Reversion to the median

Sandalwood Peak

Orthodox Inquirer
I think we're undergoing a massive correction as human beings.

What we know as traditionalism, conservatism, social order or whatever doesn't exist anymore.

To put it in plain English, we're no longer able to form a society as we imagine it because the circumstances have changed. People got the cake, they want to have it and eat it too. There is no convincing them otherwise.

As human beings we have incorporated so many modern inventions, including ideological ones, a normal society is no longer possible and what we had is crumbling.

A lot of people complain about women and simps but that's part of the correction. A woman being a whore seems to be the default state. Being a simp seems to be a default state. The whole migration crisis shows us senseless violence is the default state. On it goes.

I'm seeing heavy bias within myself when viewing these things and I do a lot of delusional coping. This correction is always discussed as an abnormality which it doesn't seem to be.

Being an honest, faithful, respectful, pleasure avoidant, dignified Christian is not normal. There's nothing normal about that. Other people aren't going to reward you for it either. Anyone living like that is trying to live up to God's standard. Obviously God may reward you but it's pointless to look to people for admiration when conducting yourself in such a way. It's not some cheat code to win in human affairs.

There's a race to the bottom, there's nothing to hold back this correction. Now is the time to decide which side we want to be on.

You want to live it up with the human animals whether it be sex or revenge, you want to build a new societal model for everyone to follow or do you want to dedicate your life to God during these times?

I think the days of looking at these "freaks" and laughing at them are running out. We can no longer observe them from our high tower.

You're the hope, the outlier or part of the problem.
@Sandalwood Peak

What you refer to as a “correction” is, in reality, a deliberate distortion of the natural order. The last hundred years have seen the rise of ideologies that have tried to overturn the God-ordained racial hierarchy and moral codes that sustained humanity for millennia. This so-called “correction” is not the inevitable course of history, it’s an artificial manipulation brought about by secular forces, globalist elites, and technocrats who seek to create a homogenized world devoid of racial and spiritual distinctions.

The true correction must come from a return to God’s natural order, where people live according to their racial identity and spiritual heritage. The false, artificial "correction" imposed upon us by modern ideologies is destined to fail because it is unnatural. Our task is to resist this distortion and work toward a restoration of the Christian order that once guided our ancestors.

It may seem like these things have vanished, but in reality, they have been suppressed by the jewish forces of modernity and their cultural Marxism. What you see today is not the death of traditionalism, but the masking of it by a temporary regime of lies. The traditional values of racial integrity, patriarchy, and Christian order still exist beneath the surface, and as long as pure humans exist, they will reassert themselves once the artificial structures of modernity collapse. We are imprinted with these behaviors into our DNA. The solution is to preserve and rebuild these traditional values in small, cohesive communities that reject the false ideals of modern society. By creating micro-societies rooted in racial purity and Christian identity, we will ensure that the true order of things remains intact, even as the larger world spirals into chaos.

What you’re witnessing here is the result of the destruction of the family unit and the deliberate erosion of masculinity by modern ideologies. Feminism, sexual liberation, and consumerist culture have encouraged women to abandon their God-given roles as mothers and caretakers, while men have been emasculated and turned into passive, weak-willed simps, if not by force, by enticement and with hormonal and chemical subterfuge. This is not the natural state of human beings, but a manufactured crisis meant to destroy the Christian patriarchy. The path forward is to restore the natural roles of men and women as defined by God’s law, even if it is just one household at a time.

The senseless violence we see today is a direct consequence of the importation of foreign elements into societies that were once racially homogenous and rooted in Christian law. The migration crisis, which brings alien peoples into the West, creates cultural and racial conflict that leads to violence. This is not the default state of humanity, but the result of the unnatural mixing of races and the destruction of racial identity. To end this violence, we must restore racial homogeneity in our nations. This means reversing the policies of mass migration, rejecting globalism, and reclaiming our lands for the indigenous European peoples who founded them. Peace and order can only be achieved in racially pure societies where people share a common identity, faith, and destiny.

You're right that being an honest Christian man is not seen as "normal" in today's world, but that’s because we are living in a debased, degenerate society that celebrates sin and rejects God’s law. The true normality is living in accordance with God’s commandments, which includes being a faithful Christian, adhering to moral codes, and avoiding the pleasures of the flesh outside of marriage. What is considered "normal" today is an artificial construct designed to encourage moral decay. The solution across the board is to reject modern standards of normality and embrace the Christian way of life, regardless of how countercultural it may seem. The real normal is living according to God’s law, maintaining racial purity, and striving to build Christian communities that uphold these values. By doing this, we will return to the true natural order.

