The Origins of Islam


Other Christian
Islam is rapidly expanding and so are it's ideas, which come into direct conflict with Christianity.

As Christians, I believe we need to arm ourselves with as much knowledge as possible when it comes to the origins and fundementals of Islam, so as not to fall into it's traps.

How did Islam begin? Is it true that the Mohammedan tribe worshipped pagan deities prior to Allah?
Who is Allah - is he the same God as Yahweh?
Why is the symbol of their religion the crescent moon - could it be refering to moon God/planetarian worship?
Was it really the Angel Gabriel who spoke to Mohammed in the cave or an entity of darker origin?
What is the significance of the Kaaba in Mecca and the ritualistic circling of it by pilgrims? Why must Muslims pray to the East in the direction of the Kaaba?

All input is welcome.
The Koran contradicts itself. People like Sam Shamoun, an Orthodox apologist, prove Jesus is God in the flesh using the Muslim's own Koran. I think we should point people to him. He does incredible work. I'm not saying the image I linked proves this. It requires a deep dive going back and forth in the Koran through different parts.


Also, just off the top of my head, when Muhammad encounters "Gabriel", reading this text sounds to me a lot like a demonic encounter, not an angelic one.

It is usually asserted by Muslims that the Bible has been corrupted, and thus, the Quran is the only reliable document that God inspired. They need to make this assertion because the Bible plainly contradicts what the Quran teaches. The truth is that the textual criticism of the Quran pales in comparison to the Bible and there is no other ancient work that even comes close to the reliability and veracity of the Bible.
Islam is rapidly expanding and so are it's ideas, which come into direct conflict with Christianity.

As Christians, I believe we need to arm ourselves with as much knowledge as possible when it comes to the origins and fundementals of Islam, so as not to fall into it's traps.

How did Islam begin? Is it true that the Mohammedan tribe worshipped pagan deities prior to Allah?
Who is Allah - is he the same God as Yahweh?
Why is the symbol of their religion the crescent moon - could it be refering to moon God/planetarian worship?
Was it really the Angel Gabriel who spoke to Mohammed in the cave or an entity of darker origin?
What is the significance of the Kaaba in Mecca and the ritualistic circling of it by pilgrims? Why must Muslims pray to the East in the direction of the Kaaba?

All input is welcome.
When I studied this as a History Student in college the below was what I took from it...and forgive me as I'm just covering the basics and not much detail... And from memory...not my notes.

Yes there was worship of the black rock /kabba

Sometime in 600 AD Mohamed was a trader, was banished from Mecca to Medina, where he met his first wife whom taught him much and was much older.

He then said he had visions from God ECT....there is one God and Muhammed is his prophet...all of that.

There's 5 pillars of islam
Alms giving

After these visions he believed he had a mandate to retake Mecca... And the result was war between the Meccans and Mohammed.

Mohammed won... They took some lands. Eventually Mohammed died.

His nephew Ali, claimed to be the next Imam. That was rejected by the council... There were 2 imams in between before Ali finally inherited the throne. The split between Sunni and Shia has to do with this....

That's a good primer for you to investigate further and tell is what you find.
There is very a good video of Anthony Rogers talking about that allah is actually baal.
Allah, that is certain, was the highest deity of the kaaba and then muhammed made him the only deity.

You could also point out that allah prays for muhammed according to the quran. Who does he pray to? The arabic says that allah prays, muslims lie and say it means "blesses". But the arabic is clear.

Or that the quran does not contain the ten commandments and that muhammed constantly violates them.

The shahada is also shirk, because it makes muhammed the partner of allah, because without faith in muhammed there is no salvation.

Or that allah sends down quran verses only to justify muhammed's sexual desires. I don't recall the story exactly. But i think, muhammed got involved with some sex slave (mary the copt?) and his wives got angry and he ran away and then days later came back with a quran verse that justified his behavior.

An even more effective way than any theological dispute is to show people and muslims especially what the islamic scriptures, especially the hadiths, say about muhammed.
It is important that the hadiths used are classified as sahih or hasan which means that they are authentic. Hadith collections also contain, for some odd reason, hadiths that muslim authorities themselves might find unauthentic.

