The End of The Russian-Ukrainian War


Since the beginning of this war, tens of millions of regular citizens (more women than men) of the Ukrainian People’s Republic and the Russian Federation have been fleeing their fatherlands which consequently have left them with unacknowledged but yet distorted value systems causing internal reset of their identities.

Nearly a million of people dead (currently hundreds on both sides between the period we had breakfast and dinner yesterday). These people were regular citizens with a parent or two, with friends, maybe a crush or two. Both men and women (drastically much more males than females, obviously).

The math suggests that with the current pace and by the end of this war (if any), the two nations once considered (10 years ago) brotherly nations will end up losing healthy, young, and able males who have been succumbing to their elites’ tyrannies.

This will inevitably result in tens of millions of Slavic females being cut off from their ancestral roots as their options of finding compatriot Slavic partners without unacceptable age gap will be nearly impossible and as we’ve all witnessed during the past years, these Slavic females have no other option but to settle with a different race (I have two examples in my circle). Imagine this for a moment, this will cause a catastrophic shift in Slavic DNA!

This is by design. All heads of states and governments are part of this “higher table” deciding on THE FUTURE. Not today, the future, tomorrow’s reality which they consequently form and create.
It’s just a numbers game for them, simply metrics and data analytics. Everything is bought, made, and sold for masses.
I've gotta put this question out this war drags on, does anybody here see the possibility of the Ukrainian military mutinying?

Back in the fall, I posted in the Zelensky thread that I would want to see him repenting and accepting Christ as King and witnessing against his Globalist masters.

I still think that would be the ideal outcome, but I don't see that happening.

NATO/The West can supply him with military materiel 'til the cows come home, but he seems happy to drag young ✝️☦️Ukrainian men to their deaths, to his country's eventual destruction.

If he won't repent, convert, and sue for peace, I would be content to see the following:

1. Ukrainian military mass mutiny;

2. Coup d'etat, overthrow his government; and

3. Take him prisoner, take him to the ravine of Babi Yar, scourge him, crown him with thorns, and crucify him. Let him suffer, as our Lord suffered
due to the bloodthirsty scheming of (((his tribe))).
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I've gotta put this question out this war drags on, does anybody here see the possibility of the Ukrainian military mutinying?

Back in the fall, I posted in the Zelensky thread that I would want to see him repenting and accepting Christ as King and witnessing against his Globalist masters.

I still think that would be the ideal outcome, but I don't see that happening.

NATO/The West can supply him with military materiel 'til the cows come home, but he seems happy to drag young ✝️☦️Ukrainian men to their deaths, to his country's eventual destruction.

If he won't repent, convert, and sue for peace, I would be content to see the following:

1. Ukrainian military mass mutiny;

2. Coup d'etat, overthrow his government; and

3. Take him prisoner, take him to the ravine of Babi Yar, scourge him, crown him with thorns, and crucify him. Let him suffer, as our Lord suffered
due to the bloodthirsty scheming of (((his tribe).
I think this is the likely long term outcome. When the military has lost so much that the military leadership will no longer accept orders to keep fighting, they will either overthrow the government, or the government will make the necessary concessions.
I understand that the war was caused by the American military industrial complex and corrupt American politicians, etc but I still feel like Putin could have done more to find a diplomatic solution before the war began.

I feel in both Ukraine and Russia the average citizen is quite pragmatic and less ideological than a typical westerner. The direct costs of the war (military expenditure etc) for Russia is estimated to be something like $100 billion per year at a minimum.

If say for example the war ends up going for 5 years in total that is a cost of $500 billion to Russia. Ukraine is a relatively small economy.

If Putin had simply come to the Ukrainian public from the start before the war began and offered upfront $500 billion of Russian investment (the money being spent on the war) into Ukrainian infrastructure such as new public hospitals, new public roads, new rail lines, new power plants, new factories, etc and in exchange the Ukrainians could have accepted to sign a treaty promising not to join NATO or host NATO bases, to demilitarize, avoid having nuclear weapons or long range missiles, etc.

I believe the majority of Ukrainians would have been in favor of such a deal and would have ejected the American puppet Zelensky and agreed to have a pro Russia prime minister instead so that such a deal could be implemented.

