The Israel-Hamas War Lounge

The US finally allowed an anti-Israel resolution to pass in the UN.
They are now claiming that the resolution doesn't say what it says, and that Israel doesn't have to follow the law.

You see, when the bad guys run the sherriff's office, the laws are just "Suggestions" for some, and the law for others.
It's the Rule of Law vs the American "Rules Based Order" we've been hearing so much about.

All UN Security Council resolutions are legally binding and have the status of international law.
On March 25, the U.S. went one step further and took a step toward becoming a rogue state who has supplanted international law with its rules-based order. International law is grounded in the charter system and the United Nations and is universally applicable. The rules-based order is composed of unwritten laws whose source, consent, and legitimacy are unknown. To the global majority, those unwritten laws have the appearance of being invoked when they benefit the U.S. and its partners and not being invoked when they don’t.

On March 25, the Security Council passed a resolution demanding “an immediate ceasefire for the month of Ramadan respected by all parties leading to a lasting sustainable ceasefire.” The resolution was able to pass because the U.S. stood aside and let the other fourteen Security Council members pass it by abstaining instead of vetoing.

But in her explanation of the American abstention after the resolution passed, U.S. Ambassador to the UN Linda Thomas-Greenfield “surprisinglysaid that “we fully support some of the critical objectives in this nonbinding resolution.

Her claim that the Security Council resolution was nonbinding was not an off script, impromptu comment. It is the strategy of a country that enforces, not international law, but the U.S. led rules-based order.

There is no debate amongst international law scholars that resolutions by the UN Security Council that "demand" certain actions are binding (good explanation by a legal scholar here). In fact resolutions by the council ARE international law, article 25 of the UN Charter clearly states: "The Members of the United Nations agree to accept and carry out the decisions of the Security Council in accordance with the present Charter."

Yet the US now argues that the "rule" is in fact different: "It's a non-binding resolution, so there's no impact at all on Israel".
that's the beauty of the rules-based order: the rules are made-up in the moment to fit the interests of the U.S. and its henchmen, depending on the circumstances.

The big issue here is that the whole world, literally, disagrees with the U.S. claims.

Four of the five permanent members of the UN Security Council - including two major U.S. allies -, all of its non-permanent members and the UN Secretary General have explicitly said that UNSC Res 2728 is binding.

The U.S.
(plus maybe a few of its minor proxies) is the only state which publicly disputes that.

Bertrand points out that this will have huge consequences:

The US created the United Nations, and the concept of international law is well established, with 80 years of precedent. The US is rapidly approaching the point where it is no longer the world hegemon. The repurcussions from the international community when the US cannot simply threatened to kill or destroy those who disagree with it are going to be brutal.
At this point, Jews could get away with absolutely anything, short of using a nuclear weapon.

(They couldn't OPENLY get away with using a nuke, but of course they could still use one if they wanted. The narrative would just be changed to say that the bad guys accidentally nuked themselves or it was a stolen bomb they remotely detonated before it could be used or some other crazy lie)

Actually... sit and think for a minute. If they did openly nuke civilians. What would happen other than bad words?

They probably could openly do it after all. Who'se gonna condemn it? The Americans? Who did the same thing? lol

So they can literally do anything, no matter how evil or bizarre. Wonder why they aren't recreated some holohaux fantasy like making Gazans fight bears or trying to turn them into soap?
"The soldier shall make use of his weaponry and power only for the fulfillment of the mission and solely to the extent required; he will maintain his humanity even in combat. The soldier shall not employ his weaponry and power in order to harm non-combatants or prisoners of war, and shall do all he can to avoid harming their lives, body, honor and property.
— IDF Spirit"

The cognitive dissonance exhibited by anyone who can still, now six months in, say with a straight face that Israel and the IDF are anything but brutal murders is astonishing.

Its not just anonymous brown people with funny names and weird accents anymore; its your neighbors and countrymen...
"The soldier shall make use of his weaponry and power only for the fulfillment of the mission and solely to the extent required; he will maintain his humanity even in combat. The soldier shall not employ his weaponry and power in order to harm non-combatants or prisoners of war, and shall do all he can to avoid harming their lives, body, honor and property.
— IDF Spirit"

The cognitive dissonance exhibited by anyone who can still, now six months in, say with a straight face that Israel and the IDF are anything but brutal murders is astonishing.

