The Epstein Docs

I’m seeing a lot of angry and disillusioned followers of the influencers that received the binder. Jack Posobiec is getting a lot of negative comments on his telegram feed. Interesting that this particular group of influencers seem to have some connection to intelligence or Israel. Now they are all suffering a huge credibility hit. Could this release have been managed this way to specifically undercut their credibility? The noticing seems to be growing stronger.
If he is, he's definitely not a traditional Catholic.

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He's a deracinated sodomite and some type of federal asset tied to the military and involved in honeypot schemes. He was previously involved with Identity Evropa which turned out to be a honeypot after Charlottesville. He had an instagram where he showed he celebrated his honeymoon in israel. Very suspect. Crypto-jew radar is pinging. Don't trust whatever the next big fed honeypot that all the big names like this will shill.

He's a news reporter and commentator. Him reporting on AntiRa in the past was simply him reporting, not endorsing. His trip to Israel was to visit the Christian sites, if I'm not mistaken, such as the Holy Church of the Sepulcher.

I've met him before and he seems pretty based and normal. I think your radar is bad, always going off with false positives.
What Epstein was all about:

1. Funded by Mossad (Israel).
2. Promise movers and shakers a fun time with young barely legal girls.
3. The girls are actually underage, unbeknownst to target.
4. Secretly video Target having sex with underage girls.
5. Show them the video. The target’s reputation would be ruined forever and face jail time if it gets out.
6. Told to be an Israel infloooncer from now on, and the video won’t come out.
7. If you’re a judge or politician , Mossad tells you how to decide/vote. If you’re an executive to celebrity, you must be an Israel cheerleader.

The Epstein files therefore can’t come out in earnest, because it will expose our Greatest Ally.



We're long past the deadline. Have the files been delivered ?
What is with the Rick Astley meme?

My 9yo son was playing some Astley a few weeks ago and my wife and I wondered, "Why? Seems like an odd choice for a 9yo boy" but that was it.

Now I've seen his face everywhere the past couple days.
For a long time, people would post links the looked interesting, but when you clicked it, you'd get the Rick Astley video. This was called being Rick Rolled.

People are saying the way Bondi promised the Epstein files and delivered nothing was a Rick Roll.

Explanation of Being Rick Rolled
2. Promise movers and shakers a fun time with young barely legal girls.
3. The girls are actually underage, unbeknownst to target.
4. Secretly video Target having sex with underage girls.
5. Show them the video. The target’s reputation would be ruined forever and face jail time if it gets out.
6. Told to be an Israel infloooncer from now on, and the video won’t come out.
So Israel is able to maintain power by exploiting basic male sexuality which our society has demonized as being “perverted.” Meanwhile society also believes being a faggot is “normal” and being against it is “hate speech” which can get you cancelled.

Insane how brainwashed people can be.
He's a news reporter and commentator. Him reporting on AntiRa in the past was simply him reporting, not endorsing. His trip to Israel was to visit the Christian sites, if I'm not mistaken, such as the Holy Church of the Sepulcher.

I've met him before and he seems pretty based and normal. I think your radar is bad, always going off with false positives.
My IFF is completely functioning.

Meeting him at a social event or in passing doesn't mean much. I've met him, Kirk, Bongino, O'Keefe and others at TPUSA events before I ultimately departed from a social presence in US politics, as well as from the US itself during Trump's first term. We probably almost ran into each other or were at many of the same events last decade depending on where you were. I couldn't be around these people, especially after the ruse of Charlottesville. "Based" is ultimately no different than "woke" if they are distraction agents. There is a certain line to tow if you are one of these people who is given a voice and a platform, and you are not allowed to depart from those views by your handlers. It's remarkable how these people despite their "based" views are never shadowbanned or censored.

Jack Posobiec is also married to the daughter of a Soviet/Belarusian KGB colonel and routinely reposts Duginist nonsense. It's no coincidence much of his content relates to Russia and Ukraine. He was Navy Intel before, and on Twitter/X he engaged in a laundry list of misinformation campaigns dedicated to creating division and anarchy in the West. It is difficult to place people unless a deeper analysis is done, he clearly also has jew links and was in US Intel, and displays gatekeeper behavior like every other mouthpiece.

Here he is shilling the zio narrative about israel from the (((October 7th))) events (which he was privy to ahead of time):

He kvetches"welcome to the fourth turning, the multipolar world" at 4:33, a very new-world-order ideology that Duganists like to repeat ad nauseum. Then goes into the "master plan" of Hamas to provoke an israeli reaction on gaza in order to "bring down" the entire Middle East on israel at 7:58, which we all know is garbage. Hamas was initially created and funded by israeli assets. They attacked themselves for the nth time to further the dialectic. I don't work in "intelligence" but children can see that the jews are attacking themselves, and somehow Jack with all his connections and experience can't, or he simply won't.

Worse, he is a doxxer and a liar. The video is older and the events are irrelevant to the present but at the time it was telling. I don't agree with the content creator Dustin Nemos' views half the time but I know that anyone who practices in reporting, doxxing, and distraction is clearly an agent of the system.

