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The rapture

The term "rapture" only came about in the last 150 years or so, far beyond the time when Orthodox theology was codified in the Ecumenical Councils, the last of which was in the 8th century. The Orthodox Church doesn't make up it up as it goes along, and does not have "progressive theology", as you might find in Roman Catholicism. It holds fast to the faith imparted to it by the Apostles and the Saints once, for all time. What you call "post trib amillennial rapture" is a concept no Orthodox would ever have heard of, because it's not in our history, period. Also, at the end of the age, when all are gathered together for the final judgement and sent by Christ to their eternal reward or damnation...is for us NOT a "rapture". It is simply the final judgement. Whether Christ physically gathers us together on Earth or in the sky or in some other dimension...that is not clear...and we don't worry about it or think about it. If you're more interested in what the Orthodox Church teaches in this vein, perhaps this book might interest you:

I guess to me rapture = caught up to meet Christ in the air at the second coming. When you say you don't believe in the rapture, but you believe we will be caught up to meet Christ in the air at the second coming, it seems confusing.

To me, you believe in the rapture, but you dislike using the word so much you claim you don't believe in it. You just believe in the thing that the word represents.
I guess to me rapture = caught up to meet Christ in the air at the second coming. When you say you don't believe in the rapture, but you believe we will be caught up to meet Christ in the air at the second coming, it seems confusing.

To me, you believe in the rapture, but you dislike using the word so much you claim you don't believe in it. You just believe in the thing that the word represents.
It's actually very simple, and it makes historical and anthropological sense to view it as the Orthodox do, like most things. Not many talk about this, but cosmos has gone through ages, with the age before Noah's Ark (Enoch seeing this) with the flood instituting a new age, then the age of preparation of the nations for the Messiah, then the Age of Christ and the church (same thing as the Church is his body), which are the "last days". The world has seen the reign of the Church and the Saints have proclaimed Christ for what He is, and they are a reflection of Him, light and salt. Now, it seems chaos is starting back up again, so we may (or may not be, I do not know but it doesn't look good) be approaching what most refer to as the endtimes in a chronological way, but this would just be the "end of the last days" in any case. This is related to the theology that history is OVER once Christ comes, because he defeats death and has been given all authority in heaven and on earth. In other words, no matter what happens right now or to us, Good has won. The pathetic evil beings and rebels know they are losers, and know their time is limited, which makes them all the more pathetic. So, apparently it has been ordained for chaos to happen at the very chronological end, and at that time some person called AC will come about, and in the end of course he loses and is thrown into the Lake of Fire with the devil and rebellious demons. The breath of our Lord will instantly defeat him and put them there, and that is the day of the Lord, at which "time" there will be the judgment. Then the new age of the renewed heaven and earth begins, where those in the Book of Life are finally with the Lord, sharing in his love and immortality.
It sounds to me like you're saying that you believe in a post-tribulation Rapture, but I already know that if you ask your priest if he believes in a post-tribulation Rapture, he will say that there is no Rapture at all. This is what causes the lack of clarity and confusion in the other side.
Its just the 2nd coming of Christ and yes its at the end of the tribulation, at the end of everything
This makes sense. If I am understanding correctly, the Orthodox believe in the tribulation including a brief reign by the antiChrist, which is brought to an end by the return of Christ, including a post trib rapture.

I guess the next question is whether Orthodox believe in a 1000 year reign of Christ on Earth, followed by Satan being released for a little season, followed by the Great White Throne judgment, and finally the eternal Kingdom of God.

Or, do the White Throne judgment and the Eternal Kingdom immediately follow the second coming?
Father Seraphim Rose says the 1000 year rule of Christ is now we are living in it