This was a 5 year ordeal. The first year I was strong and confident in myself and the relationship, but as time marched on I just grew weak and angry at her for not moving to the woods with me and starting a family (something we had agreed upon during year one). I just didn't lead enough and talked too much about politics and my personal emotional struggles and financial "situation." I also did a lot of complaining about the world and the people in it. I should have kept my mouth shut. Just weak beta/gamma type behavior. In addition, I follwed her and her high paying job around the country. I should never have done that. I should have said, "This is where we're living... take it or leave it."
For this particular girl I don't think "changing" her was necessary (or possible) but with a stronger, calmer, more masculine frame she could have been led to behave differently (give up her career, start cooking and cleaning more, having kids, going to church, etc.). This was a very good, feminine girl (minus her masculine career focus). Great family upbringing, no tats, didn't drink, worked out, ate healthy, etc. I think she would have responded to my directions and requests more had I been less emotional and had a bit more money (which, ironically, I now have because I'm not in a relationship and spend 100% of my time making money instead of spending it).