The Jewish Question (JQ)

As I've stated before, that number must have some sort of Kabbalist or Freemason significance that it is used so repeatedly and for everything.
6,000,000. One 6, six zeroes, and 6 million, with each million having 6 zeroes.

That's technically three 6s in the same number. I can't remember if the Mark of the Beast is 616 or 666 though, I keep hearing that 616 is the real number. Maybe because it's 6 times 1 million with 6 zeroes each?

I dunno.

Anyway, I was thinking about immigration.

All of the talent in third world countries comes to the first world because there are better opportunities here, however, that leaves their own countries vulnerable to corruption and stagnation.

On top of that, necessity is the mother of invention, so these people, while some would have failed, would have a much greater potential for benefit and change in their home countries where handouts aren't being given to them making them complacent.

Not to mention the Jews sabotaging pretty much everybody, waging war, killing children.

No matter how you look at it, every single country is so much worse off, including the Jews in Israel.

Every person's life expectancy, wealth, peace and happiness is undeniably worse off.

Most of the people I work with are immigrants, and so I was in conflict about how to feel about kicking them, especially since as a mixed race person, I'd feel hypocritical not kicking myself out.

However, I've come to realise, ethnostates are good for all of us, and Jews destroy them for the pleasure of none but Satan and their own revelry at destruction and sin.

They must all go, not for England or for America, or for Europe, but for humanity, for God, for Christ. Amen.
6,000,000. One 6, six zeroes, and 6 million, with each million having 6 zeroes.

That's technically three 6s in the same number. I can't remember if the Mark of the Beast is 616 or 666 though, I keep hearing that 616 is the real number. Maybe because it's 6 times 1 million with 6 zeroes each?

I dunno.

Anyway, I was thinking about immigration.

All of the talent in third world countries comes to the first world because there are better opportunities here, however, that leaves their own countries vulnerable to corruption and stagnation.

On top of that, necessity is the mother of invention, so these people, while some would have failed, would have a much greater potential for benefit and change in their home countries where handouts aren't being given to them making them complacent.

Not to mention the Jews sabotaging pretty much everybody, waging war, killing children.

No matter how you look at it, every single country is so much worse off, including the Jews in Israel.

Every person's life expectancy, wealth, peace and happiness is undeniably worse off.

Most of the people I work with are immigrants, and so I was in conflict about how to feel about kicking them, especially since as a mixed race person, I'd feel hypocritical not kicking myself out.

However, I've come to realise, ethnostates are good for all of us, and Jews destroy them for the pleasure of none but Satan and their own revelry at destruction and sin.

They must all go, not for England or for America, or for Europe, but for humanity, for God, for Christ. Amen.
6 million has 6 zeros and they have repeated it 6 million times.

To be real; 6 times 6 equals 36 which is 9 invert that (which is their satanic way) and you'll have a 6. But yeah their 6 million stuff is 100% cabalistic witchcraft.
I've been combating twitter accounts claiming that Christianity is Jewish for a while now, and I've noticed that all of them claim Paganism is better than Christianity, but not a single one of them can name a Pagan God they prefer or even like.

I don't mind Pagans, all European Pagans came to Christ in the end, and the religions literally became extinct, so I am certain that any genuine Pagan will inevitably come to Christ.

However, this guy started saying things that I recognised from a Jewish friend (from a Pokémon fanfiction discord server).

He claimed "everyone hates the Jews", now I realised that wasn't something a non-Jew would say, especially today of all times, so I wrote up a response.

Funnily enough, he blocked me before I could post it. The proof is in the pudding.

There we have it, the Jews are trying to attack Christianity by... attaching it to Judaism?

Revelations 2:9 & 3:9 are very handy here.

Hold on? Only Jews believe that everyone hates the Jews.

The Jews teach their kids about the 1030 times they were exiled, and about persecution beyond that, and they leave out the reasons why that happened.

They use this convince their descendants to fear and hate non-Jews which makes justifying their evil actions easier.

They call these persecutions, 'pogroms', and the Holocaust, 'shoah'.

You are a Jew, aren't you?

And there you go, blocked me. There we have it, these anti-Jew accounts who claim to hate both Christianity and Judaism have Jews among them. Perhaps just one, perhaps more? How many I wonder?
I've been combating twitter accounts claiming that Christianity is Jewish for a while now, and I've noticed that all of them claim Paganism is better than Christianity, but not a single one of them can name a Pagan God they prefer or even like.

I don't mind Pagans, all European Pagans came to Christ in the end, and the religions literally became extinct, so I am certain that any genuine Pagan will inevitably come to Christ.

However, this guy started saying things that I recognised from a Jewish friend (from a Pokémon fanfiction discord server).

He claimed "everyone hates the Jews", now I realised that wasn't something a non-Jew would say, especially today of all times, so I wrote up a response.

Funnily enough, he blocked me before I could post it. The proof is in the pudding.

There we have it, the Jews are trying to attack Christianity by... attaching it to Judaism?

Revelations 2:9 & 3:9 are very handy here.

