The Barbarian Invasion of Europe

Let's face it. Europe's gene pool has been irrevocably polluted. It'll never return to what it once was. The globalists accomplished exactly what they set out to do. Stick a fork into it, it's done.
The crisis and war cycle that might be coming could change this. I don't know how it changes all that much from historical countries, as western Europe seems totally screwed unless indigenous euros go somewhere else, regroup and then take lands back. You'd have to have no nonsense deportations and more to do it though.
I think the gene pool remains rather clean because the vibrants are not really going to have a sense of belonging to these lands, while interracial marriages remain a fraction. It is more the Western women expiring because they don't marry or have kids. The Danes had to put a government advert for people to procreate "during their holidays". The absolute state of autistic consumers these days.... (Nothing personal to the Danish members, it can be applied to any Western nation and some central European ones soon).

So the gene pool is not that polluted as it is shrinking in absolute terms, I'd say. There will not be much government handouts to go around in the next century (diminishing workforce) and the vibrants might look for a new host to parasite on.
I think the gene pool remains rather clean because the vibrants are not really going to have a sense of belonging to these lands, while interracial marriages remain a fraction. It is more the Western women expiring because they don't marry or have kids. The Danes had to put a government advert for people to procreate "during their holidays". The absolute state of autistic consumers these days.... (Nothing personal to the Danish members, it can be applied to any Western nation and some central European ones soon).

So the gene pool is not that polluted as it is shrinking in absolute terms, I'd say. There will not be much government handouts to go around in the next century (diminishing workforce) and the vibrants might look for a new host to parasite on.
Yes, I think no matter what we do, the obvious outcome is that we are going to lose population, and significantly. The question is how quickly and to what degree. From what I see, I think people will be shocked looking back at the last 10 years, when we hit 2032. The ones who are alive, of course. :unsure:
This needs to be in here somewhere although it is very old news, hard to forget when Martin Shultz, president of the European parliament until 2017 then SPD politician after that in Germany said that what these migrants bring us is more valuable than gold :

„Was die Flüchtlinge mit zu uns bringen ist wertvoller als Gold. Es ist etwas, was wir in den letzten Jahren wohl irgendwo auf dem Weg verloren haben: Es ist die Überzeugung, ja der unbeirrbare Glaube an den Traum von Europa.“
Turns out that one place it was said was at a Heidelberg school for jewish studies, of all places to drop such a comment..

Aren't those people more a net cost than some kind of net gain?

When one's goal is to destroy Europe, they are indeed more valuable than gold in achieving that.

Additionally, the perks and incentives that flow to politicians, NGOs from the WEF, Soros etc are probably most valuable as well.

He also is known as saying „die AfD gehört auf den Misthaufen der Geschichte"

Know thy enemy
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"What would things have been like without them?"

This is not a surprise to me, not in the slightest. I suspect most on here have noticed what I have, that the indigenous European peoples have been lied to about the economic contribution that immigrants make. I have never understood how GDP growth is considered to be a good measure of economic performance. Surely per capita GDP would be the best indicator?

Aside from that, housing costs are exorbitant, and in the UK younger generations are renting or living with their parents instead of purchasing their own homes. Today's youngsters are supposedly the first generation that will be poorer than their parents for a hundreds of years. Net immigration is running at six million per decade and yet apparently people do not seem to understand how this is contributing to the problem, if indeed it's not the actual cause of the problem, as I suspect.

The National Health Service is on its knees and there are reports of folk dying waiting for ambulances and operations. Yet when I went to casualty recently there was an inordinate number of visible minorities waiting for treatment.

Many years ago I read that for an individual to be a net contributor to the Exchequer they would need to earn an average of £35k over their lifetime. I do not see how the armies of Just Eat delivery drivers, car wash attendants, security guards, etc are likely to ever be anything other than a drain on the public purse.

What amazes me is the fact that people can actually deny any of the above. Yet my own father, a highly educated man, does just that. He has a subscription to The Economist and somehow they have managed to convince him that immigration is good for the economy. It helps that he lives in a village where there is literally not a single person from an ethnic minority background, rarely uses public transport and is in good health.

I think the problem can be summarised in the following way:

1) Economic arguments are used which confound the masses, but since they are the view of 'experts' are simply accepted by the majority.
2) Those that are likely to see through the spurious claims made by the media are insulated from the reality of the situation by virtue of living in a desirable location.
3) If they do entertain thoughts that contradict 'the narrative', they will likely dismiss them as being the product of racism, which they have been conditioned to believe is the symptom of a diseased mind, and suppress them.
4) Even if they accept the obvious, the social cost of speaking the truth means only a minority will voice their opinions.
5) If individuals are prepared to speak out, they feel powerless and their is no political party (in the UK) that represents them.