This "race to the bottom" is only possible because the natural order has been suppressed, inverted, and castigated. What we see today is a temporary blinder, a veil of lies that has been pulled over the eyes of the world by secular elites who want to destroy the Christian identity of Western civilization. However, this artificial state cannot last, because nature always wins out over the unnatural. The Adamic race, those descended from God’s chosen people, will return to their rightful place in the order of things, not the jews, or else humanity will face extinction. The only way to stop this "race to the bottom" is to reclaim the natural order by building racially pure Christian communities that reject the lies of modernity. By returning to the land, living in accordance with God’s laws, and defending our racial and spiritual identity, we will halt the descent into chaos and restore order. This process will be long, but nature will ultimately prevail.

Do not doubt, and fight against these doubts when they are returning in your thoughts the strongest. Do I want to dedicate my life to God during these times? Yes, and that is the only answer. Dedicating one’s life to God means more than personal piety. To me it means fighting for the restoration of the Christian order in all aspects of life. This includes defending the racial purity of God’s people, rejecting the modern degenerate world, and building communities that reflect the laws of God and the natural hierarchy He established. Dedicate your life not just to spiritual purity, but also to racial and social purity as God intended. Form communities of like-minded individuals who reject the modern world and work together to build a new Christian society that is rooted in nature, order, and racial integrity. The future belongs to those who remain faithful to God’s design and refuse to conform to the unnatural systems of today.

So therefore answer is not to join the chaos, but rather to build a new Christian society based on racial purity, biblical law, and the natural order that God intended. The traditional European societies were once shining examples of this, but they have been undermined by the influence of foreign elements, cultural Marxism, and zionist agendas that seek to destroy Christian nations from within. As the rightful heirs to the Covenant of God, we must recognize that our struggle is not just against flesh and blood, but against the spiritual forces of evil in this world (Ephesians 6:12). The degeneracy and violence we see today are symptoms of a larger spiritual war being waged against the Adamic race. We must stand firm in our faith, identity, and heritage, and work to rebuild a society that reflects God’s kingdom on earth.

We are the remnant, the hope for a new Christian society, but that society must be built on the principles of living in spiritual faith, genetic integrity, and obedience to all of God's laws.

This "new normal" is a temporary lie, an artificial mockery imposed by the enemies of God’s natural order. As you noted, modern technology, industrialization, and the false ideologies of the last two centuries have created the illusion that man can live outside of God’s laws. But nature, the true natural law, cannot be denied. Humanity will either return to living in accordance with the natural order, which includes racial purity, Christian law, and moral integrity, or it will face destruction. In the end, nature wins over everything artificial, and those who remain faithful to the natural law will survive and thrive because it is akin to abiding by God's laws.
What we know as traditionalism, conservatism, social order or whatever doesn't exist anymore.

I think about this often. The demons that have run rampant in our society aren't going to be put safely back in a box.

Even on a personal level we can't revert things to being traditional. For example as an Orthodox Christian, I believe in the value of the Christian tradition, but you can't just be traditional because we live in a totally disenchanted, demystified, and atheistic world, so there is no traditional precident for that. You can try of course, but you can't just put nihilism back in a box and pretend it hasn't ruined Christendom. Try as one might to have the beliefs of a 13th century Slavic peasant, we just aren't in the 13th century.

The same applies to women who want to be trad. Not to disparage them because I do think its a good choice, but they are still choosing trad as an empowered female choice. So it's inherently not traditional.

The degenerate society we live in is not going to be calmly walked back from the filth it currently wallows in. Even if we were to strong arm a genuinely conservative society, these forces will still be there waiting for a moment of "liberation". You'd basically have to be the Taliban to keep a lid on degeneracy if you did want to revert Western society.

And those of us who want to walk back from degeneracy, in a true and meaningful way are in a tiny minority anyway. Most "conservatives" are accepting of a certain level of feminism, freedom of religion, and think the sexual revolution was ok and sodomites are fine.

