I'd like to devote a thread to St. Augustine of Hippo, my Patron Saint. There is a lot of debate in modern Orthodoxy about St. Augustine (far more than there ever was during the ancient world) and it would be nice to have one place to discuss such things if anyone is interested. Particularly I would like this thread to develop into a place using meaningful dialogue and the most up-to-date scholarship in order to help discern which of St. Augustine's ideas were accepted by the Orthodox Church and which of his admitted speculations were not. Many of the debates surrounding St. Augustine involve the topics of monergism, predestination, original sin, the filioque, and his reception (or supposed lack thereof) in the Greek-speaking Byzantine world.
I am personally most familiar with his anti-Pelagian works, of which I have read a decent amount (both in St. Augustine directly and as expressed by his disciple St. Prosper of Aquitane) and have not yet delved deeply into his anti-Donatist works or his book On the Trinity. If anyone has something to contribute to the discussion I hope this will become a fruitful place to do so, and hopefully the ensuing debates and disputes will remain charitable and level-headed. I will contribute, as the first post, this talk given by Dr. Tikhon Pino on the reception of St. Augustine in St. Gregory Palamas (feel free to ignore the ecumenist comments from other people outside of his actual speech):
I am personally most familiar with his anti-Pelagian works, of which I have read a decent amount (both in St. Augustine directly and as expressed by his disciple St. Prosper of Aquitane) and have not yet delved deeply into his anti-Donatist works or his book On the Trinity. If anyone has something to contribute to the discussion I hope this will become a fruitful place to do so, and hopefully the ensuing debates and disputes will remain charitable and level-headed. I will contribute, as the first post, this talk given by Dr. Tikhon Pino on the reception of St. Augustine in St. Gregory Palamas (feel free to ignore the ecumenist comments from other people outside of his actual speech):
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