As I have stated previously, I do not blame immigrants for coming to Europe and would probably be do the same thing in their situation. It is those who have engineered the situation who are to blame, along with those who work in the media and the political class.

I used to worry about such things, but now I simply observe the madness and marvel at how the Bible has predicted things with such accuracy. The End Times are here.
Aside from that, housing costs are exorbitant, and in the UK younger generations are renting or living with their parents instead of purchasing their own homes. Today's youngsters are supposedly the first generation that will be poorer than their parents for a hundreds of years. Net immigration is running at six million per decade and yet apparently people do not seem to understand how this is contributing to the problem, if indeed it's not the actual cause of the problem, as I suspect.

Many years ago I read that for an individual to be a net contributor to the Exchequer they would need to earn an average of £35k over their lifetime. I do not see how the armies of Just Eat delivery drivers, car wash attendants, security guards, etc are likely to ever be anything other than a drain on the public purse.

What amazes me is the fact that people can actually deny any of the above. Yet my own father, a highly educated man, does just that. He has a subscription to The Economist and somehow they have managed to convince him that immigration is good for the economy. It helps that he lives in a village where there is literally not a single person from an ethnic minority background, rarely uses public transport and is in good health.

Close to 50% of people in social housing are not born in the UK (therefore this figure excludes those born in the UK from previous migrant waves):

This will create a surge in demand for expensive house shares in the private rental sector, where the fertility rate is likely to be much lower than the social housing fertility rate.

So there will be more demands to import more migrants to shore up the fertility subsidence and these new migrants will go straight to hotels or social houses.

This is why liberal economists see migration as good for the economy - it is like saying that a shot of whiskey for breakfast is good for a hangover.

Just like stopping drinking the night before is out of the question, stopping the endless consumption of usury to rebase the economy to a productive one (manufacturing, designing, farming, fishing, mining, building etc) is likewise out of the question.

The figure you give that a tax payer needs to contribute £35k on average p.a. is a red flag given that the average UK salary is £30k p.a.

I can see a bachelor tax coming to pay for the unmarried mothers and fertile migrant families (of what ever historical wave) in social houses.
Close to 50% of people in social housing are not born in the UK (therefore this figure excludes those born in the UK from previous migrant waves):

This will create a surge in demand for expensive house shares in the private rental sector, where the fertility rate is likely to be much lower than the social housing fertility rate.

So there will be more demands to import more migrants to shore up the fertility subsidence and these new migrants will go straight to hotels or social houses.

This is why liberal economists see migration as good for the economy - it is like saying that a shot of whiskey for breakfast is good for a hangover.

Just like stopping drinking the night before is out of the question, stopping the endless consumption of usury to rebase the economy to a productive one (manufacturing, designing, farming, fishing, mining, building etc) is likewise out of the question.

The figure you give that a tax payer needs to contribute £35k on average p.a. is a red flag given that the average UK salary is £30k p.a.

I can see a bachelor tax coming to pay for the unmarried mothers and fertile migrant families (of what ever historical wave) in social houses.

I agree with all of that.

As for the average earnings, I believe most people are not net contributors to the Exchequer. Though, obviously, income tax isn't the only source of revenue - people pay VAT, inheritance tax, capital gains tax, etc. Those on very low wages are basically tax consumers, though, particularly if they receive Tax Credits or Universal Credit.

I believe there was a study done by the UCL a few years ago which estimated the cost to the economy of immigrants. The BBC reported it, but the headline was grossly misleading, championing the positive contribution of Eastern Europeans.

Even Korea is starting to go the way of Western Europe. I never realized there are so many migrants there.

Data released by the Seoul Metropolitan Office of Education on Sunday indicates that at least 4 in 10 students at nine elementary schools in Seoul have at least one parent of non-Korean nationality or who is naturalized.
From what I saw from my time in Seoul, there are plenty of Russians, some Mongols, a few Arabs, but also a lot of Europeans, as well as Anglo students. Still seemed much more selective about who is allowed to stay.
smartest races are whites and east asians

And those races are declining and being replaced by brown/black people

Dumb down the population, make it easier to control
It's sort of amazing but it's part of the population boom. I talk about posting that theory all the time but I have been too lazy for some reason.

Do you know what the bad news is regarding this topic? History is clear that life booms and then corrects very suddenly. I'm sorry to report that we'll be seeing this in the next 2-3 years, or for sure towards 2032. That's not very long, my friends.
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