There is no winning this war in a conventional sense. We lose, until Christ returns in glory. Then these forces that are rampant in our society will be cast into the lake of fire.
Nothing natural about these things. Even ancient pagan societies were nothing like what we're dealing with. The current state of things could not have happened without mass media, the internet, centuries of meticulous social engineering, and all the various poisons present in everything now from the air we breathe to the clothes we wear.
I sincerely believe that the main thing driving the decline is abortion. Sure we can point to historical causes, philosophy, ideologies and so forth, but on a spiritual level it seems quite simple to me. We are continually being punished for allowing babies to be murdered on an industrial scale. We feed the forces of evil every time we permit it and we give them more control over society and God allows this because no one is stopping it.

If we banned abortion. This one single thing would have a dramatic effect on the health of our society
Nothing natural about these things. Even ancient pagan societies were nothing like what we're dealing with. The current state of things could not have happened without mass media, the internet, centuries of meticulous social engineering, and all the various poisons present in everything now from the air we breathe to the clothes we wear.
It's funny you should mention the social engineering behind the clothes we wear.

I'm currently looking for a new winter coat to replace my rain coat. Every single coat that I have looked at this fall has a stupid zipped up puffa thing inside it. Literally there are no other choices.

Someone has decided that coats should be like this this fall and every shop is carrying them. Off to London later so hopefully I'll find something there but it's bizzaro world to just have this presented to you as if it's completely normally.

A lot of the time I feel like I'm that guy in the même walking around with the sunglass that show people as zombies.
You're the hope, the outlier or part of the problem.
Great post, this is the one topic that can maintain some traffic on the forum, since it seems we've lost traffic due to becoming too religious in the sense that this place should not be a substitute for church or community, nor is it some place to seek spiritual guidance in the sense that we are not each other's spiritual fathers. That is a pertinent reminder, in my view.
This so-called “correction” is not the inevitable course of history, it’s an artificial manipulation brought about by secular forces, globalist elites, and technocrats who seek to create a homogenized world devoid of racial and spiritual distinctions.
What you’re witnessing here is the result of the destruction of the family unit and the deliberate erosion of masculinity by modern ideologies.
Yes, and the feminine is chaos so we have a situation in which the only "benefit" for men is promiscuity of women - but in a harem sense, which makes it even worse, again, for nearly all men.
Feminism, sexual liberation, and consumerist culture have encouraged women to abandon their God-given roles as mothers and caretakers, while men have been emasculated and turned into passive, weak-willed simps, if not by force, by enticement and with hormonal and chemical subterfuge.
You know I've explained this via the population boom theory, which I think has been proven at this point. You could have only done this and had tech, efficiency, and the degree of spoiling with western/european innovation and hypergamy.
Even on a personal level we can't revert things to being traditional. For example as an Orthodox Christian, I believe in the value of the Christian tradition, but you can't just be traditional because we live in a totally disenchanted, demystified, and atheistic world, so there is no traditional precident for that. You can try of course, but you can't just put nihilism back in a box and pretend it hasn't ruined Christendom. Try as one might to have the beliefs of a 13th century Slavic peasant, we just aren't in the 13th century.
This is what I've brought up to the priests, the Fr. Josiah posts, the older guys. I get it, they are older, married in different times to different women, are used to what they are used to, etc. It does surprise me how a red pill Orthodox man can't discern some degree of context, however. At least to mention in passing how bad certain things are in modernity that quite clearly cannot be fixed.

That's why, and I've asked it before, is the "solution" in part to leave for a different country, like most of our ancestors?
I think we're undergoing a massive correction as human beings.

What we know as traditionalism, conservatism, social order or whatever doesn't exist anymore.

To put it in plain English, we're no longer able to form a society as we imagine it because the circumstances have changed. People got the cake, they want to have it and eat it too. There is no convincing them otherwise.

As human beings we have incorporated so many modern inventions, including ideological ones, a normal society is no longer possible and what we had is crumbling.

A lot of people complain about women and simps but that's part of the correction. A woman being a whore seems to be the default state. Being a simp seems to be a default state. The whole migration crisis shows us senseless violence is the default state. On it goes.

I'm seeing heavy bias within myself when viewing these things and I do a lot of delusional coping. This correction is always discussed as an abnormality which it doesn't seem to be.

Being an honest, faithful, respectful, pleasure avoidant, dignified Christian is not normal. There's nothing normal about that. Other people aren't going to reward you for it either. Anyone living like that is trying to live up to God's standard. Obviously God may reward you but it's pointless to look to people for admiration when conducting yourself in such a way. It's not some cheat code to win in human affairs.