My two favorite hadith stories about muhammad are these two:
According to the islamic scriptures, not according to me, muhammed walked around with cum stains on his clothes and washed himself with water into which dead dogs and menstrual rags were thrown because he said "water is pure and cant be made unpure by anything".
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It is usually asserted by Muslims that the Bible has been corrupted, and thus, the Quran is the only reliable document that God inspired. They need to make this assertion because the Bible plainly contradicts what the Quran teaches. The truth is that the textual criticism of the Quran pales in comparison to the Bible and there is no other ancient work that even comes close to the reliability and veracity of the Bible.
Pfander Films which is Jay Smith's (?) youtube channel has excellent material on the various different qurans that are out there.
"water is pure and cant be made unpure by anything".

In contrast to Christianity where Holy Water is more pure.

Recall the Japanese scientist's experiments on water and how negative energy vs. positive energy (i.e. prayer) change the inner structure of the water from ugly/chaotic to beautifuly/ordered.

Holy Water has been tested vs. tap water and shows this contrast.
i do not think that holy water changes its material substance. i also doubt that the physical presence in bread and water can be proven by methods of science. the water might have been better from begin with. i would be careful with such things. most water used for holy water might be from a pure source (niagara falls etc) while tap water is ful of chemicals.

These used to be idolaters and worshiped the morning star and Aphrodite, whom in their own language they called Khabár, which means great. [100] And so down to the time of Heraclius they were very great idolaters. From that time to the present a false prophet named Mohammed has appeared in their midst. This man, after having chanced upon the Old and New Testaments and likewise, it seems, having conversed with an Arian monk, [101] devised his own heresy. Then, having insinuated himself into the good graces of the people by a show of seeming piety, he gave out that a certain book had been sent down to him from heaven. He had set down some ridiculous compositions in this book of his and he gave it to them as an object of veneration.

He says that there is one God, creator of all things, who has neither been begotten nor has begotten. [102] He says that the Christ is the Word of God and His Spirit, but a creature and a servant, and that He was begotten, without seed, of Mary the sister of Moses and Aaron. [103] For, he says, the Word and God and the Spirit entered into Mary and she brought forth Jesus, who was a prophet and servant of God. And he says that the Jews wanted to crucify Him in violation of the law, and that they seized His shadow and crucified this.

They furthermore accuse us of being idolaters, because we venerate the cross, which they abominate. And we answer them: ‘How is it, then, that you rub yourselves against a stone in your Ka’ba [107] and kiss and embrace it?’ Then some of them say that Abraham had relations with Agar upon it, but others say that he tied the camel to it, when he was going to sacrifice Isaac. And we answer them: ‘Since Scripture says that the mountain was wooded and had trees from which Abraham cut wood for the holocaust and laid it upon Isaac, [108] and then he left the asses behind with the two young men, why talk nonsense? For in that place neither is it thick with trees nor is there passage for asses.’ And they are embarrassed, but they still assert that the stone is Abraham’s. Then we say: ‘Let it be Abraham’s, as you so foolishly say. Then, just because Abraham had relations with a woman on it or tied a camel to it, you are not ashamed to kiss it, yet you blame us for venerating the cross of Christ by which the power of the demons and the deceit of the Devil was destroyed.’ This stone that they talk about is a head of that Aphrodite whom they used to worship and whom they called Khabár. Even to the present day, traces of the carving are visible on it to careful observers.

As has been related, this Mohammed wrote many ridiculous books, to each one of which he set a title. For example, there is the book On Woman, [109] in which he plainly makes legal provision for taking four wives and, if it be possible, a thousand concubines—as many as one can maintain, besides the four wives. He also made it legal to put away whichever wife one might wish, and, should one so wish, to take to oneself another in the same way. Mohammed had a friend named Zeid. This man had a beautiful wife with whom Mohammed fell in love. Once, when they were sitting together, Mohammed said: ‘Oh, by the way, God has commanded me to take your wife.’ The other answered: ‘You are an apostle. Do as God has told you and take my wife.’ Rather—to tell the story over from the beginning—he said to him: ‘God has given me the command that you put away your wife.’ And he put her away. Then several days later: ‘Now,’ he said, ‘God has commanded me to take her.’ Then, after he had taken her and committed adultery with her, he made this law: ‘Let him who will put away his wife. And if, after having put her away, he should return to her, let another marry her. For it is not lawful to take her unless she have been married by another. Furthermore, if a brother puts away his wife, let his brother marry her, should he so wish.’ [110]
They say their Koran is perfectly preserved and infallible, but they lie (they're allowed to lie to non-Muslims, it's called taqqiyah)

Islamic scholars claim no book could match the linguistic excellence, diction, and accurate preservation of the Arabic Koran, and no Christian or Jew in the East has ever disputed this claim. Evangelicals struggled to respond due to a lack of knowledge of Arabic and the history of Islamic dominance of Christian lands. In truth, Arabic speaking Christians living in Muslim countries know Islam very well but would not debate Muslims for fear of their person and property.