"Jack "Muh Chat Logs" Posobiec: Exposed as Disinformation Agent of the Deep State, Doxxer, Liar"

Regardless of how fake and gay Q was, and what a waste of time that all turned out to be for American patriots, he was using his background as a Naval Information Dominance Warfare Officer in a civilian capacity to confuse and divide many right-wing people. His presence with Richard Spencer, a known low-IQ federal asset, also brings into question his actual position.


Very few US military assets are going to go against this system, and I'm not talking about "NATO/Washington" but the system of things. Especially ones with those badges. ONI is known for its involvement in coup-like behavior at the hands of the "deep state" like with what Bush, Rumsfeld, and Woodward, who were all ONI, did to Nixon.

These people have very specific gauges to fill in their roles, specific targets to attack and specific information to promulgate whilst pushing other information away or suppressing it entirely. Jack Posobiec is one of many in this role.
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Okay, Jack is a Zionist. That's pretty weak for a man of his age, I agree, but, the other vid of him being a liar about Q or whatnot is really weird. The jump cuts do not really show if Jack actually said who Q is or not. Why didn't they let the full clip play out? And a single pic with Richard Spencer at a bar means Jack is somehow involved with him? That makes no sense, Jack may have just been looking to interview him for clicks back in the day.
I've been trying to find the post - not sure if it was here or on X - but I saw a theory that would make a lot of sense if true:

Trump wants peace in Gaza, and knows this going into the campaign. The Israelis aren't really willing to make concessions or cede ground.

So Trump teases the public release of "all" of the JFK and Epstein files, which would obviously be extremely compromising for Israel.

Basically Israel gets two choices: play ball and work with Trump to find a peaceful compromise in Gaza, and the "redacted"/"binder" version of the files get released. Or don't come to the table, and everything gets released.
I've been trying to find the post - not sure if it was here or on X - but I saw a theory that would make a lot of sense if true:

Trump wants peace in Gaza, and knows this going into the campaign. The Israelis aren't really willing to make concessions or cede ground.

So Trump teases the public release of "all" of the JFK and Epstein files, which would obviously be extremely compromising for Israel.

Basically Israel gets two choices: play ball and work with Trump to find a peaceful compromise in Gaza, and the "redacted"/"binder" version of the files get released. Or don't come to the table, and everything gets released.
This makes sense, a nice theory. The Epstein files are a weapon and if they released everything immediately as we all want, the administration loses any bargaining chips - if they even want to use it as such.

They've opened a can of worms though because we all want to see them, and they've told us we can have them, so it won't be a very good move if we don't get even some low hanging fruit taken care of.
Pam Bondi still fighting the FBI for the missing files:

Probably already deleted. People should go to jail or be fired at minimum in the FBI for this.

No word for Patel about what's going on either.

Deep state still alive and well. Makes sense to me, I've always thought it would take months if not years to clean out the rot. Especially with corrupt judges protecting these people.
Pam Bondi still fighting the FBI for the missing files:

Probably already deleted. People should go to jail or be fired at minimum in the FBI for this.

No word for Patel about what's going on either.

Deep state still alive and well. Makes sense to me, I've always thought it would take months if not years to clean out the rot. Especially with corrupt judges protecting these people.
Sounds like a problem that’s going to be really tough to solve legally. Should probably get a team of all the best lawyers to address it.
Pam Bondi still fighting the FBI for the missing files:

Probably already deleted. People should go to jail or be fired at minimum in the FBI for this.

No word for Patel about what's going on either.

Deep state still alive and well. Makes sense to me, I've always thought it would take months if not years to clean out the rot. Especially with corrupt judges protecting these people.
Anytime they say that files are deleted, I believe there are still copies held back somewhere. Kash Patel said in an interview last year that he has seen these files, and knows what is in them. It seems certain to me that someone still has them.
I've been trying to find the post - not sure if it was here or on X - but I saw a theory that would make a lot of sense if true:

Trump wants peace in Gaza, and knows this going into the campaign. The Israelis aren't really willing to make concessions or cede ground.

So Trump teases the public release of "all" of the JFK and Epstein files, which would obviously be extremely compromising for Israel.

Basically Israel gets two choices: play ball and work with Trump to find a peaceful compromise in Gaza, and the "redacted"/"binder" version of the files get released. Or don't come to the table, and everything gets released.

That would be a great outcome, but there's literally nothing that suggests trump will do anything other than support the agenda of israel. His cabinet is full of die hard zionists, he has family members, friends, and massive donors that are all on the same page. And his past actions are congruent with all of that. There's no 4d chess here - we're getting exactly what it looks like.

To think otherwise is basically Q anon 2.0

Re Epstein, with Pam Bondi having been AG of Florida from 2011 to 2019, there's simply no way she doesn't know what was up with epstein and why his first plea deal was so lenient. There were several major civil suits filed in Florida during that time, not to mention the fbi was building their case against him. None of these people have "the public interest" or "transparency" in mind.