The End of The Russian-Ukrainian War


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BBC: 650,000 conscription-aged men have left Ukraine for Europe​

Approximately 650,000 Ukrainian men aged 18-60 have left Ukraine for Europe since the start of Russia's illegal invasion of Ukraine in February 2022, BBC Ukraine reported on Nov. 24.

Citing data provided by Eurostat, the official statistical record-keeping agency of the EU, the report notes over half a million male refugees are currently residing in the 27 EU member states, as well as Switzerland, Liechtenstein, and Norway, many of whom are undocumented.

In Germany, it is estimated that 100,000 unregistered individuals are residing in the country, while in Austria at least 14,000 Ukrainian men arrived using forged documents or the services of smugglers....

This suggests the number could be higher.

How much longer has this got in it? Or will the Ukrainians be worn down to the extent Russia can make significant gains?

All this year I've been hearing norms saying it's over for Putin. He will loose everything. Ukraine is about to make big advances. Based on tripe they read from litter box lining.

I've avoided any calls on the whole conflict up until a few months ago. With every month that passes you can see more support wane. Germany is looking at about 0% growth this year and a recession next year. The US has racked up huge debts and that's looking to get a lot worse, as unemployment also ticks up.

I'd say it be end some time next year.
#IStandwithUkraine types across Europe, especially the women who knew they would never have to serve (even if Russia hurtled toward the Polish border and therefore Poland, Germany, France etc. would start to conscript their men), should be standing up and offering to stand with Ukraine by now fighting, yes?

Since Ukrainian women were the worst offenders for this kind of behavior, they should be rushing back to Ukraine once this is over and marrying the shellshocked, wounded and often even limbless men that they demanded fight for their country while they left.
I think the thread title is overly optimistic.

Russia (at minimum) wants the whole Ukrainian Black Sea Coast, which means capturing Odessa and reaching the border with Moldova and Romania.
That will take a few years yet.

I think the thread title is overly optimistic.

Russia (at minimum) wants the whole Ukrainian Black Sea Coast, which means capturing Odessa and reaching the border with Moldova and Romania.
That will take a few years yet.

I doubt it. In conventional warfare sometimes something just snaps one day and one side absolutely crumbles. If you look how low the morale is among the Ukrainian army, you look at how many Ukrainian men are trying to flee the draft, etc, at some point in the near future the system itself could break down and there are no longer men willing to fight (both due to lack of numbers and lack of morale/faith in their system). Once this happens, the Ukrainian side will crumble quickly and the Russians, if they use a large force (several hundred thousand troops which they haven't yet committed) can take ground very, very quickly. The truth is coming out, and less and less are people willing to go die for Zelensky's regime.
We had the reverse propaganda here in EE. The older generations that don't speak English believe Russia is a mythical country with endless natural resources about to take over the world. We were hearing how the mighty Russian machine will capture Kiev in 3 days. When they gained territory it was a sign of power, when they lost it was sign of being gracious to their fellow Ukranians.

I understand that Zelensky and Biden's handlers are milking the conflict, but I also don't buy the justifications that Russia used to start it in first place. I remember the online right going 180 degrees overnight once the tanks actually entered Donetsk territory.

Therefore I trust neither the mainstream media nor newborn Telegram analysts. I hope that some sort of compromise is struck so that men on both sides stop dying.
We had the reverse propaganda here in EE. The older generations that don't speak English believe Russia is a mythical country with endless natural resources about to take over the world. We were hearing how the mighty Russian machine will capture Kiev in 3 days.
The "Kiev in 3 days" narrative initially came from Mark "I want to understand white rage" Milley and was repeated ad nauseam by all of the mainstream and its pundits; the same people that said ukraine will win its counteroffensive in 96 hours or how Israel will steamroll through Gaza. Just because someone from the US dot mil makes some predictions, it doesn't necessarily mean they're true.

When they gained territory it was a sign of power, when they lost it was sign of being gracious to their fellow Ukranians.
I understand that Zelensky and Biden's handlers are milking the conflict, but I also don't buy the justifications that Russia used to start it in first place. I remember the online right going 180 degrees overnight once the tanks actually entered Donetsk territory.
Therefore I trust neither the mainstream media nor newborn Telegram analysts. I hope that some sort of compromise is struck so that men on both sides stop dying.
Ukrainians themselves have been pretty straightforward lately about the initial Russian goals and demands.
From MoA:

The video in the tweet above has English subtitles. It is part of a Ukrainian TV interview with the the leader of the Servant of the People parliament faction David Arakhamia by the journalist Natalia Moseychuk. In March and April 2022 Arkhamia had led the Ukrainian delegation at peace talks with the Russians in Belarus and Turkey.
There is video on Youtube with an announcement of the interview, but not of the interview itself.