There's a race to the bottom, there's nothing to hold back this correction. Now is the time to decide which side we want to be on.

You want to live it up with the human animals whether it be sex or revenge, you want to build a new societal model for everyone to follow or do you want to dedicate your life to God during these times?

I think the days of looking at these "freaks" and laughing at them are running out. We can no longer observe them from our high tower.

You're the hope, the outlier or part of the problem.
Beautifully said. Calming words for me.

Yes, and the feminine is chaos so we have a situation in which the only "benefit" for men is promiscuity of women - but in a harem sense, which makes it even worse, again, for nearly all men.

You know I've explained this via the population boom theory, which I think has been proven at this point. You could have only done this and had tech, efficiency, and the degree of spoiling with western/european innovation and hypergamy.

This is what I've brought up to the priests, the Fr. Josiah posts, the older guys. I get it, they are older, married in different times to different women, are used to what they are used to, etc. It does surprise me how a red pill Orthodox man can't discern some degree of context, however. At least to mention in passing how bad certain things are in modernity that quite clearly cannot be fixed.

That's why, and I've asked it before, is the "solution" in part to leave for a different country, like most of our ancestors?
The solution is to live a life of active obeisance to God's natural laws, under their umbrella the laws of the Churches once fell under by strictest dogma. Too many people just say "trust in God, put faith in God" etc but they do not obey God in their own lives. Trusting and obeying are two very different practices.

Technology radically departed from its natural trajectory in the 1800s with the advent of mega-industrialism and the rise of corporations under family dynasties that began to hasten the death knell of nations. Most technological advancements from thereon out were wondrous at first, a glimpse of the true creativity of man inspired by his creator, like powered flight, and long-distance communications, and free energy, but these were all warped to fit the model of profiteering that suits only the parasite. Many were jewish, some were not, some were questionably either or.

The population boom you refer to is correct, but because it is the wrong kind of population boom. A majority of people alive today should not be, I dare say, even some family members of mine, one was very sick as a child, he would not have lived had he been born a hundred years ago, but that in a way is the amoral grit of nature. It does not feel empathy nor misanthropy, it simply is a constant process of struggle for life against unending death. A population boom of stronger genetics, people suited for a life of higher discipline and not succumbing to weak temptations may have been possible, but a majority of those genetics were killed off in the wars of the last few centuries, especially the world wars. The combination of parasitic technology, technology both given to the savage world and hoarded by the elitists for their benefits to be used to the detriment of the common stock, and the proliferation of diluted and malfeasant genetics, a lesser humanity, are why sin has so easily overtaken our societies. The robust, the exceptional, and strong are few, and the stronger in spirit fewer still.
Technology radically departed from its natural trajectory in the 1800s with the advent of mega-industrialism and the rise of corporations under family dynasties that began to hasten the death knell of nations. Most technological advancements from thereon out were wondrous at first, a glimpse of the true creativity of man inspired by his creator, like powered flight, and long-distance communications, and free energy, but these were all warped to fit the model of profiteering that suits only the parasite. Many were jewish, some were not, some were questionably either or.

Technology went from complimentary fo a focal point. There's an overload of information. Things move too fast. Technology interferes with almost all biological functions. Whether it be motivation, environmental awareness, daily physical load, or processing essential information.

A lot of men are going to be left behind. Not everyone is cut out to be a STEM graduate solving complex problems in complex systems. A lot of social dysfunction comes from technological clutching. People go online to see the "standard", the "goal", the low down, and what to expect. Sometimes exploring through trial and error, or being guided by those around you is much more healthy. Books were a perfect medium between ignorance and digestible at your own pace information.

The interconnectivity of the world has substantially reduced the autonomy of men. Insane wealth transfer from small communities into regional/global markets. Human mistakes are no longer tolerated, you're constantly monitored. The government is running a civilizational sim with social and economic planning beyond their intellectual and moral capacity.

When people say go for walks, connect with nature, etc. it's all good advice. The world is very artificial. I find it interesting how you have restrictions on gaming and extracurriculars for kids in China. We're going to have to start thinking about how we can deplug on a civilizational scale and maintain a healthy distance. Clearly the concept of "personal freedom" of being plugged into the matrix at your own discretion is detrimental.
That's why, and I've asked it before, is the "solution" in part to leave for a different country, like most of our ancestors?
I think its a plausible short term solution, but I think its akin to going into a different room when the room you are in is burning. The house is still on fire.

