The Origins of Islam

That checks out. Islam has always struck me as the fantasy religion of a derranged, psychotic coomer
again, muhammed performed wudu (washed himself before prayer) with water into which dead dogs and menstrual rags were thrown and when people questioned it he replied that water is always pure and cant be made unpure, and aisha had to scrape off cum stains from his rolemodel of all times - islam is a murderous mental illness - demonic possession can include rather harmless stupidity - but islam is just mentally ill - even demons are not as filthy and deranged as muhammed - allah is an arab demon, but the word demonic or even satanic are too weak terms for this madness, it is just too strange.
"It would take too long to tell you all the stories about this famous impostor [...] Mohammed's religion consists of a monstrous mixture of Judaism, Paganism and Christianity. Mohammed propagated his religion, not through miracles or persuasive words, but through the force of arms. [It is] a religion that favors every sort of licentiousness and which, in a short time, allowed Mohammed to become the leader of a troop of brigands. Along with them he raided the countries of the East and conquered the people, not by introducing the Truth, not by miracles or prophecy; but for one reason only: to raise his sword over the heads of the conquered shouting: believe or die." - St. John Bosco on Mohammedanism IMG_3212.jpeg
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"It would take too long to tell you all the stories about this famous impostor [...] Mohammed's religion consists of a monstrous mixture of Judaism, Paganism and Christianity. Mohammed propagated his religion, not through miracles or persuasive words, but through the force of arms. [It is] a religion that favors every sort of licentiousness and which, in a short time, allowed Mohammed to become the leader of a troop of brigands. Along with them he raided the countries of the East and conquered the people, not by introducing the Truth, not by miracles or prophecy; but for one reason only: to raise his sword over the heads of the conquered shouting: believe or die." - St. John Bosco on Mohammedanism View attachment 4693
Aquinas said the same, but more complex.
You know what. I’m going to be generous. Mohammad was having some spiritual issues and let’s assume Moe was visited by St. Gabriel and the angel gave him literacy to “read” the Quran. If you know the story, I think that’s where we get the English phrase “the writings on the wall” from.

This presents what TV Tropes calls unfortunate implication. Gabriel visited someone else - the Theotokos. She proclaimed the Magnificat and said “I am the lords humble servant, may it be done according to his will.” I’ve read the Quran. Especially the Meccan verses. Mohammad could have ran home, repented of his sins, and converted to Christianity. But unlike the Theotokos he did not humble himself. He used his vision to make himself a f**king king (no pun intended.) he wasn’t a troubled man with what we would call mental health issues like David and Solomon. He used his vision to rally a bunch of pagans around his own interpretation of “the way” based on HIS life experience rather than any true logosian theology. It’s like Augustine’s City of God. My will be done vs Thy will be done. He should’ve humbled himself, converted to Christianity like his first wife, and spread the gospel to Arabia. But no - he wanted to be a King and got more unhinged as he got older. If that was the gospel, I’d go follow Ghengis Kahn. I can get more excited over his life than Mohammad’s.

Just some food for thought. It gets even funnier when you know the man’s job. Mohammad - King of the Salesmen
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You know what. I’m going to be generous. Mohammad was having some spiritual issues and let’s assume Moe was visited by St. Gabriel and the angel gave him literacy to “read” the Quran. If you know the story, I think that’s where we get the English phrase “the writings on the wall” from.

This presents what TV Tropes calls unfortunate implication. Gabriel visited someone else - the Theotokos. She proclaimed the Magnificat and said “I am the lords humble servant, may it be done according to his will.” I’ve read the Quran. Especially the Meccan verses. Mohammad could have ran home, repented of his sins, and converted to Christianity. But unlike the Theotokos he did not humble himself. He used his vision to make himself a f**king king (no pun intended.) he wasn’t a troubled man with what we would call mental health issues like David and Solomon. He used his vision to rally a bunch of pagans around his own interpretation of “the way” based on HIS life experience rather than any true logosian theology. It’s like Augustine’s City of God. My will be done vs Thy will be done. He should’ve humbled himself, converted to Christianity like his first wife, and spread the gospel to Arabia. But no - he wanted to be a King and got more unhinged as he got older. If that was the gospel, I’d go follow Ghengis Kahn. I can get more excited over his life than Mohammad’s.

