Situation in the Red Sea (Houthi Thread)


It's Europe buying those goods though, and those goods are being made by American or European companies in China (according to Grok's info).

Thus, Trump is trying to work prices down and help out the American companies who stand to profit.

Will Trump succeed here? That remains to be seen. Is this particularly a big deal? Not really, given that no other Arab nation is claiming Israel is violating the ceasefire currently in place, and Houthis are aggressively targeting civilian ships. Whether or not they are Israeli linked is a moot point because all of our major production and shipping is owned by the Talmuds. So it translates Houthis targeting virtually every ship that goes through the straights, which translates to higher costs for everyone in Europe, and lower profits for major business execs.

Finally, so far these strikes are strictly limited to military targets. If it's just military targets, then it's just part of the game of war and it's kinda hard to feel too bad about it. "Live by the sword, die by the sword." If Trump starts bombing civilians in Yemen then that will be a major mistake.

The Biden Administration purposely let the situation fester for this reason, to create a bargaining chip vis a vis the Europeans, Chinese, Egyptians, Israelis and Gulf Arabs.

This set up was by design. Hate to say 'told you so', but told you so. Get2choppaaa said the said the same thing way back, don't wanna steal all the shine. Reality check for those that legit were under the impression that the Mighty Houthis had just broken the US Navy's dominance in the Red Sea. That stuff was legit cringe.

The Trump Administration differs in its approach. It seems to care more about prestige. The Trump Admin bigwigs don't like khat chewing and flipflop wearing Arabs that shout Death to America taking potshots at merchant vessels - complete with Houthi ultimatums and whatnot. WTF moments. Loss of face. Dented egos. Hurt pride. Biden Administration was sly and calculating, Trump Administration is high T and in your face. They are taking this seriously. Fifth and Sixth Fleet should be able to do the job but assets are getting moved to the Middle East anyway.

Ansarallah/Houthis are in a bad situation. I think they legit miscalculated and thought Trump would be akin to Biden and open to negotiations. Turns out he's not. Not at this stage at least, maybe after glassing half the place he will be. Yesterday was a shot across the bow and final warning. US purposely only targeted low and middle level commanders. Houthis were given a way out. End the blockade and you will be left alone. Today the Houthis, stubborn religiously inspired mountain dwellers that they are, responded by saying it's game on.

Ansarallah can't counter any of the US attack vectors, and them impotently shooting refurbished 70s Soviet era technology missiles and DIY Iranian knock off drones at US naval assets will get comical real quick.

Ansarallah has two viable pathways to (a strategic) victory and firing their lil penis missiles at a technologically vastly superior foe's naval assets isn't one of them. Their options are:
1. Play the long game, grind their teeth and sit out the US bombing campaign whilst moving their critical infrastructure and leadership underground, hoping that the US at some point will be distracted and/or grow tired. Possibly tied to a stop on their Red Sea blockade.
2. Start firing missiles and drones at the Gulf Arabs oil and water infrastructure. Primarily the UAE and Saudi Arabia are targets. This already happened in 2016-2018, with the addition that back then Ansarallah's missile and drone technology was far less developed.
Trump Administration is serious about this. SoS Marco Rubio with a very clear message: campaign will go on until the attacks stop.

Hegseth with the same message: attacks will be unrelenting

Ansarallah leader Abdulmalik al Houthi with a statement: blockade will go on until Israeli blockade of Gaza stops.

After the first wave yesterday several additional US strikes have been reported.

Map with areas struck.


