The (Leaving The) European Union Thread

A pan European, fortress Europa style union led by the Orban's, Konfederacja's and Le Pen's of the continent is probably much more beneficial to the average person than Farage and his ilk and their petty bulldog nationalism.
Nearly half of national tribute to the EU comes from Germany - that would be the former West Germany to be precise as the former East is a net beneficiary of the West.

How Germans accept this burden when they are also being demographically replaced by non-Europeans is beyond me.

It seems the only reaction against Merkel inviting millions of men of fighting age into Germany was Brexit.

I agree with these Farage comments. He would push himself through the crowds to throw any nationalist under the bus who advocated a pan-European fortress to rise the internal negative and external positive demographic onslaught which will take place with Boomers start to pass on at increasing rates.
Interesting article I found:

Some interesting excerpts
On lack of border:
The European Union has created a borderless region from Greece to France and from Portugal to Finland, yet the citizens of these countries still pay most of their taxes to nation states whose borders are no longer upheld.
On censorship and tyranny:
It is not about giving anybody a voice; it is about silencing the voices we already have, by depriving us of any say regarding our future and the destinies of our peoples.

There are many interesting facts that Breivik has brought up here that the EU is not Democratic when in fact it takes away democracy and replaces it with technocrats.
On demographics being destroyed
He adds that the EU is not about cooperation for protecting the best interests of Europeans; it is about turning the entire continent into a Multicultural theme park while the natives get culturally deconstructed and demographically crushed. Which he himself is absolutely correct.
There was even a Facebook study about multicultural indoctrination:

Basically the more multicultural indoctrination, the more self loathing (“white privilege”/white guilt).

Funny enough, if you google “Anders Breivik”, this medium article does not show up in the search results. If you use Yandex however, it’s the 2nd result, right after his Wikipedia. Seems google is trying to prevent people from knowing the truth about the EU.
France has a new Prime Minister, a 34 year old homosexual Jew named Gabriel Attal. Never worked a day in his life outside a government institution and a WEF/Bilderberg guy.

On first week in office he gave his 'husband' a nice promotion.

It is interesting that the globalists' Paris department is tripling down with these appointments. It is not only tripling down against the legacy French but also against the Muslim, Arab and African fiat-French. Let's remind ourselves that Macron is the designated conservative within the dialectical process.

France must be preparing to join Judea's auxiliaries in the Ukraine and Palestine.

So France has a childless president whose relationship would have begun as statutory rape had the sex and pupil-teacher roles been reversed and homosexual prime and foreign ministers. We really are at the I CLAUDIVS phase of the decline.
So France has a childless president whose relationship would have begun as statutory rape had the sex and pupil-teacher roles been reversed and homosexual prime and foreign ministers
Angela Merkel was also childless and so is Olaf Scholz although they didn't have the perverted severe reverse age gaps of Macron. So now it seems they need a queen and his "husband" in other leading roles to add to the freak show.

Victor Orban has 5 children. I'm not saying this is the only 'metric' of course, but the opposite is a bit too prevalent in higher echelons of European leadership.

Orban has been blocking a further 50 billion to Ukraine and so now they want to do some further undemocratic maneuvers to get him out of the way :

"Belgian nationalist activist and former member of parliament Dries Van Langenhove
has just been sentenced to a year in prison, a 16,000 euro fine, and ten years of "deprived civil rights" which will mean he is barred from politics.

His crime? He was in a private groupchat where offensive memes were posted.

This is an absolute disgrace. Western regimes are reaching new levels of tyranny to suppress nationalism."
Brexit was a red herring and a negative for stay at home Brits in terms of rising costs as well as increased immigration from the third world. And, for those of us who put our money where our mouth is and left it's also caused a list of both financial and bureaucratic headaches. There were zero benefits for anyone except financers and careerist politicians and I warned about it in 2016 on RVF and got shouted down for it.

A pan European, fortress Europa style union led by the Orban's, Konfederacja's and Le Pen's of the continent is probably much more beneficial to the average person than Farage and his ilk and their petty bulldog nationalism.

Cog dis is also correct about Poland and Hungary. They throw spanners in the works of the more socially progressive policies, but the financial benefits they receive have transformed them into incredibly nice first-world places to live (nicer than their Western European counterparts in infrastructure in some areas). They'll never leave until that dries up. It would be nonsensical.

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Luxembourg receiving payments from the EU shows you just how preposterous it has become. Pay for my Bugatti you slave!
France with recent election results - whatever the cause.
England with another socialist pro-Ukraine war PM.
Italy swings and misses with Meloni.

Every single time the native population of Europe speaks up, they get squashed. I don't know how much of this is election meddling, color revolution light, or whatever. It is as if all European peoples have lost the will to survive as a viable people-group. Zero in-group preference. Done.

Unfortunately, that counts in North America too. Despite Biden's flaws, he's still a respectable threat, once you consider the legal immigrant vote, the illegal immigrant vote, and the other election shenanigans that are bound to happen. Canada seems to have euro-centric self-hate syndrome as well.