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Should women vote? Or should women maybe vote depending on passing a test?

Should women vote?

  • Yes, as long as they are of legal age.

  • Yes, as long as they pass a test (a test which men don’t have to pass)

  • Nope

Results are only viewable after voting.
The only reason why most women don’t make good voters is that they’re much more agreeable and -unlike many men- are more afraid to be excluded from a group, so they will do or vote as the majority of (dumbed down) population. Lack of accountability for most women has made many believe is not fair for people to whether fail or succeed on their own merits creating welfare governments and states where everything is “equal and fair”. But overall I think not only women shouldn’t be voting but the majority of ignorant masses.
The only reason why most women don’t make good voters is that they’re much more agreeable and -unlike many men- are more afraid to be excluded from a group, so they will do or vote as the majority of (dumbed down) population. Lack of accountability for most women has made many believe is not fair for people to whether fail or succeed on their own merits creating welfare governments and states where everything is “equal and fair”. But overall I think not only women shouldn’t be voting but the majority of ignorant masses.
Problem with this argument is women can vote without disclosing their votes.
I am opposed to women voting. However, unless there is an extreme societal collapse, I don't see the vote ever being taken away from them, so the current situation is permanent.

The catastrophic consequences of World War 1 is what it took for many countries to finally give women the vote.
Those countries who resisted, then later relented after the second world war.
So yeah, it would take another enormous catastrophe to reverse things
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The catastrophic consequences of World War 1 is what it took for many countries to finally give women the vote.
Those countries who resisted relented after the second world war.
So yeah, it would take another enormous catastrophe to reverse things
If nothing else, the women would vote against taking the vote away from them. You would have to have a collapse that took away voting entirely, and secondly, you'd have to have such a tribal, clannish, patriarchal society that men ruled their households as was normal up to around 1800-1850.

Basically a society ruled by warriors. I think certain areas of the developed world might descend to this level, but most areas that are currently developed will muddle through with an intact modern economy.
The only reason why most women don’t make good voters is that they’re much more agreeable and -unlike many men- are more afraid to be excluded from a group, so they will do or vote as the majority of (dumbed down) population. Lack of accountability for most women has made many believe is not fair for people to whether fail or succeed on their own merits creating welfare governments and states where everything is “equal and fair”. But overall I think not only women shouldn’t be voting but the majority of ignorant masses.

Yeah and people need to realize that without a strong male leader most women will not be going in the right direction. Many women who are 'based' are just following a male figure like their father or husband. Without this direct momentum they pretty much always shoot for group think woke bullshit.

It's really simple but a hard reality for fags to face. The discrepancies between us don't stop at the physical. This is why the top grandmaster chess players are men. It's not because of 'societal sexism'. It's because they are halfway between children and men.

If anything they should be allowed to vote once they are 35 or much older. It's absolutely insane to have 18 year old retard females voting.

This is why the first gay pride parades were the marches for women's suffrage.
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Not the way it is now. This aberration is a blip in human history. They can express their utmost femininity at their natural talents through a myriad of motherhood-related matters in a National or Monarchical society without engaging in voting. A plebiscite is different, and under the context of which one is held, I would say, if a woman has done her duty to God, nation, and family by having a certain minimum number of children to help the unity of a nation, then she should be allowed to participate in larger roles in that society, on a case by case basis. This doesn't exclude women from working or participating and engaging in the successful recovery or growth of a nation, but the familial aspect, according to Biblical law should always come first.
The poll is bad, and I won't participate in it.

Women shouldn't be allowed to vote at country level desicisons, especially matters involving military. But for local matters, such as schools, zoning, roads, and neighborhood issues, women should absolutely be allowed to vote.

Women's minds are naturally local, and they are really good for helping out with these things. They need to be able to structure the local environment for the rearing of children.

But at the meta-level, with massive, country-wide laws affecting millions, and things involving wars that men have to die for, women have absolutely no place in.
No not ever on anything. Current affairs should illustrate why it's always a terrible idea. Most men shouldn't be allowed either.
It used to be that you had to own land in order to vote, you had to have skin in the game. That was a good system.

It would be hard to see how that could happen today though, as the corporations have been buying politicians and been voting themselves a bigger paycheck for a hundred years now. Even now, their vote is the only vote that counts.
Yes, they should.

Women have only been voting for around 100 years. There are going to be some growing pains. They got the right to vote because they proved themselves capable. Today women are accountants, doctors, lawyers, politicians, police officers, and even airline pilots. Allowing them to do these things but not vote is silly.

It took human civilizations thousands of years to eliminate slavery. It also took human civilization thousands of years to realize that letting women vote was the right thing to do.
There are more palatable ways to bring about the needed change in the voting system than by telling women they can't vote.

There are also those paying into the system and those taking out. Single, childless men paying in and single mothers taking out, perhaps. Of course that is not the whole story, but it is useful for this topic. If only the net contributors could vote that would change a few things and already skew it away from women and towards men, without having to explicitly take the vote away from women.

The whole structure of society would have to change drastically to something other than how it is for women to have the vote taken away again explicitly.

In general there is something unhealthy going on between women and the state. Taxes targeting men more, divorce laws targeting men more but it's all about equality?

That is absurd and politically unpalatable to try to make women do a test to get a license to vote. Female influence on society needs to be reduced or eliminated but there are right ways and wrong ways of going about it.
US Citizens with proof of ID and I’m good. Perhaps a simple civics test as well to make sure people who vote at least know a bare minimum of US rights and such.
IF (and this is a BIG "if") a nation IS going to allow biological females to vote, possibly introduce some weighted ballot system, where a biological woman's vote counts for 50% or perhaps 25% of a biological man's vote. To register, married women should have signed authorization from their husbands, and unmarried women, signed authorization from their fathers or an adult brother. You're an unmarried women without a living father or adult brother? Sorry, no vote for you, Toots. Of course, 'transgender' women would  not be voting, as they would be in a mental institution.
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Yes, they should.

Women have only been voting for around 100 years. There are going to be some growing pains. They got the right to vote because they proved themselves capable. Today women are accountants, doctors, lawyers, politicians, police officers, and even airline pilots. Allowing them to do these things but not vote is silly.

It took human civilizations thousands of years to eliminate slavery. It also took human civilization thousands of years to realize that letting women vote was the right thing to do.
Due to the downside and cheapening of education in the name of “equality” and fairness, a woman or man having a degree basically says nothing about the cognitive ability or character of someone, since affirmative action quotas have also taken over. And it means even less outside of Anglosphere, I live somewhere in Latin America and graduated from medical school here and you would be surprised about how many men and women got the highest scores via the immoral and incorrect way because corruption and doing whatever -even losing self respect- if it means getting some short-sighted and direct benefit. But still they are worse than average doctors and shouldn’t be allowed to treat any patients.