Arnault Bertrand relays here what was said:

"- He confirms that Russia’s principal goal for the war wasn’t to invade the whole of Ukraine but to force Ukraine to become a neutral country that would not be part of NATO: “[Russia] really hoped almost to the last moment that they would force us to sign such an agreement so that we would take neutrality. It was the most important thing for them. They were prepared to end the war if we agreed to, – as Finland once did, – neutrality, and committed that we would not join NATO. In fact, this was the key point. Everything else was simply rhetoric and political ‘seasoning’ about denazification, the Russian-speaking population and blah-blah-blah."
- When asked why Ukraine did not agree to this, here’s what he says: “First, in order to agree to this point, it is necessary to change the Constitution. Our path to NATO is written in the Constitution. Secondly, there was no confidence in the Russians that they would do it. This could only be done if there were security guarantees. We could not sign something, step away, everyone would relax there, and then they would [invade] even more prepared – because they had, in fact, gone in unprepared for such a resistance. Therefore, we could only explore this route when there is absolute certainty that this will not happen again. There is no such certainty. Moreover, when we returned from Istanbul, Boris Johnson came to Kyiv and said that we would not sign anything with them at all, and let's just fight.”


He said that the then British Prime Minister Boris Johnson came to Kiev and said that "we will not sign anything with them at all, let's just fight."
The question arises-what exactly did Johnson mean by "we will not sign anything with them"? The answer here may be one – Western countries refused to give joint guarantees of Ukraine's security with Russia, which were supposed to be attached to the peace treaty and the neutral status agreement.
Arakhamia also said this directly in an interview: "The Western allies advised us not to agree to ephemeral security guarantees, which at that time could not be given at all."
Recall that security guarantees under the then plan were supposed to be given by Russia, leading Western countries and a number of other major world powers. But if the NATO countries refused to give guarantees and only the Russian Federation and, possibly, China and Turkey would give them, then this would actually mean a complete break in Ukraine's relations with the Western world. What Zelensky, of course, could not do.
In other words, it was the position of the Western allies "let's just fight" that had a decisive influence on the decision of the Ukrainian authorities to abandon the agreements with the Russian Federation in the spring of 2022.


As for the position of Kiev, Arakhamia once again stated it in the same interview, saying that the negotiations are not profitable at the moment, since "our negotiating position is very bad." But who does time work for? If in 2022 it was possible to end the war by liberating almost the entire territory of the country without a fight in exchange for a neutral status, now there are no such options. And the alternative is quite different – a long war with all its victims and risks, or peace/truce along the front line with the actual consolidation of Russian control over the occupied territories (and, it is possible, this will also include additional requirements in the form of the same neutral status, for example). The main question is what will be the conditions and negotiating positions in the future and whether the Ukrainian authorities have a clear understanding that they will not be even worse than they are now.
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It sucks for Ukraine, but since Poland, Germany etc are worried about native birth rates I'd much rather these guys than the alternatives they'd ship in.
This was going round a few days ago:

Not sure when or where it is, but it looks real. And it looks like the Ukrainian Army is reaching its end.

For me this just means the heat is turned up in the Middle East to compensate/distract from the Ukrainian misfortunes (read: self-inflicted catastrophes).

The Irish situation also comes to mind - migrant attacks children with a weapon, authorities capitalize on it and declare new war on law-abiding citizens who just happen to dislike exponential rates of non-Western migration.
End? This may be the end of Ukraine, but the war is just beginning. I sincerely doubt they will lose Ukraine without bringing in more of Europe. Should there be a peace treaty, Putin will take the parts he wants, then he'll leave the rotting carcass of the rest of Ukraine to fester. It will become a massive welfare project for the EU and US. Furthermore, Russia will demand a demilitarized Ukraine.

So two conditions for peace: 1. Russia gets the good parts of Ukraine, 2. Ukraine is demilitarized.

I see point number 2 being a real, "sticking point," to say to the least. In which case if there is no peace treaty, then you've got a state of permanent war where Ukrainians live like HAMAS being funded to launch missiles into Russia, which will again force Russia to act.

So I am not sure it is possible for this war to end, either Russia is forced to do what they do not want, which is take over Ukraine (a massive cost sink for them) or let NATO keep harrassing and killing their civilians. Russia is caught between a rock and a hard place. There are no easy options for them. And ultimately, our (((leaders))) know they are placing these constraints over Russia, in an attempt to choke the state and bleed it out over decades.

Ukraine obviously won't exist as it used to, that Ukraine is already dead and gone similar to the way Prussia is gone. It remains to be seen what will happen afterwards, but we are looking at least a decade of conflict, until the "West" loses the will to fight.

I know some people will object that Ukraine is running out of conscripts, but they will just draft or recruit out of Europe (both Ukrainian refugees AND normal citizens). Ukraine just becomes Player Unknown Battlegrounds for Europe to do some kind of limited war against Russia.

If Russia takes over Ukraine then Russia will be forced to bear the burden of a broken state. They will probably create a puppet Ukraine, and will have to constantly pay to control it. That may be the cheapest option for Russia, cheaper than maintaining a frontline at least, but there's no telling how the (((West))) would react to such an outcome. Another false flag and watch the rest of Europe go to war with Russia.

