The Evangelical Faith

I've been noticing more normie Evangelicals becoming aware of Covenant Theology. Unfortunately, they think Covenant Theology = Replacement Theology. So they are still spreading the Dispensationalist heresy that there are two ways of salvation: believing in Christ and being an ethnic Jew who does his best to follow God while rejecting Jesus.
The more I learn about the Evangelical faith (as it is practiced in America), the more I see it as a perverted pseudo-Christianity similar to the Mormon church.

But where the Mormon church is goofy and benign, the (American) Evangelical church is twisted and malevolent.

Everything about it reeks of wickedness. The lavish, theatrical ceremonies. The shouting and screaming. The incessant grifting. The deviant-looking church leaders.

And above all, the relentless and nauseating worshipping of the Old Testament, Israel and of the Jewish people. It's like Jesus Christ and the New Testament is just an afterthought, if even that.
But where the Mormon church is goofy and benign, the (American) Evangelical church is twisted and malevolent.
As goofy as Mormonism is, it is in no way benign. It's a one-way ticket to hell.

The excesses of Evangelicalism, as wayward as they can be, are more forgivable than the falsehoods of Mormonism.

Generally, Evangelicals struggle with the Old Testament and it's relation to the New. The Old Testament is more of a closed book to them, and as a result, so is the book of Hebrews. Hebrews is the best book to show that the national Israel of the Old Testament is a shadow of the true people of God, that is the Church.
Evangelical Christianity is going to overtake Catholicism in Brazil in in the next decade or so it seems:
