The Corrupt Courts of America


We really should have a thread dedicated exclusively to the third branch of Government in the USA.

It is horribly corrupt, they train lawyers in most blue states at prestigious law schools to be as anti-White as possible, they promote non-Whites into positions of power as much as possible, they completely throw out the rule of law in favor of ideology.

Anyhow, here are some cases that are relevant to today and to this thread to open discussion:

US District Judge Brendan Hurson of Baltimore ruled that a group of transgender teens and LGBTQ organizations that sued were likely to prevail on all of their claims that the EOs are without authority and amount to illegal and unconstitutional discrimination.

"Stopping care in the middle of receiving it, any care, really, casts doubt on whether in fact the goals are to protect the recipients of the care," said Hurson.

Under Hurson's ruling, various federal agencies are now temporarily prohibited from withholding or conditioning funding based on whether a health care facility provides 'gender-affirming' care anywhere in the country.

And just like that, the entire election of 2024 is undone and now we have a SCOTUS battle to protect pedophiles from mutilating children's genitals for profit.

Catholic Judge too:


Will any Catholic authorities speak out against this man? He should be excommunicated.

Sorokin said that the Trump administration appeared to have “no legitimate interest” in enforcing the order and said it did not demonstrate how continuing birthright citizenship would harm the public.

According to the ruling, the administration’s stance that birthright citizenship requires the mutual consent of both the individual and the nation would disregard the 14th Amendment’s original purpose, which was “to recognize as birthright citizens the children of enslaved persons who did not enter the country consensually, but were brought to our shores in chains.”

(((Sorokin))) actually wrote a 31-page memo explaining why he made his decision, which I suppose shows some respect to the rule of law, however, I think Team Trump has always known that getting rid of birthright citizenship would always be a SCOTUS battle. I think they wanted this executive order to be repealed, just so SCOTUS can hopefully rule on it. Realistically it's the only way to stop birthright citizenship on a permanent basis.
Found a really helpful website:

Lists all current litigation against the Trump admin. Over 80 lawsuits and counting.

People wonder why Trump doesn't "just fix America?" Well there are these two other branches of the government, in this thing called the "constitution," you see...
Found a really helpful website:

Lists all current litigation against the Trump admin. Over 80 lawsuits and counting.

People wonder why Trump doesn't "just fix America?" Well there are these two other branches of the government, in this thing called the "constitution," you see...
We all knew this was coming, I stated it in a post immediately after he started issuing all of these EOs. Trump certainly knew this was coming, and should be prepared. That does not involve a team of lawyers who are going to take months or years to slog through the courts, which are rigged against you anyway. If he does not maintain momentum, he’ll be caught and hamstrung again.

It’s foolish to think that Donald Trump, or anyone else, is going to “just fix America.” This country is indelibly corrupt to the core and at every level of government, federal, state, local. America is unsalvageable. You are in denial if you believe otherwise. Gordy’s gone man.

The country, as it is, needs to be destroyed, and then rebuilt. That will be a long and arduous process, but people need to wake up and take the first step, which is to recognize and acknowledge that the America they knew as a child isn’t coming back (and that was pretty far gone already). The people who built the country would never have allowed themselves to be shackled by a constitution enforced only when it serves the interests of treason. What good is following a law if it harms you?
What recourse is there against these activist judges? They are corrupt, and a tool of the enemies of this nation. Is there a due process to remove them from power?

Usually it’s a temporary injunction and the federal government proceeds as planned. Think of it more like throwing obstacles in the way. Most of the litigation doesn’t go anywhere either, but the point is to keep wasting time and raise dem morale. Check out how the news of these judges is always the first thing on any left wing news service, then buried in the article is like ‘he stopped it for a week’. Well big f-ing deal. It’s a propaganda game.

Filing a suit buys time because the other party has to respond and sometimes cases take months or years. Sometimes it goes to the Supreme Court, but most of the time it doesn’t.

The US judicial system is a gigantic waste of time and lawyers are some of the most notorious grifters. It’s corrupt as well.
We all knew this was coming, I stated it in a post immediately after he started issuing all of these EOs. Trump certainly knew this was coming, and should be prepared. That does not involve a team of lawyers who are going to take months or years to slog through the courts, which are rigged against you anyway. If he does not maintain momentum, he’ll be caught and hamstrung again.

It’s foolish to think that Donald Trump, or anyone else, is going to “just fix America.” This country is indelibly corrupt to the core and at every level of government, federal, state, local. America is unsalvageable. You are in denial if you believe otherwise. Gordy’s gone man.

The country, as it is, needs to be destroyed, and then rebuilt. That will be a long and arduous process, but people need to wake up and take the first step, which is to recognize and acknowledge that the America they knew as a child isn’t coming back (and that was pretty far gone already). The people who built the country would never have allowed themselves to be shackled by a constitution enforced only when it serves the interests of treason. What good is following a law if it harms you?

You want to rush from point A > to point Z. It takes time to make political progress. There is an emotional process men must go through, they must see the corruption firsthand and come to the same conclusions as you.

The major reason I voted for Trump, both times, was to go along this process. First people have to see the system is unsalvagable and their vote doesn't matter before they will believe it. So, be patient. Trump is doing all of the right things we need to create conditions for revolution in the coming century.

Either Trump's reforms work, and revolution isn't necessary, or they don't, and men will come to your conclusion. It's a win-win. Doesn't matter if Trump is a Zionist, completely irrelevant.
Trump needs to maintain his popularity and J.D. Vance take over after him. Each MAGA administration will appoint more and more federal judges. In Trump’s first term he turned the Supreme Court conservative. People forget how huge this was. Time can handle the judicial branch.
Very interesting:

By abusing bureaucratic bloat and firings, the Trump admin has been able to resist activist Judges without actively defying them.

For example, they say, "We'd do your order sooner, however, we have to process about 1000 things and all the workforce is laid off at USAID so we can't release foreign aid anytime soon. Maybe in 5 months from now we can comply."

So rather than actively resist Judges, which gives ammo for the enemies, the Trump admin is doing passive aggressive resistance. They say they will comply, but then drag their feet so long it never gets done. Far more effective at wearing down opposition.
A few years ago, some journalist posted an article about the US becoming a kritarchy - a country ruled by judges. That was met with much alarm, claims of antisemitism, etc. The "what an odd thing to say" meme came to mind and prompted more early life searches. It keeps checking out.

Reminds me of the ending of the book of Judges:

"In those days there was no King in Israel, every man did what was right in their own eyes"

We know how the story unfolds from there. Some patterns in history keep being revealed it seems.