Apex fallacy is the defining feature of post Bush Jr America. It’s where we think the top earners, top life styles, top… everything in general is the norm. It shapes what we expect out of life.What's the apex fallacy? The guys going into the church are there because women largely don't care about them, for whatever reasons (certainly young women, if they are even interested). Or are you agreeing that the women are using it (I agree then).
Here’s an example of the Apex fallacy affecting women:
They actually believed that work was sitting around smoking cigars and calling your secretary toots. Sure it was, for the CE friggin O. It was borderline abusive for most men. Men would put up with it because of a wife and kids to provide for. But they only saw the CEO so they begged and pleaded to get into the workforce. So they girl bossed and broke gas ceilings all for… “I’m so tired” and “Isn’t there more to life” to be the cry of the age on TikTok. Not to mentioned collapsed white collar wages.
Here’s an example for the guys:
I have a couple younger Zoomer friends who actually believe if you don’t have the 6s, you’re not a real man and nobody will take you seriously ever. In love, work, friendships, whatever. So why try? Weed and vidya it is. Here’s the sad reality Only 1/5 of US households pull in 6 fig. Notice I said household. It’s probably way lower for individuals. 14% of men are 6+ and Latinos and Asians keep dragging this down. Let’s not even get into our national endowment data. They’re so focused on the apex that they can’t see the statistics on the ground for what they are.
The path forward is to see the world as it really is. Then you’ll be free.