The Normalization of Bestiality & Furries

White women in the west who have no eggs have already been doing this for decades. They have internalized their hatred for the men of their own race from years of jewish brainwashing and self-hatred propaganda, and their hamster minds have rationalized a false version of reality where they are always miserable, always in therapy, always making mens lives living hell, and taking advantage of school children and animals in sexual depravities. The idea of having a child at a healthy fertile age, with a man of their own race, especially in a marriage from an Apostolic Church, is unfathomable to these wretched creatures.

This professor (((Singer))) is merely another agent provocateur of their self-destruction. Neither should be excused, but this is all the more reason for removing jews from positions of influence and fixing this power gap where western white women can do whatever they want whenever they want, often at the steered direction of the talmudic controllers.
It is a logical consequence of nihilism. If there is no God, everything is permitted. If there is no Truth, everything is arbitrary. If absolute values do not exist, all values are "absolute".

So why not cannibalism? We're just random lumps of matter that survive because of opportunism, so cannibalism can be good for evolution. How come you disagree, don't you believe in Science™ and its white coat clergy? Absolutes, what absolutes? What are you talking about, are you some kind of anti-inclusivist and religious extremist?

In the end, such a worldview inevitably boils down to the tyranny of the social contract and bovine (bestial) conformity. Or the rule of the beast.
Many years ago, on the old Roosh forum (version 1.0) there used to be a thread talking about about girls who had sex with their dogs.
Being younger, and not believing this was actually a widespread thing, I naively googled this topic.
To my shock various "how to websites" with step by step instructions, and even 1 entire forum with hundreds (maybe thousands ??) of members dedicated to bestiality, came up in the search results. Needless to say after reading all that content I felt like a powerful exorcism was the only thing that could cure these females.

Exodus 22:19 ESV
“Whoever lies with an animal shall be put to death.

Leviticus 18:23 ESV
And you shall not lie with any animal and so make yourself unclean with it, neither shall any woman give herself to an animal to lie with it: it is perversion.

Leviticus 20:15-16 ESV
If a man lies with an animal, he shall surely be put to death, and you shall kill the animal. If a woman approaches any animal and lies with it, you shall kill the woman and the animal; they shall surely be put to death; their blood is upon them.

Deuteronomy 27:21 ESV
“‘Cursed be anyone who lies with any kind of animal.’ And all the people shall say, ‘Amen.’

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It's that same shoah over and over again with them. EMJ's holocaust narrative on display here: 'because this man parents had to leave their shtetl and his grandparents were disappeared by inhuman Aryan monsters, he is permitted and funded to destroy any last vestiges of their genetic descendants by any means necessary.' And destroy them he does, wantonly. The concept of Christian forgiveness is nowhere to be found in this tribe. Not only do they collectively lie about their history, our history, they collectively have the same spiritually demonic mind virus embedded in their psyches to invert everything natural in this world.
Peter Singer is a well known utilitarian sophist who reduces everything down to pleasure and pain. His extreme reductionism results in absurd conclusions, such as, but not limited to:

- Babies can't feel pain when first born, so okay to murder them since there is no pain.
- Suicide is okay if done painlessly.
- Animal sex just means more pleasure so therefore good.
- Abortion is preferable to birth since there is less pain in an abortion than in a painful birth.
- Animals have the same rights as humans since both feel the exact same pleasures and pains.

Just a total shill and hack, a useful idiot employed by the system to destroy Christian societies from within.
Peter Singer is a well known utilitarian sophist who reduces everything down to pleasure and pain. His extreme reductionism results in absurd conclusions, such as, but not limited to:

- Babies can't feel pain when first born, so okay to murder them since there is no pain.
- Suicide is okay if done painlessly.
- Animal sex just means more pleasure so therefore good.
- Abortion is preferable to birth since there is less pain in an abortion than in a painful birth.
- Animals have the same rights as humans since both feel the exact same pleasures and pains.

Just a total shill and hack, a useful idiot employed by the system to destroy Christian societies from within.

My lost "spiritual but not religious" friend has been brainwashed to death by this type of ideology to the point where he has recently sent me a message about being in a dark place and researching human euthanasia clinics in Sweden. All of this globohomo sick filth is a death cult.

I'm trying to plant some seeds to turn him around but he's very stubborn and traumatized from years of psychological damage that I also struggled myself to break free from.

