Shooting in Maine

Something pushed that guy over the edge...

But the discussion that comes out of this will be the usual BS, "we need to ban guns" instead of talking about the broken society that pushes unstable individuals over the edge, that makes them feel like there is no love or help for them. Nope, the answer is always to take more rights away.
Something pushed that guy over the edge...

But the discussion that comes out of this will be the usual BS, "we need to ban guns" instead of talking about the broken society that pushes unstable individuals over the edge, that makes them feel like there is no love or help for them. Nope, the answer is always to take more rights away.
Well stated.

The answer is to always do something to benefit the elites, often under the guise of "equality" (world is unequal but centralized power can change that biological reality in your favor! - Wait, Gulags, how???), or safety. Same story, same results.
Not a school shooting but at this point this type of shooting and the MSM coverage is largely one in the same.

And IMO there are clearly other aspects to this going on. SSRI's and that connection to these shooting would be an at best scenario. MK Ultra or hypnotized government assets turned martyred pawns would also seem likely.

Sounds like yet another MK Ultra false flag to sway public opinion about guns, white men, the "you need more govt to protect you" narrative, etc. It means it must be election season again. These things are so predictable now. RIP to all those who who lost their lives to the Deep State machinations.
Sounds like yet another MK Ultra false flag to sway public opinion about guns, white men, the "you need more govt to protect you" narrative, etc. It means it must be election season again. These things are so predictable now. RIP to all those who who lost their lives to the Deep State machinations.

And the thing is, the govt saved no one, as usual, they aren't coming to protect or save anyone. They'll show up with all the stuff eventually but it will be too late and it will all be for show. These events are strictly used to disarm the populace to give them less power to resist future events. No one (except the uber elite) is better off when more power is transferred from the people to the government.
Saw this paragraph thrown into the reuters article:

"Card was also reported to have been committed to mental health facility for two weeks during summer 2023 and subsequently released," said the notice from the Maine Information & Analysis Center."

Kinda says it all right there. Next they'll quietly admit he was "on the fbi's radar".
The west has a serious mental health crisis situation that is not only, not being addressed, but encouraged.

The big question is, are they allowing this to happen, or at a minimum, happy it happened, so they can take guns away from us as a very unpopular military draft might be on the table? I certainly hope not, but if the GOP caves this time, they can first disarm us, and then second send our young men off to die in a war for Israel against Muslims and Christians in the Middle East.
It's a sad state we are in nowadays where a shooting brings not pain and contrition over lost lives, but politically motivated rancor discussing gun laws and racially-motivated acts of violence. I agree that many false flag shootings have been used to bolster gun control and take away 2nd Amendment rights, but I guess I wish I had more of a spirit of pain of heart for the dead than "here comes another power grab by liberals to take away our gun rights".

We have all become so desensitized to violence and rather than pray for the situation, our society seems to care only about the political fallout of such events.

Speaking of which, if someone has found the names of the people who were killed, please share, we all should pray their souls find rest.
When I was in my teens and a mass shooting happened, it was a shocking event.

Now when it happens, it's a Wednesday.

I understand why the elites care -- others here have stated it. They can get us to voluntarily disarm ourselves.

Thing is, that's not happening. Why doesn't the populace care? Is it because we're so atomized (by design) or apathetic or numb?

Either way, there are many more problems here than just people who snap.
I don't think it's that people don't care, but rather many know what the game is, and even more feel like they are helpless to stop it or doing anything about it. I think this leads most people to just ignore it and give up.
Which I think, for Americans, is learned behavior. And learned in the past, say 80 years.

Maybe I don't know my history but I always got the sense that Americans are rebellious. The country was founded on it. People would literally police their communities and they would not put up with things we have today like rampant crime and marxist agenda being taught to their kids. It couldn't have happened in say, 1847.

People eventually got fed up enough with the industrial revolution that workers fought and died for 40 hour work weeks and an end to child labor. Children used to go into mines.

I can't think of any actual wins "for the people" on that level in my lifetime. We get Juneteenth along with our burned cities. We went from rebels to cowards, and we did so relatively quickly.
It’s almost like Democrats were tearing each other apart over the Israel/Palestine division, and suddenly this came along just in time to give them something to unite around, and on the same day Biden was already set to give a speech about an assault weapons ban. :confused: