Just watched The Hateful Eight by Tarantino and gotta say if I was dictator of America I'd lock Quentin's deviant, sadistic ass up for producing films that use gore to desensitize our youth. I'd also give this film an X rating for graphic violence. There is no way that anyone under 16 years old should ever watch this film. I would love to say this to this coke head's face as I'm sure no one in his inner circle has ever challenged him to use art to portray violence (and sex) instead of overly-graphic filth that serves no purpose in moving the story forward. In fact, Quentin's deviant obsession with splattered human brain matter actually distracts from the good aspects of his films. Several times during The Hateful Eight I had to turn my head and lower the volume as the scenes were so disturbing that they actually created a visceral chemical reaction in my body and spirit. It is disturbing to think that theaters allow children to see R rated films such as this as long as they are accompanied by an adult over 21 years old (some theatres have faux "restrictions" such as not allowing children under 6 years old to see R rated films after 6pm.)
Many people don't understand nor do they respect the fact that television and movies are not benign forces that do no harm to humans (especially children). Quite the contrary, these mediums are very powerful forces that can (and have) been weaponized by the usual suspects against humanity.
In some respects The Hateful Eight is an excellent film. Great cinematography and acting, and the script is well written and constructed. The problem with the film is the directors lack of creativity and talent in portraying violence in the way that the great westerns of the 1950's and 1960's did. That is, with a single shot to the gut where the actor just falls over instead of summarily blowing the actors head off and distributing his brain matter all over the screen. Tarantino is a true asshole with no respect for his audience and the great filmmakers who came before him. What a complete waste of life, resources, and talent. May God bless his tortured, deviant soul.