These pagans literally only exist online. I have never met one IRL even once, but online they seem to even be fairly common. I have to wonder if these are literal bots. I don't engage with them unless I'm really bored. Usually I just send them this:


Because these people, assuming that they are indeed people and not bots, never argue in good faith. They are mockers and not interested in the truth. Above all else, they just really hate Christians and Christianity. Their entire online identities usually revolve around their hatred of Christianity. They love saying things like "christcuck" and "Jew on a stick" unprompted.

I can only assume they are much like Reddit atheists in the sense they don't actually believe this stuff and it's, in their minds, a way to take revenge on their boomer evangelical parents. Or maybe they just met like one Christian who was mean to them and so they're sworn enemies of Christendom now. It's totally autistic (takes one to know one).
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These pagans literally only exist online. I have never met one IRL even once, but online they seem to even be fairly common. I have to wonder if these are literal bots. I don't engage with them unless I'm really bored. Usually I just send them this:

View attachment 16983

Because these people, assuming that they are indeed people and not bots, never argue in good faith. They are mockers and not interested in the truth. Above all else, they just really hate Christians and Christianity. Their entire online identities usually revolve around their hatred of Christianity. They love saying things like "christcuck" and "Jew on a stick" unprompted.

I can only assume they are much like Reddit atheists in the sense they don't actually believe this stuff and it's, in their minds, a way to take revenge on their boomer evangelical parents. Or maybe they just met like one Christian who was mean to them and so they're sworn enemies of Christendom now. It's totally autistic (takes one to know one).
They're also upset because no one wants them. The biggest White Nationalist societies and movements would kick them to the curb or keep them irrelevant. NS Germany prevented them from joining the party and prohibited them from civilian leadership positions or even being prominent public voices, White Australia was built on Christian Ethos, and coincidentally, when both of these ended Christianity plummeted in Europe and Oceania. America is similar despite having a large negro underclass postbellum, where the White population got up over 90% between 1920 and 1950. Post 1955, every jewish psyop in the world was unveiled on a red terror carpet inside and outside to demographically annihilate our people, just as their phony war had done to Europe over a decade earlier.

Many pagans have a problem with 20th century Christian sects who were obvious communists and not real Christians. They take the judeo-masonic bastardization of so-called Churches today as proof that the entire faith is somehow compromised. They forget that despite whatever brother wars there were between confessions of the last 2000 years in Europe (which they always bring up) that it was only a unified Christian Europe that turned away the Khans, the Ottomans, and reconquered Spain. The lack of homogeneity in the Hispano-Visigoth kingdom fomented by the jews who later opened the gates of Toledo allowed the muslims to traipse through there right up to the French border. To reclaim their ancestral land from these aliens, they had to become warrior martyrs. Christianity for a majority of its history, bolstered and multiplied the Aryan races far greater than anything paganist creeds have.

The ancient Greeks and Romans before Christianity committed race suicide in the same way that the Whites of the west are doing now (in a post-Christian society). They allowed their cities to be filled with prolific incompatible aliens who squeezed out the natives after they wasted their strength in internecine conflict. Only their ruins remain now, but we can still save ourselves before our Cathedrals of today become tomorrow's ruins.
These pagans literally only exist online. I have never met one IRL even once, but online they seem to even be fairly common.
They do exist in real life, I have met a decent amount of them in Europe. This pagan esoteric movement usually brings forth the most annoying right wingers you can imagine and they have a tendency to blow up the movements they are a part of.

It's obviously not authentic and a complete LARP. Our Germanic ancestors literally did human sacrifice and believed that Odin would smite a person if his tree was cut down, which is why St Boniface doing that actually helped converting many Germanics. They just believe that it's like a powerful racial archetype and that's why it should be followed, which absolutely isn't the way any actual pagan thought of it.

They usually combine Jungian BS with Evola BS and then do weird Midsommar-aesthetic rites around equinox or stuff like that. They also suddenly turn into leftists when you have a discussion with them, by the logic they use.
Here is another example of disguising the truth as 'humor' as a form of psychological disarmament to Whites:

View attachment jewsatanicrevelationmethod.mp4

There aren't very many of these scenes that come to mind but there are more. Ironic that it's two jew actors in the scene itself. In judeo-masonic occult fraternities, this is called the satanic revelation method. They tell you what is actually happening but bathe it in an aura of sophistry so that if you say something like this among your friends, anyone who has seen this episode of Seinfeld has subconsciously been programmed to dismiss it as a joke. The scene from the Sopranos with Tony's mother telling the kid about psychiatry being a racket for the jews is another one. We're supposed to think she's kooky and laugh at that idea.

More people are waking up to this centurial brainwash.
Here is another example of disguising the truth as 'humor' as a form of psychological disarmament to Whites:

View attachment 17204

There aren't very many of these scenes that come to mind but there are more. Ironic that it's two jew actors in the scene itself. In judeo-masonic occult fraternities, this is called the satanic revelation method. They tell you what is actually happening but bathe it in an aura of sophistry so that if you say something like this among your friends, anyone who has seen this episode of Seinfeld has subconsciously been programmed to dismiss it as a joke. The scene from the Sopranos with Tony's mother telling the kid about psychiatry being a racket for the jews is another one. We're supposed to think she's kooky and laugh at that idea.

More people are waking up to this centurial brainwash.

Please let me know where these people are.