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The Russell Brand Thread


Other Christian
Any update on the accusations?

I read a couple of days ago on the Daily Mail that he'd earned over £300,000 since the accusations, and the Mail was making out that he shouldn't be allowed to make money now.

I remember a time when people were innocent until proven otherwise. Fond memories.
I remember a time when people were innocent until proven otherwise. Fond memories.
He was a 30 year old man who slept with a 16 year old girl. Normies have watched so much Hollywood TV that they think it’s rape by default (even if the AoC is technically 16) so in their eyes he’s already admitted guilt.
It takes longer for some people to grow up and I think Brand is one of them. There's different stages of "waking up" no matter what kind of social status you have.

He made a heralding speech and instead of being ridiculed by either side, called a conspiracy theorist and/or called controlled opposition he should be praised.
The timing of the accusations, plus the modicum of “proof” required for sexual assault “convictions” these days, makes me very incredulous about their veracity.

But Brand does seem to blow with the wind. His Hollywood career peaked, as did his ability to capitalize on the notoriety associated with his BBC radio days.

This “based” leftism spiel he turned to a few years back appears to just have been a way to carve out a profitable niche post-Hollywood and post-BBC.

Someone can correct me on the exact quote but I recall Brand was on BBC Question Time and he called Nigel Farage, a fellow guest, a “two pound shop Enoch Powell”.

Russell Brand is not one of us and rather is a gross opportunist, irrespective of my strong suspicions he’s being set up for voicing verboten views of late.
The timing of the accusations, plus the modicum of “proof” required for sexual assault “convictions” these days, makes me very incredulous about their veracity.

But Brand does seem to blow with the wind. His Hollywood career peaked, as did his ability to capitalize on the notoriety associated with his BBC radio days.

This “based” leftism spiel he turned to a few years back appears to just have been a way to carve out a profitable niche post-Hollywood and post-BBC.

Someone can correct me on the exact quote but I recall Brand was on BBC Question Time and he called Nigel Farage, a fellow guest, a “two pound shop Enoch Powell”.

Russell Brand is not one of us and rather is a gross opportunist, irrespective of my strong suspicions he’s being set up for voicing verboten views of late.

When you write that he is 'not one of us', what is it you're assuming?

I don't see myself as 'left' or 'right-wing'. I am a Christian. I welcome the opportunity to discuss a wide variety of topics, many of them considered controversial, that this forum provides, and many of my opinions are certainly politically unorthodox, but I feel it's wrong to view this forum as a 'right-wing' talking shop. The left/right dichotomy is a false one, IMHO.
When you write that he is 'not one of us', what is it you're assuming?

I don't see myself as 'left' or 'right-wing'. I am a Christian. I welcome the opportunity to discuss a wide variety of topics, many of them considered controversial, that this forum provides, and many of my opinions are certainly politically unorthodox, but I feel it's wrong to view this forum as a 'right-wing' talking shop. The left/right dichotomy is a false one, IMHO.
I didn’t reference the left/right distinction because it goes well beyond that.

My issue with Brand is that he seems to have chameleon-like qualities.

When he’s wanted to get applause from conventional leftists, he’s attacked people like Farage on Question Time. I personally think Enoch Powell was and still is the most prescient politician in post-World War II Western history, but Brand comparing him to Farage was all about insinuating that Farage was stoking a “Rivers of Blood” race war.

To garner applause from legitimately skeptical people, those concerned about corporate hegemony and propaganda, Brand’s now gone down a different route.

Brand hitherto had an entire lucrative career out of “fighting” the establishment (after a career sucking up to it), as the money he has lost since demonetization shows. Mentioning that demonetization as “proof” he is a real activist willing to sacrifice for a cause is not a valid argument, as I doubt even he came anywhere close to predicting the current wave of sexual abuse allegations.

Farage may have SOME money due to a reasonably successful trading career and European political salary for decades, but it’s peanuts compared to the vitriol he’s faced.

Brand waltzed into “fighting” and made millions from verbose commentary/boilerplate. He reminds me of a vulgar, more leftwing Tomi Lahren, merely packaging well-worn, albeit valid material and pretending he’s coming along with some new, precious insights nobody else has thought of (or publicly stated).

There are leftists I dislike for their views, like Chomsky, but one can at least respect some of his views and insights, and admire the consistency with which he holds them.

Noam Chomsky doesn’t seem to get relevance deprivation syndrome and change course to carve out a new sort of popularity. Brand does.

Again, I see the sexual abuse allegations against Russell Brand as likely coordinated and concocted. Making abuse allegations now often means a legal attempt to get civil damages, enriching the plaintiff even if a criminal trial is unsuccessful. The idea that accusers “can’t benefit” is laughable. That said, Brand’s present political shtick is disingenuous in my eyes, aside from him almost certainly being targeted for his stated views with these accusations.
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It's fascinating to watch happen. 2020 was a watershed moment. People who are sincere, eventually, have no option but to seriously look at Christ. It's interesting this is happening so much to the rebel and outlier types of personalities. Shia Labeouf is another one. I'll be praying for them.

Russell Brand spoke recently with Jonathan Pageau. This is significant:

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This is a very interesting development. I believe this newest version of Brand. I think he's sincere. He's a good actor, but he's not that good of an actor.

I've always kind of liked Brand which is not to say I agree with everything he says. He's led a very interesting life. Maybe he's a lizard person, or an AI robot sent from the future, or JQ controlled opposition, or a "plant," but something tells me he's just a guy who got lucky in the entertainment industry and is now doing his best to make sense of the world.
Iv been seeing Brand share his Christian walk on Instagram, he has a cross now and he was reading the purpose driven life a protestant book and he was loving it, then CS Lewis then he started attending a Catholic church and he has been enjoying it, then he said he wants to visit an Orthodox church and he is talking about wanting to get baptised, although today I saw he pulled a tarot card and was explaining it which is obviously a big no no but he is still young in his Christian journey so he probably has no clue on what the church says about that kind of stuff he will soon find out, hopefully he endures this time as he journeys into Christ and His church I hope he makes it