 10 years older than you, but in the early '90s I dated a woman who turned me onto alternative rock and this was one of the tracks that opened my ears to music beyond "classic rock."

Great song that you don't hear much anymore, but perfect for this moment.
The silver lining is that there are no dual-citizen appointments (so far).

And that might be why they tried so hard to keep him out of office. Because ultimately he will prioritize USA above Israel.
Spoke too soon. He's beholden to them like a true evangelical ziocuck. Here he is in 2018 at the King David Hotel kvetching for the 3rd temple:
View attachment ziocucksecdef.mp4


Yes you are all going to get your MAGA, but only because there is a need for a MIGA. One serves the other. The picks so far seem to be designed to clean up and strengthen the American homeland, but only for the purpose of benefitting the jews. America will be much more beholden to jewish interests now. The jackboots will get to beat browns and muslims and blacks again for a little bit, but the dialectic flip is as inevitable as the sunrise.

It's like watching a cooking show, only played out across the geopolitical arena in real-time. The jewish chefs noticed their ingredients were cooking too quickly, so they turned the heat down to simmer and opted for the slow-cooker approach.

Before any hopium addict calls this blackpilling, just think why this is happening. Yes we all know the jews control the government, but the entire American apparatus has been mobilized for a desert parking lot far away. Just listening to the zeal of these cucks as they clamor for the right of jews to have land whilst denying their own people that same right is sickening. These people may be White, and allegedly Christian, but they are not noble beings.

Here is he kvetching against people noticing dual-loyalty:

"Zionism and Americanism are the frontlines of western civilization and freedom in our world today. And what better time for that relationship"
View attachment dualloyalty.mp4

Who needs dual-citizens in politics when israel has friends like this?
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Here he is in 2018 at the King David Hotel kvetching for the 3rd temple:

The King David Hotel was also the site of a zionist terror attack against the British administration in 1946, which killed 91 people including a significant number of the British envoys to Palestine.

They never let a chance to mock the West pass them by.
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