As long as they control the money printers, the wars never end my friends.
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Russia is closing on Kharkov, which it will take, and then it only has to demilitarize / deNazify Ukraine and it will have completed all of its objectives. Will they go for Odessa? That depends on two things:

1) How irrational Ukraine behaves in any negotiations, and how costly in lives and materiel they make the war for Russia (already a significant factor). They will want to punish Ukraine for doing this pointless resistance against the inevitable taking of the 3 Russian oblasts, and Odessa could be the cost for Zelensky's ridiculous behavior. Taking Odessa also has the added benefit of cutting off Ukrainian sea routes, which greatly reduce its ability to be a functioning economic power in the future (though it was already the poorest nation in Europe so this is not strictly necessary).

2) How aggressive and expansionist Russia really is. This is mostly an Anglo/Zionist projection that is misapplied time after time to nations across the planet from China to Iraq to Russia. The world domineering empire thing comes from a strictly Anglo-Zionist mentality. They try to project it on to other nations with ridiculous ideas like "China wants to invade Taiwan" which is absurd to anyone who has ever spent time in either Taiwan or the mainland, or that Iraq was going to take over the USA if we didn't let them stop the Kuwaiti slant drillers stealing their oil, but the truth is none of this was even in the realm of wild possibility. Likewise with Russia, if you look at the Russian empire, it was a far different thing than the British who colonized all over the world.

All this is to say that the idea that "Russia wants most of Ukraine" is a purely western fantasy. They do, however, have some historical, economic, and cultural reasons for desiring Odessa back in the hands of Russia, but I think any plan to take Odessa will hinge mostly on #1.

And if Ukraine keeps on resisting Russia and attacking it again and again (particularly continuing the terror attacks against apartment buildings in Crimea and Russia), then Russia will roll through Odessa and take more and more until there is no Ukraine left.

Just like the crowd of idiots who were attempting to "help" St George Floyd indirectly caused his death by interfering with the police and causing them to redirect and do crowd control and call for backup, the actions of Zelensky in "defending Ukraine" may very well end up costing them Odessa, a target the Russians likely never had.

But I agree the OP is premature; while we are nearing the beginning of the end, it's not over until Zelensky stops ordering troops to do suicide attacks and terrorism in Crimea, and slightly under half the population still supports fighting Russia, if you can believe the Ukrainian polls.
Odessa is a Russian city, it needs to be returned, may be not now but plus minus a couple of decades, it has to go back, there is no peace if Odessa remains in NATO country. Same about Kharkov.
Russian leadership considers most Ukrainians to be a breed of Southern Russians and not truly a separate ethnicity, it's openly stated, and there is a lot of truth in that.
These places, like Odessa, had been founded by Russian Empire, the loss of them to a hostile NATO puppet is a major geopolitical and spiritual loss

Western interest in Ukraine has clearly decreased. Not only can you see it from the common people, who just don't talk about Ukraine very much anymore, but even the elites are starting to shift, and that is what matters in the end. Even mainstream propaganda has changed its tone; even the most ideologically motivated Ukrainian Democracy supporters hesitate these days to suggest that Ukraine can actually win the war. The change in tone from 2022 is huge. Ultimately with Western support on a downward and Russian military strength on a generally upward trajectory, Ukraine is doomed. It will be a matter of time; we don't know how much time, but it will happen. The other big question mark is what, if any, peace treaty Russia will agree to at this point.
The other big question mark is what, if any, peace treaty Russia will agree to at this point.

Ukraine is getting close to the point where they will have no troops left to send to the front and the end could happen quickly when it does finally happen. If I had to guess, the first thing that would happen would be to oust Zelenskyy or exile him and replace him with a leader that wants to surrender land and give Russia what they want in exchange for surrendering.

If you were Ukrainian and a political player, what would you be trying right now?

If the west(both USA and its European Allies) suddenly stop sending money to Ukraine then there will be no money left to embezzle, then what?
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When the money runs out because the US has to support Israel - Hamas and China ‘reunifying’ Taiwan.

When the Ukranian men desert and potential new conscripts realize they have been sacrificed to a false Western materialist God while the elites in Kiev drive around in their Porsche and luxury cars.

When Putin decides to win?

He can win whenever he wants, in my opinion he is showing restraint because he doesn’t want to be compared to western imperialism.
If you were Ukrainian and a political player, what would you be trying right now?

There's been cases in history when people have lost land, and never got it back, and other times when the land was reclaimed, sometimes after a long wait - Spain, the Judeans, what's left of Armenia, Eastern Ukraine was under Mongol despotism for 600 years.

I told this to one Ukrainian who is now very anti-Russian. If Ukraine wants that land back, it's going to have to wait a long time. I also said that if/when they go into the EU, prepare to have your country slowly dismembered by Euro-communists and mass emigration.

The only sensible position now is a cease fire. Ukraine is not going to agree to cede the land any more than real Serbs would cede Kosovo.