Just some food for thought. It gets even funnier when you know the man’s job. Mohammad - King of the Salesmen
Genghis Khan never pretended to be anything other than a ruthless conqueror. At least he's honest while Mohammad was equally bloodthirsty but covered it all in a veneer of false righteousness and spiritual deception. I'd take the former any day over the latter.
Interestingly enough, the Mongols believed the Pope to be a ruler of some sort but upon spying, they realized he functioned as a holy man. They even claimed that the God of the Christians had spoken to Genghis Khan. Nestorian Christians had made mission trips to Mongolia very early.
Not so much the great Khan but a lot of Mongols did consider converting to Christianity. In its Nestorian form.
Made up, copy pasted and amalgamated into a monotheistic 'religion' designed for conquest and assimilation.

Very similar to the stories of certain people also spawning from the middle east
You know what. I’m going to be generous. Mohammad was having some spiritual issues and let’s assume Moe was visited by St. Gabriel and the angel gave him literacy to “read” the Quran. If you know the story, I think that’s where we get the English phrase “the writings on the wall” from.

The expression "the writing is on the wall" comes directly from the Bible, Daniel 5. Letting King Belshazzar know he was history, literally and figuratively.

And this the writing that was written, MENE, MENE, TEKEL, UPHARSIN. This the interpretation of the thing:
MENE; God hath numbered thy kingdom, and finished it.
TEKEL; Thou art weighed in the balances, and art found wanting.
PERES; Thy kingdom is divided, and given to the Medes and Persians.
There are some fundamental differences between how the Angel Gabriel appears in the Bible vs the Quran:

Gabriel of the Bible:
Brings calmness and relieves people of fear
Known for making sure that people knew the message he was bringing

Gabriel of the Quran:
Not very helpful (Is he an angel at all?)
Quranic verses distinguish Gabriel from Allah, the believers and the angels (Implication that he is a different being)
Hadith literature (Sahih al-Bukhari): ‘Gabriel’ caught Mohammed forcefully and pressed him so hard (multiple times) until he could no longer breathe. He then sought the comfort of Khadija (First wife of Mohammed) as he was deeply fearful of the previous encounter. He attempted to commit suicide multiple times, ‘Gabriel’ would appear at just the right moment to comfort Mohammed.
They believe in ghouls and various other supernatural creatures. I can only assume that most of these creatures come from random Arabic pagan religions. Islam is a weird blob of a lot of religions. People only think it's "based" because it has enough elements copied from Christianity to seem that way, especially in contrast to the insanity of the modern world.


"If you encounter a man-eating humanoid monster just convert it to Islam bro"

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Islam is rapidly expanding and so are it's ideas, which come into direct conflict with Christianity.

As Christians, I believe we need to arm ourselves with as much knowledge as possible when it comes to the origins and fundementals of Islam, so as not to fall into it's traps.

How did Islam begin? Is it true that the Mohammedan tribe worshipped pagan deities prior to Allah?
Who is Allah - is he the same God as Yahweh?
Why is the symbol of their religion the crescent moon - could it be refering to moon God/planetarian worship?
Was it really the Angel Gabriel who spoke to Mohammed in the cave or an entity of darker origin?
What is the significance of the Kaaba in Mecca and the ritualistic circling of it by pilgrims? Why must Muslims pray to the East in the direction of the Kaaba?