The ironic thing is he says deeply disturbing things like this but at the same time truly believes he is enlightened. Satanic and sad. Please pray for my friend.
Peter Singer is a well known utilitarian sophist who reduces everything down to pleasure and pain. His extreme reductionism results in absurd conclusions, such as, but not limited to:

- Babies can't feel pain when first born, so okay to murder them since there is no pain.
- Suicide is okay if done painlessly.
- Animal sex just means more pleasure so therefore good.
- Abortion is preferable to birth since there is less pain in an abortion than in a painful birth.
- Animals have the same rights as humans since both feel the exact same pleasures and pains.

Just a total shill and hack, a useful idiot employed by the system to destroy Christian societies from within.
It is Talmudic dialectic basically. First these arguments with abortion, then, in other breaking news, terrorist Hamas murdered the babies in their womb. The truth is what we make it to be.
My lost "spiritual but not religious" friend has been brainwashed to death by this type of ideology to the point where he has recently sent me a message about being in a dark place and researching human euthanasia clinics in Sweden. All of this globohomo sick filth is a death cult.

I'm trying to plant some seeds to turn him around but he's very stubborn and traumatized from years of psychological damage that I also struggled myself to break free from.

The ironic thing is he says deeply disturbing things like this but at the same time truly believes he is enlightened. Satanic and sad. Please pray for my friend.
I was friends with a guy for many years (not anymore though), who was a graduate of a protestant theological seminary. His mother went to Switzerland and had herself euthanised, and he was bragging about it online, about how proud he was of her, and how enlightened and progressive it was that Switzerland had this option. She was a hero to him for doing this. The level of demonic delusion regarding euthanasia is sickening. In case you're wondering if he became a pastor, no, he didn't although according to EU laws, he could have been, even though in the end he claims to be an atheist. You can literally be an atheist pastor in Europe and get a state job and a guaranteed pension.
Many years ago, on the old Roosh forum (version 1.0) there used to be a thread talking about about girls who had sex with their dogs.
Being younger, and not believing this was actually a widespread thing, I naively googled this topic.
To my shock various "how to websites" with step by step instructions, and even 1 entire forum with hundreds (maybe thousands ??) of members dedicated to bestiality, came up in the search results. Needless to say after reading all that content I felt like a powerful exorcism was the only thing that could cure these females.

Exodus 22:19 ESV
“Whoever lies with an animal shall be put to death.

Leviticus 18:23 ESV
And you shall not lie with any animal and so make yourself unclean with it, neither shall any woman give herself to an animal to lie with it: it is perversion.

Leviticus 20:15-16 ESV
If a man lies with an animal, he shall surely be put to death, and you shall kill the animal. If a woman approaches any animal and lies with it, you shall kill the woman and the animal; they shall surely be put to death; their blood is upon them.

Deuteronomy 27:21 ESV
“‘Cursed be anyone who lies with any kind of animal.’ And all the people shall say, ‘Amen.’

I used to think the intense obsession with dogs in what seems to be most young American women was just a projection of their mothering instinct onto an animal, something I could never fully understand. That there's also, as horrible as it is to even type this, a sexual component to it does make sense.
I used to think the intense obsession with dogs in what seems to be most young American women was just a projection of their mothering instinct onto an animal, something I could never fully understand. That there's also, as horrible as it is to even type this, a sexual component to it does make sense.
First part I could see. The second, no way. If this is the case… :sick:
Will share this channel once again, like I did in the last forum:
This guys greatly covers the topic of dogs: the problems they cause for society as a whole and plenty of case studies about how bad they actually are.

When I went out into a field in snow once, I was surprised by the huge number of urine stains from dogs. Must have been 200. It's safe to say that everyone will have put their hand in dog's urine when sitting in a park or field. The streets are constantly covered in their left overs.

I'd ban all dogs in urban areas. Most of them also go mental from spending 23.5 hours a day locked in a house. It's a perversion. Especially dog-parents.
Peter Singer is a lunatic, even in his Australia days he was publishing increasingly crazy books. The Wiki is worth a read. Did not know he had moved on to Princeton. The Wikipedia article on him reveals an unholy pedigree linking him to Sigmund Freud. It also describes how he has caused outrage in Germany in more recent times.