A billion-plus Muslims are indoctrinated to believe that the Jewish and Christian Scriptures are hopelessly corrupted and, therefore, Jews and Christians have lost their original revelation and need the final revelation of Islam. They are taught that the copy of the Koran they hold today is “word for word” exactly as it was revealed to their prophet Muhammad and is perfectly preserved. The question of Gospel manuscript variants has been a stumbling block for Christians, especially in the face of the Islamic assertion that their Koran has been miraculously preserved from day one thereby confirming that their faith is the true one. During Christian YouTube livestreams, the Muslim callers and debaters never fail to use this line of attack on the Gospel to silence the Christians.

In academic circles, however, Western secular scholars, who applied the tools of Historical Criticism to the Koran, had discovered variants and recensions. But it was a closely guarded secret. They would not dare speak of it due to death threats. Through Divine Providence, Gospel warriors picked up their research. Some Gospel warriors who were ex-Muslims travelled to Muslim countries and collected different Arabic versions of the Koran. They highlighted the variant Arabic verses and would no more permit the standard Islamic excuse: “It is a mere variant translation.”

Learning of variants in their scriptures caused consternation and shock among the Muslim ummah (Muslim body of believers). This forced one of their most popular YouTube missionaries, Muhammad Hijab, to question American Islamic scholar Yasir Qadhi about the veracity of Christian claims that the Koran has variant manuscripts. During the livestream event, Yasir Qadhi tried to evade and obfuscate. But finally pushed into a corner, he confessed that the “Standard narrative has holes in it.”

That is, the standard narrative of the Koran being unchanged and eternal, has holes in it. He conceded, regarding non-Muslim Koran scholars, that “their knowledge of Arabic and the Koran has increased by leaps and bounds” and they know that the “Emperor has no clothes”—that is, the claim of perfect preservation of the Koran is a myth.

Yasir Qadhi then tried to backpeddal.

"Let him who will put away his wife. And if, after having put her away, he should return to her, let another marry her. For it is not lawful to take her unless she have been married by another." - Yes, if a divorced couple wants to remarry, the woman first has to marry another man and then get divorced - I mean haha
In the quran, there is also a ruling for the waiting period for having sex for divorced and remarried women - and this rule includes females who did not have their period yet. Technically, it is legal in islam to have sex with an infant girl, if you marry her....
And think about that, a muslim is not allowed to recite the Lord's prayer, because according to muhammed calling God Abba, Father is a sin, because according to muhammed allah is a father to no one.

When allah entered muhammed's heart, muhammed wanted to commit suicide - that is not God, that is a demon. When the true God enters your heart, He gives you peace.

The quran calls allah the greatest of deceivers - of course muslims lie about that - and the quran also tells us that allah prays for muhammed - who is he praying to?
You can dig up more dirt on Muhammad than there is actual dirt and sand on the Sahara. The stories just go on and on, they don't end. Is there even anything good about Islam outside of "based" nominalism?
Christ, our Messiah, changed society for the absolute better. Nominal Christians are still drastically better off than the average completely secular guy, just in virtue of the Bible being probably the best moral and life guideline to this day. What about nominal Muslims, you ask? Yep, they're killing and cooking alive Christians of their own blood in Somalia as I type this.
You can dig up more dirt on Muhammad than there is actual dirt and sand on the Sahara. The stories just go on and on, they don't end. Is there even anything good about Islam outside of "based" nominalism?
Christ, our Messiah, changed society for the absolute better. Nominal Christians are still drastically better off than the average completely secular guy, just in virtue of the Bible being probably the best moral and life guideline to this day. What about nominal Muslims, you ask? Yep, they're killing and cooking alive Christians of their own blood in Somalia as I type this.
Christian Prince has great books, one is called sex and allah or the other way around, where just lists all the weird and disgusting sexual stuff in the islamic sources.