Simeon Strangelight's vitamin C advice

Any "diet" is not healthy for you, your body doesn't want to be restricted of nutrients and nourishment that it needs and wants. It may make your body look better or even feel better short term just by default as you turned away from bad habits but it is not healthy for you. In the same way that lifting heavy weights is not healthy for you, we do it myself included to look good and feel good not because it's healthy.

Are those things healthier than sitting on the couch eating McDonald's sure but that's a straw man, we're not doing that or at least I hope not. People who ate garbage and looked like stacked piles of shit are always saying how amazing and healthy this new diet their on is, of course it is compared to the fat slob life they lived before!

What is "healthy" is eating natural foods, eating less and living a clean active lifestyle. This coming from someone who diets and lifts heavy, I'm not fooling myself by saying I'm doing it to be healthier I'm not ignorant enough or self absorbed to believe that....I do it to look good and feel good among other considerations such as strength.
Unless you can make yourself consistently eat multiple lemons or other fruits every single day, why not just supplement it? There are far too many nutrients to cover from diet especially of you do OMAD. "Balanced diets" are a meme imo. Protein, healthy fats, EPA/DHA, creatine, amino acids like taurine and carnitine, b vitamins, magnesium, vitamin D, Vitamin C...imo it's simply impractical to the point of absurdity to reasonably expect to be able acquire these in sufficient amounts consistently, especially considering:
a) many nutrients are water soluble
b) bioavailibility is limited on a full stomach in general
c) most nutrients compete with each other for absorption (such as zinc and calcium and magnesium).

Good luck making a "balanced" diet that somehow optimizes for all this...

Vitamin C is really cheap and you can ensure you're getting plenty when you take megadoses every day when you're fasted. I take 1g per day but it probably wouldn't hurt to take more. Magnesium and Vitamin D are unquestionably required to supplement, while Vitamin C, Vitamin K, and B Vitamins are probably not strictly necessary, but probably a good idea.
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imo it's simply impractical to the point of absurdity to reasonably expect to be able acquire these in sufficient amounts consistently, especially considering:

How do you think people survived before supplements were invented?

Being at a "supo-ptimal" level for at least a few nutrients is pretty normal and the body can adapt to it unless you get to an extreme deficiency level. Unless you are a professional athlete who needs everything to be 100% optimal I don't think its a big enough deal that you need to supplement unless you have some severe deficiency or some specific condition you are trying to treat.

For example if you have sleep problems it might be useful taking magnesium and zinc supplements, etc.
Simeon's advice was a reaction to the coof bs instead of taking the poke. I guess it's anecdotal but my wife and I haven't gotten sick at all until the normies started boosting themselves to smithereens and then megadosing vit C was also what helped us and the kids out.

Take the advice as you please, still way less risk than doing some gene therapy on yourself or your loved ones.
I usually keep ascorbic acid (vitamin C) in a jar at home especially during winter for when we and the kids get sick to boost us, its summer now so we havent needed to take any for a long time now.

I would take 1 teaspoon vitamin c and 1/4 teaspoon bicarb to buffer it so its not too acidic, your stomach gets the runs if you not used to it and take to much so be careful, I sometimes mix it into my kids juice if they not well.

I also keep some iodene and hydrogen peroxide at home but you cant mix it with vitamic C they cancel each other out, for very sick people there are even vitamin C drips (IV) I tried one once when very sick, the hydrogen peroxide IV also works well you feel a great difference but very few doctors do it.
High-dosing ascorbic acid works. When you feel the precursor to being sick you start dosing, one small spoon every three hours is usually enough to fight a cold off. You can do two or three spoons if you need to. Just increase the dose gradually over the day. You can literally feel it working. And don't start in the evening if you don't know your dosing.
How do you think people survived before supplements were invented?

Being at a "supo-ptimal" level for at least a few nutrients is pretty normal and the body can adapt to it unless you get to an extreme deficiency level. Unless you are a professional athlete who needs everything to be 100% optimal I don't think its a big enough deal that you need to supplement unless you have some severe deficiency or some specific condition you are trying to treat.

For example if you have sleep problems it might be useful taking magnesium and zinc supplements, etc.
Surviving vs thriving. Why not aim for optimization when it's available?
Surviving vs thriving. Why not aim for optimization when it's available?
Firstly a lot of supplements do not have great absorption and the more effective ones can be costly.

I do actually supplement by the way but that is to treat specific problems not just for the sake of it.