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The Russell Brand Thread

@Samseau would you please change the thread title to correct the spelling of Russel to Russell?
I remember posting the same thing on this thread on RVF. I looked online and it seems like he uniformly uses two Ls. However, there are a number of people on the internet who use only one. Perhaps he went by Russel for a while? It seems too wide spread to just be a speling error.

Edit: Also, praise God for his salvation. Another one in the fold!
celebrity and Christian is probably an oxymoron

...you know, the whole humility component is kind of essential.

Yes and no - many nations have converted en masse when a major figure, like Constantine or Vladimir, converts.

At the same time, the conversion of a celebrity means nothing if it is not sincere; so if the celeb displays humility, to God, Christ, and His Church, then we can be sure it's solid conversion of a famous person for the glory of God.