Instead we are now in a situation where Ukraine will turn to dust and huge numbers of Russians and Ukrainians will die needlessly. Also lets not forget many Russians have family in Ukraine whose lives are being affected by the war so they also are not happy about the war. If you are a Russian living in Moscow and your cousin is living in Ukraine and his city is being bombed by the Russians you are not going to be too pleased about the war either.
Putin could have done more to find a diplomatic solution before the war began... lets not forget many Russians have family in Ukraine...
There were a million other options besides having millions of white Christian men killing millions of white Christian men. That's what tells you that this is another unnecessary JQ designed and instigated war and that Putin is, if not an outright jew spawned from a jewish mother, at bare minimum a bought and paid for crypto jew.

This war, like all modern wars, is the stupidest thing to happen since giving women and non-white immigrants in majority white countries the right to vote which was another JQ plan of subterfuge and sabatoge meant to completely demoralize, crush, and eliminate white Christian men.

The Talmuds are on a real roll, and I wonder when a white Christian man with a real megaphone, money, and power in this world will actually grow a set and start naming them and shaming them at the top of his lungs? Don't hold your breath. It's literal insanity that every man in the world that matters politically is running and hiding from the jews who are only two-tenths of one-percent of the world's population.
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Perhaps an opportunity for Western men to find a marriage-worthy woman? One man's loss is often another man's gain right?
These are going to be women with mental issues from the war, a deep-seated hatred for all things Russia/Russian, and perhaps a chip on their shoulder, once the reality sets in that NATO/the West created this insanity. I would not want to marry such a woman...but hey, that's just me. Ukrainians have long had an inferiority complex in regards to Russia, and I've seen it firsthand for years prior to the war. Personally, being a Russophile, I could not live with that.
Similarly, I have gotten to know Serbian women who 30 years after the US/NATO war there STILL have trauma and severe anger issues about it. Constantly recounting every slight the Croatians or the Bosnians levelled against them. Again, war trauma can often never be healed.
If you do go for a Ukrainian refugee girl, be sure she hasn't been supporting herself on FansOnly or other various pr0n websites. This is also very common.
I understand that the war was caused by the American military industrial complex and corrupt American politicians, etc but I still feel like Putin could have done more to find a diplomatic solution before the war began.


Russia bent over backwards and did everything to avoid this war in good faith.
NATO went out of its way to make sure it happened.

Minsk I & II
Istanbul Peace Treaty
Many recent overtures asking for Ukrainian neutrality in exchange for peace.

All rejected.
I understand that the war was caused by the American military industrial complex and corrupt American politicians, etc but I still feel like Putin could have done more to find a diplomatic solution before the war began.

I feel in both Ukraine and Russia the average citizen is quite pragmatic and less ideological than a typical westerner. The direct costs of the war (military expenditure etc) for Russia is estimated to be something like $100 billion per year at a minimum.

If say for example the war ends up going for 5 years in total that is a cost of $500 billion to Russia. Ukraine is a relatively small economy.

If Putin had simply come to the Ukrainian public from the start before the war began and offered upfront $500 billion of Russian investment (the money being spent on the war) into Ukrainian infrastructure such as new public hospitals, new public roads, new rail lines, new power plants, new factories, etc and in exchange the Ukrainians could have accepted to sign a treaty promising not to join NATO or host NATO bases, to demilitarize, avoid having nuclear weapons or long range missiles, etc.

I believe the majority of Ukrainians would have been in favor of such a deal and would have ejected the American puppet Zelensky and agreed to have a pro Russia prime minister instead so that such a deal could be implemented.

Instead we are now in a situation where Ukraine will turn to dust and huge numbers of Russians and Ukrainians will die needlessly. Also lets not forget many Russians have family in Ukraine whose lives are being affected by the war so they also are not happy about the war. If you are a Russian living in Moscow and your cousin is living in Ukraine and his city is being bombed by the Russians you are not going to be too pleased about the war either.

If Putin started giving money in exchange for peace, it would have encouraged even more violent behavior from Ukraine and the (((West))), so they could get even more money.

Never encourage bad behavior, it's a proven failure.
Russia is going to pump billions into the Donbas after the war. In fact they already are rebuilding parts of the territories they took over, like Mariupol.