All input is welcome.
Islam is only expanding because of birth rates and because there is a very serious punishment if a Muslim leaves the faith so that statistic can be a bit misleading, in countries they rule usually a death sentence or your family excommunicates you, theologically a strong Christian is not at risk of being converted at all. In the autobiography of mohammad it says that mohammad felt like he had been demon possessed when thay so called angel appeared to him.
Islam is only expanding because of birth rates and because there is a very serious punishment if a Muslim leaves the faith so that statistic can be a bit misleading, in countries they rule usually a death sentence or your family excommunicates you, theologically a strong Christian is not at risk of being converted at all. In the autobiography of mohammad it says that mohammad felt like he had been demon possessed when thay so called angel appeared to him.

Islam only expanded when Christian tech allowed them to survive. At the turn of the 20th century, Christians outnumbered Muslims almost 5 to 1.

I have no faith that Islam will do well in a post-Christian world.
Islam only expanded when Christian tech allowed them to survive. At the turn of the 20th century, Christians outnumbered Muslims almost 5 to 1.

I have no faith that Islam will do well in a post-Christian world.
I agree. They had their little run. If you look at their belief and adherence now, even in N Africa for example, it's rapidly decreasing as much as in Europe.
Can I ask why you both don't think Islam will survive on a longer timeframe?
Can I ask why you both don't think Islam will survive on a longer timeframe?
I also don't really see any reason to believe that they'd disappear anytime soon. I mean, they are mostly a bunch of low-IQ barbarians, and their false religion is a mess, but they have big numbers and tight-knit communities, and some of their nations still have common sense moral laws (although usually very inconsistently enforced). I think they will prosper in the coming decades.
Can I ask why you both don't think Islam will survive on a longer timeframe?

Start with the basics: How will they feed themselves, or provide decent healthcare for their children? Do you not realize that Christians outnumbered Muslims 5 to 1 at the turn of the 19th century? Inadequate nutrition and basic anti-biotics greatly limited their population growth.

Take away the these things they trade oil for, and where does that leave the vast majority of Islam? Dead.
Can I ask why you both don't think Islam will survive on a longer timeframe?
Certainly. And as for @Unending Powerhouse Match we aren't saying anytime "soon" although it's probably sooner than most realize. These are larger trends and geopolitical guesses that we are making.
How will they feed themselves, or provide decent healthcare for their children?
You first must understand that Samseau and I believe that population decline is coming, though I'm not sure how fast either of us think it will occur. He can speak for himself, but I generally believe also that supply chains, food, and basic pharma that have allowed for such great population growth, almost entirely due to western innovation for hundreds of years, are going in the other direction, especially when WW3 events get hotter. Those events will make certain geographic regions suffer relatively greater than others, and area #1 of struggle will be the Middle East. Africa will see similar or greater % population losses for the same reasons, or perhaps they'll be in the ballpark of other nations but their population level is so high that those absolute numbers will taken down global population dramatically. All in all, I don't wish for any of this to happen, but it seems sort of written into the fabric of the fallen universe where types of cullings always come along because quality decreases so much, and people go so crazy, after booms and population manipulation of many varieties.
You first must understand that Samseau and I believe that population decline is coming, though I'm not sure how fast either of us think it will occur. He can speak for himself, but I generally believe also that supply chains, food, and basic pharma that have allowed for such great population growth, almost entirely due to western innovation for hundreds of years, are going in the other direction, especially when WW3 events get hotter. Those events will make certain geographic regions suffer relatively greater than others, and area #1 of struggle will be the Middle East. Africa will see similar or greater % population losses for the same reasons, or perhaps they'll be in the ballpark of other nations but their population level is so high that those absolute numbers will taken down global population dramatically. All in all, I don't wish for any of this to happen, but it seems sort of written into the fabric of the fallen universe where types of cullings always come along because quality decreases so much, and people go so crazy, after booms and population manipulation of many varieties.
Like they've done till now, they could just keep on invading the West, leech of our systems and generationally outbreed us, but this assumption is contigent on the premise that the invasion of the West by the Global South will persist for multiple more decades.

Your argument does make sense though.