I've been thinking about the benefits and pitfalls of online forums like this one. On the one hand, sharing thoughts and debating ideas can be spiritually edifying and intellectually stimulating, and so can sharing personal experiences and laughing with people who share the same world view and tastes. On the other hand, forums encourage people to talk for talking's sake when that may not be the most fruitful experience for them or the people they are interacting with. Not everyone online needs to know every personal detail about your life, or every thought in your brain, yet the temptation to participate as much as you can is there. Forums can become echo chambers and that encourages people to subconsciously begin to tailor their messages to reflect views that will garner more likes. Furthermore, whether an online community is an echo chamber or not, it can become a toxic haven for whining, bad taste, and all kinds of negativity. Like anything online forums are used well by the wise and for ill by the fool.
Thoughts? How would others define the good and bad of Online Forums?
Thoughts? How would others define the good and bad of Online Forums?
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