Shroud of Turin

It's almost like Orthodox have never read Romans 4: "if Abraham was justified by works then he has something to boast about, but not before God!"

In Galatians, Paul anathematizes to hell anyone who thinks their works justify them before God in some way. That's what Sola Fide is about. It doesn't need to be any more complicated than that. No eye-of-the-soul, woo-woo mysticism is necessary.
Abrahams faith produced his works though he still produced works but he wasnt justified by the works but because of His faith but the works were there.

He still put Isaac on the altar to sacrifice, this was considered Abrahams works but he was counted as righteous and justified before this event, to me I see it that his works were the evidence of his faith.
The main issue with the "faith alone" crowd is that they preach a type of "Get into heaven free" card. They keep separating things and compartmentalizing them, as I've stated, because they are obsessed with their mother church, which was started by the Franco Romans. You just don't need to do that, as Orthodox know. We were there before them, the RCs are schismatic, and we always preached what we preached, which is the gospel. That's all. God will judge, and no one knows what his judgment is, but we do know what he is doing. He designated human beings as worthy of all majesty and praise if we follow Him. That's our destiny. The key is IF and follow is ACTION. Period. Does it take belief, right belief, and practice? Yes, all of it. None of it is separate. So stop separating it because of your insecurities, in order to feel safe or secure, or have simpleton-like control over God. It doesn't work that way.

Now, back to the Shroud.