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Shooting in Maine

Almost all of these shooters claim they hear voices in their heads, telling them to go shoot people. What I think is happening is the FBI or DHS, etc. doing something similar to this scene from Real Genius (warning: some brief light innuendo here):

This is only a SHORT list of shooters hearing voices:

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Sounds like yet another MK Ultra false flag to sway public opinion about guns, white men, the "you need more govt to protect you" narrative, etc. It means it must be election season again. These things are so predictable now. RIP to all those who who lost their lives to the Deep State machinations.
It’s gotten to the point where just about anything negative I see on mainstream news, I assume it’s part of a false flag
The part I find disturbing is how quiet it is out there. 5 years ago during Trump’s presidency people would freak out when stuff like this happens. The socials would be dominated by rants, protests, blocking / unfollowing gun owners, etc. Thursday morning has been quiet considering what just happened.
I noticed this too this morning. I didn't find out about the shooting until late last night, but now I am seeing nothing. Even the telegram channels are silent. The only update I saw was 16 confirmed killed and that the killer had not been captured. It's like the media and gov are burying something or perhaps saving this for another event?
I noticed this too this morning. I didn't find out about the shooting until late last night, but now I am seeing nothing. Even the telegram channels are silent. The only update I saw was 16 confirmed killed and that the killer had not been captured. It's like the media and gov are burying something or perhaps saving this for another event?
Maybe they realized too many people noticed that the person on the wanted poster was different than the one on the surveillance photos. They have to pull back their FBI agent, so they can use him again in another location. That's also a possibility.
Almost all of these shooters claim they hear voices in their heads, telling them to go shoot people. What I think is happening is the FBI or DHS, etc. doing something similar to this scene from Real Genius (warning: some brief light innuendo here):

This is only a SHORT list of shooters hearing voices:

It goes back even further than the 70's; the Microwave Auditory Effect or 'Frey Effect' had been discussed by Dr. Allan H Frey in a paper in the Journal of Applied Physiology in July 1962:

Human auditory system response to modulated electromagnetic energy

* the actual journal link is pay or sign-in only, here's a link from Waybackmachine:
The combination of:
  • Living in denial of God's love
  • Living in denial of God's wrath (yes it matters what you do)
  • The replacement of confession with a 25 year old psychologist you pay $100 / hour to show interest in you and put Jewish self-help theories in your brain
  • Mind drugs to "help you" given by psychiatrists
  • The oppressive state, whatever you make will be confiscated by the tax service, whatever you want to build needs to go through 6 municipal committees
  • Inflation, seeing your saving go up in smoke
  • For the real sick people (things like schizophrenia) there is no proper healthcare anymore
  • Being told you're a privileged filthy abusive woman hating racist every day on TV
  • Seeing no way out ^^^^^^
Is sending some people over the edge.

If it's not just another psy-op (saw no images of the aftermath).
Something pushed that guy over the edge...

But the discussion that comes out of this will be the usual BS, "we need to ban guns" instead of talking about the broken society that pushes unstable individuals over the edge, that makes them feel like there is no love or help for them. Nope, the answer is always to take more rights away.
Yeah...take away the guns and we're still left with a bunch of 'jokers' and 'taxi drivers'.

It couldn't be the war trauma, broken families, big pharma drugs, porn/online filth, social isolation, alcohol abuse, difficulty in finding a suitable wife, toxic culture, lack of identity, economic stranglehold, etc.

Of course I'm not going to say this guy is innocent. But hypothetically, when someone is painting their face, talking to demons, doing push-ups in the dark, and saying "you talkin to me?" in the mirror, you've really got to be braindead to think it's the gun's fault.

If anything we need guns because of the above making our society more and more dangerous. There are a lot of guys out there that do not have Christ in their life that are just one step away from doing the same as this guy.

But yeah, nevermind, it's definitely the gun's fault. And white men. Ship all the guns to Israel! /s
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The MSM seems much less interested in mass shootings now than they used to be. Even a decade ago this would be all the they would talk about for weeks, if not months. White man bad, ban guns etc. One theory is that they don't want to focus on the cultural and social "collapse" and lack of cohesion in US society, as the more that notice this, the more people are motivated to change things.
glowie shooter.JPG

glowie reddit.JPG
-If he "heard voices," he probably was put on drugs that are known to reduce natural inhibitions.

-I also wonder why there's never an attack (or attempt) on the people in charge? Not promoting that in any way, but why don't we ever see that? Is it really that hard to get to someone like Trudeau, if you don't care about your own life or freedom. (or the lives of innocent bystanders for that matter) It makes no sense to just kill random people for anyone with more than two brain cells.