Ukraine could have really prospered had they stayed neutral and played both sides, they have cheap Russian gas, the large Russian market and could have had civilian manufacturing projects from the West like Poland on top of that. Instead they aspired to be a Blackrock/IMF colony, condemned to become globalist debt slaves.

February 21, 2023
War and Theft: The Takeover of Ukraine’s Agricultural Land exposes the financial interests and the dynamics at play leading to further concentration of land and finance.

The total amount of land controlled by oligarchs, corrupt individuals, and large agribusinesses is over nine million hectares — exceeding 28 percent of Ukraine’s arable land. The largest landholders are a mix of Ukrainian oligarchs and foreign interests — mostly European and North American as well as the sovereign fund of Saudi Arabia. Prominent US pension funds, foundations, and university endowments are invested through NCH Capital, a US-based private equity fund.

Several agribusinesses, still largely controlled by oligarchs, have opened up to Western banks and investment funds — including prominent ones such as Kopernik, BNP, or Vanguard — who now control part of their shares. Most of the large landholders are substantially indebted to Western funds and institutions, notably the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) and the World Bank.

Western financing to Ukraine in recent years has been tied to a drastic structural adjustment program that has required austerity and privatization measures, including the creation of a land market for the sale of agricultural land. President Zelenskyy put the land reform into law in 2020 against the will of the vast majority of the population who feared it would exacerbate corruption and reinforce control by powerful interests in the agricultural sector. Findings of the report concur with these concerns. While large landholders are securing massive financing from Western financial institutions, Ukrainian farmers — essential for ensuring domestic food supply — receive virtually no support. With the land market in place, amidst high economic stress and war, this difference of treatment will lead to more land consolidation by large agribusinesses.

The report also sounds the alarm that Ukraine’s crippling debt is being used as a leverage by the financial institutions to drive post-war reconstruction towards further privatization and liberalization reforms in several sectors, including agriculture.

In Serbia most women I would be interested in were born after the war ended so I don't see how it affects them.
Pretty much every Christian Serb is aware of how NATO annexed Kosovo from Serbia, while also not allowing Bosnian Serbs in Republika Srpska have a unilateral referendum and join Serbia. So, yea, that resentment isn't really going anywhere.

And I agree with what was said about Ukrainian women. They've essentially completely aligned their values with the West and would prefer to date a man with exclusively LGBT friends than someone who has even a neutral view regarding Russia.
I understand that the war was caused by the American military industrial complex and corrupt American politicians, etc but I still feel like Putin could have done more to find a diplomatic solution before the war began.

I feel in both Ukraine and Russia the average citizen is quite pragmatic and less ideological than a typical westerner. The direct costs of the war (military expenditure etc) for Russia is estimated to be something like $100 billion per year at a minimum.

If say for example the war ends up going for 5 years in total that is a cost of $500 billion to Russia. Ukraine is a relatively small economy.

If Putin had simply come to the Ukrainian public from the start before the war began and offered upfront $500 billion of Russian investment (the money being spent on the war) into Ukrainian infrastructure such as new public hospitals, new public roads, new rail lines, new power plants, new factories, etc and in exchange the Ukrainians could have accepted to sign a treaty promising not to join NATO or host NATO bases, to demilitarize, avoid having nuclear weapons or long range missiles, etc.

I believe the majority of Ukrainians would have been in favor of such a deal and would have ejected the American puppet Zelensky and agreed to have a pro Russia prime minister instead so that such a deal could be implemented.

Instead we are now in a situation where Ukraine will turn to dust and huge numbers of Russians and Ukrainians will die needlessly. Also lets not forget many Russians have family in Ukraine whose lives are being affected by the war so they also are not happy about the war. If you are a Russian living in Moscow and your cousin is living in Ukraine and his city is being bombed by the Russians you are not going to be too pleased about the war either.
From the little I know about this war, the Russian in Ukraine have been asking Putin for 8 years to help them as they were being persecuted in Ukraine in a certain region, sometimes people were burnt alive I heard, as a president of a nation it is your duty to protect your people.

I think its makes more sense for Putin to spend 500 billion in his own country.