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The Mexico Thread

Good idea for a thread. I'm in my mid-50s and considering retiring in Mexico in a couple years. Anyone have any suggestions/advice?
I’ve been to Mexico. I spent 3 weeks there. It’s okay for a short holiday but I wouldn’t want to retire there.

Other than nice beaches there is not too much going for it. Not that safe. The average Mexican girl is ugly and has a bad attitude (although there are pockets of the country with attractive women) food is tasty but unhealthy and makes you feel awful after a while (there are some healthier traditional foods but likely you won’t have access to them on a daily basis), people are mostly scumbags (except for the old people that are traditional Catholics).

Also it can be cheap but it is not that cheap if you are trying to live “the expat lifestyle”. For example high end restaurants, nice apartments in top end locations, massages, etc are not cheap and in some cases are at the western price level. But if you want to live more local style it can be very cheap.

Mexico’s President-elect Claudia Sheinbaum highlights constitutional reforms for Indigenous and Afro-Mexican peoples as a key priority.

Eh… probably the least of Mexico’s worries tbh. If you know anything about Mexican demographics or history, you’ll know that the majority of Mexicans are Mestizos (Native/Spanish) mixture and that the natives groups had been extorted and robbed blind by their mixed-race brethren.

If anything, the natives had more land rights during the Spanish rule than they ever did under the Mestizo rule. In New Spain, the Spanish government enforced strong segregation laws that protected native land rights and created a caste system( while unfair) protected the rights of each group. This prevented rich Spaniards or Crillios (Spaniards born in New Spain) from buying up native land dirt cheap. This all changed roughly after the War of Reform. When the liberal faction won the war, Freemason Benito Juarez, being the first native president in Latin America history used his presidential powers to confiscate Church lands as well as native lands originally protected by the Spanish crown and the original Mexican constitution.

Ever since Juarez, the natives had continued to be harassed and robbed by local land lords (in the most literal sense). Land reform was one of the driving forces behind The Mexican Revolution which saw the complete Freemasonic takeover of Mexico. To this date, the only thing the Mexican government has done for the natives (besides harass them) was the development of ejido land, communal land with protected ownership rights, which was then ended in 1991 in favor for NAFTA.

I get the initial skepticism, but natives south of the border are treated much, much differently than the ones in the States.
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This is what Mexico really needs to be worried about. This was taken this week at Mexico City.
Eh… probably the least of Mexico’s worries tbh. If you know anything about Mexican demographics or history, you’ll know that the majority of Mexicans are Mestizos (Native/Spanish) mixture and that the natives groups had been extorted and robbed blind by their mixed-race brethren.

If anything, the natives had more land rights during the Spanish rule than they ever did under the Mestizo rule. In New Spain, the Spanish government enforced strong segregation laws that protected native land rights and created a caste system( while unfair) protected the rights of each group. This prevented rich Spaniards or Crillios (Spaniards born in New Spain) from buying up native land dirt cheap. This all changed roughly after the War of Reform. When the liberal faction won the war, Freemason Benito Juarez, being the first native president in Latin America history used his presidential powers to confiscate Church lands as well as native lands originally protected by the Spanish crown and the original Mexican constitution.

Ever since Juarez, the natives had continued to be harassed and robbed by local land lords (in the most literal sense). Land reform was one of the driving forces behind The Mexican Revolution which saw the complete Freemasonic takeover of Mexico. To this date, the only thing the Mexican government has done for the natives (besides harass them) was the development of ejido land, communal land with protected ownership rights, which was then ended in 1991 in favor for NAFTA.

I get the initial skepticism, but natives south of the border are treated much, much differently than the ones in the States.
I´ve never been to Mexico. Would like to go to Cancun. I also don´t care much about indigenous people. They are savages who should be converted to christianity by force if not willingly.

Anyway. Whenever a jew is placed in a position of power. It means trouble is on the way. Hopefully she doesn´t turn Mexico into an Ukraine. A leftwing jew ruling a country. Not good sign.
I´ve never been to Mexico. Would like to go to Cancun. I also don´t care much about indigenous people. They are savages who should be converted to christianity by force if not willingly.

Anyway. Whenever a jew is placed in a position of power. It means trouble is on the way. Hopefully she doesn´t turn Mexico into an Ukraine. A leftwing jew ruling a country. Not good sign.
What are you talking about? Mexico is like 80% Catholic, this includes most of the indigenous people too. I'd argue the only thing that indigenous people are converting to in mass is evangelical protestantism. Calling them savages is fairly uncalled for, the Spanish were successful in their conversion efforts, unlike the English (if they even tried) when it came to their colonies. The natives that currently live in Mexico are not the same as the Aztecs, they were exterminated by the Spanish over 5 centuries ago. The current native people in Mexico are just chill people who farm, shoot they live in safest parts of Mexico since the cartel don't really do well there.

Just because some random fat latina in the US claims she's an "aztec", while wearing her Frida Khalo t-shirt doesn't mean that she represents natives in Mexico.

I highly recommend Cancun for a vacation.