Its not just anonymous brown people with funny names and weird accents anymore; its your neighbors and countrymen...
View attachment 7005

Look at the ages and see where they're from. Completely sacrificial to go and help in something not in their own backyard. Genuinely beautiful people caught up in something so evil and ugly. What a world we live in.
Its not just anonymous brown people with funny names and weird accents anymore; its your neighbors and countrymen...
True, but these "aid workers" are bleeding heart liberal atheists who support tranny-life and illegal immigration. They played a stupid game (save the poor 100% "innocent" Palestinian civilian-combatants) and won a stupid prize (death). It's called logical consequences for one's actions. When it's not your war to wage, fight, or support, stay the f*ck home. You've got family members in your home country that need you and depend on you, don't unnecessarily throw your life away just because you have the "feels" for "Muh, Israel bad, Palestine good."

Look at the ages and see where they're from. Completely sacrificial to go and help in something not in their own backyard.
Exactly. What a complete waste of life... and that's on them. Idiotic decision. As an outsider, to enter into Palestine to "help" at this point in time is a fools errand (as has been so deftly demonstrated by their collective demise). May God forgive their ignorance, and may they rest in peace.
So great to see we have the scriptures and life of Christ as an example.

Pursue peace with all men, and the sanctification without which no one will see the Lord.
Depart from evil and do good; Seek peace and pursue it.
Blessed are the peacemakers: for they shall be called the children of God.

God is great.... and the fruit of righteousness is sown in peace of them that make peace.
Both videos are good, but the bottom one is really interesting

From the horses mouth. They were fighting to preserve Europe from Bolshevism, which they just watched overtake Russia and ended up causing so much misery for generations. Funny how WW2 is still talked about so much today but it’s never asked why the Germans would do that.
True, but these "aid workers" are bleeding heart liberal atheists who support tranny-life and illegal immigration. They played a stupid game (save the poor 100% "innocent" Palestinian civilian-combatants) and won a stupid prize (death). It's called logical consequences for one's actions. When it's not your war to wage, fight, or support, stay the f*ck home. You've got family members in your home country that need you and depend on you, don't unnecessarily throw your life away just because you have the "feels" for "Muh, Israel bad, Palestine good."

Exactly. What a complete waste of life... and that's on them. Idiotic decision. As an outsider, to enter into Palestine to "help" at this point in time is a fools errand (as has been so deftly demonstrated by their collective demise). May God forgive their ignorance, and may they rest in peace.

Bro they went in with permission of the IDF, they were in a "deconflicted" zone, they told the IDF their route weeks in advance, and they were even sponsored by big chew donors in the west to go in and feed hungry Palestinians.

IDF are just insane maniacs who kill indiscriminately, has nothing to do with it being a "war zone," the area they were butchered in could have been your backyard, it wasn't labeled as anything.

There weren't insane liberals, they were just normal Christians looking to feed the hungry, sponsored by a very rich group of people. There's no excuse for the IDF in this circumstance, they've been outed as murderers, war criminals, and monsters.
True, but these "aid workers" are bleeding heart liberal atheists who support tranny-life and illegal immigration.

The British citizens killed were former elite soldiers who had served in Iraq and Afghanistan.

Maybe they were trying to atone for what their country has done in those countries on behalf of the zionists.

Or maybe they were just righteous and compassionate people, trying to follow the example of Jesus Christ.
True, but these "aid workers" are bleeding heart liberal atheists who support tranny-life and illegal immigration. They played a stupid game (save the poor 100% "innocent" Palestinian civilian-combatants) and won a stupid prize (death). It's called logical consequences for one's actions. When it's not your war to wage, fight, or support, stay the f*ck home. You've got family members in your home country that need you and depend on you, don't unnecessarily throw your life away just because you have the "feels" for "Muh, Israel bad, Palestine good."

Exactly. What a complete waste of life... and that's on them. Idiotic decision. As an outsider, to enter into Palestine to "help" at this point in time is a fools errand (as has been so deftly demonstrated by their collective demise). May God forgive their ignorance, and may they rest in peace.

World Central Kitchen has done work all over the world in the wake of major crises, natural and manmade. They cooked food in Haiti after the earthquakes, Texas, The Bahamas, and Puerto Rico after hurricanes, after California wildfires, and during COVID. Going to heavily disagree with your sentiments there.
There weren't insane liberals, they were just normal Christians looking to feed the hungry,
Proof? They were most likely evangelical prosperity gospel, "we're all equal," "feed the poor," virtue signaling, "let priests marry homos," Unitarian or Vineyard Jews For Jesus eco-warriors. Sounds like not a smart move to go into a war zone no matter your "mission" (unless you're going to pick up arms and fight for a cause you're willing to die for). Actually, it's been proven that it was not a smart move as they all wound up dead.

IDF are just insane maniacs who kill indiscriminately.
Exactly. And these people trusted them? Amateur death-wish move. I'm as critical as anyone here of israel and the JQ, but the muzzies are just as dirty and savage. It takes two to tango. The less of these Jesus denying blasphemers in the world the better. Christians should stay out of this land-grab mess. We've got bigger fish to fry.
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