For example, in Russia I have heard it said that church attendance is disproportionately skewed towards women. From our subjective standpoint we might hear this and think "woohoo!" And yeah, we can go there and shoot fish in a barrel. But objectively speaking, thats the smoke creeping into the room. By the time your kids reach your age who knows what the ramifications of that might be?
I think its a plausible short term solution, but I think its akin to going into a different room when the room you are in is burning. The house is still on fire.

For example, in Russia I have heard it said that church attendance is disproportionately skewed towards women. From our subjective standpoint we might hear this and think "woohoo!" And yeah, we can go there and shoot fish in a barrel. But objectively speaking, thats the smoke creeping into the room. By the time your kids reach your age who knows what the ramifications of that might be?
Good points, but (haha) your argument is that 2/10 economic zone (from a nation state point of view if you are a hated white male especially) is somehow worse than a country that has issues, but a future and unity. Hmm.

I was thinking about this with some ancestors overnight, and a lot of modern immigrants who were less American than in the past (mostly the 1960s immigrants and later in the US, who were less and less assimilated): you could come to the USA and even though it wasn't ideal, it didn't matter a crap ton that you didn't speak English that well, or you could find a LOT of fellow nation X people, and streamline your civic nationalist dream. That's way harder to do in other countries. You have smartphone translations, etc but back then you had friends who also would help you, and then your first generation born (2nd) would speak the language fluently. That sweet spot is harder to pull off in other places.

All in all, at this point, tons of single women in church sounds like a huge win. That's how bad it is in America, in which, as you know, it's the opposite.
A lot of men are going to be left behind. Not everyone is cut out to be a STEM graduate solving complex problems in complex systems. A lot of social dysfunction comes from technological clutching. People go online to see the "standard", the "goal", the low down, and what to expect. Sometimes exploring through trial and error, or being guided by those around you is much more healthy. Books were a perfect medium between ignorance and digestible at your own pace information.
Yes. And great posts by the way.

This is why I say we're already in the crisis/collapse. It can get worse though. A lot of online communities are just respites for many dudes who have little chance, and we should support one another, but the reality is stark and you have to be very honest where you are on the totem pole - whether that is fair, your fault, or not (mostly I don't think it is, but that means nothing).
Good points, but (haha) your argument is that 2/10 economic zone (from a nation state point of view if you are a hated white male especially) is somehow worse than a country that has issues, but a future and unity. Hmm.

I was thinking about this with some ancestors overnight, and a lot of modern immigrants who were less American than in the past (mostly the 1960s immigrants and later in the US, who were less and less assimilated): you could come to the USA and even though it wasn't ideal, it didn't matter a crap ton that you didn't speak English that well, or you could find a LOT of fellow nation X people, and streamline your civic nationalist dream. That's way harder to do in other countries. You have smartphone translations, etc but back then you had friends who also would help you, and then your first generation born (2nd) would speak the language fluently. That sweet spot is harder to pull off in other places.

All in all, at this point, tons of single women in church sounds like a huge win. That's how bad it is in America, in which, as you know, it's the opposite.
Well I didn't say Russia is worse, It's undoubtedly a better option. I guess I was just thinking grand scale, in terms that if the end times are close, no one is going to get to a nice comfy spot. Maybe they aren't close, but a country where the male population is not interested in going to church isn't going to see great results from that in the long term. The trajectory of the West undoubtedly began with small things like men just checking out of being involved in church.

But again, it is probably a great solution, and you could live happily ever after. But your kids and grandkids might find it a very different place to how it is now. Those horsemen are going to come no matter what.
All in all, at this point, tons of single women in church sounds like a huge win. That's how bad it is in America, in which, as you know, it's the opposite.
There was a survey carried out among Gen Z'ers in Bulgaria this year that came to the same conclusions: more girls than boys believe in God and girls are more spiritual.

Also somewhere I read that in Georgia among the Orthodox, it is often considered unnecessary for men to go to church every week so their wives do it on their behalf. They consider it too "feminine". Obviously that is ridiculous, they have gotten brainwashed by some modern, macho ideas of masculinity.

So in some ways things in EE are the opposite of here. Perhaps it's time to make that move soon.

Well I didn't say Russia is worse, It's undoubtedly a better option. I guess I was just thinking grand scale, in terms that if the end times are close, no one is going to get to a nice comfy spot. Maybe they aren't close, but a country where the male population is not interested in going to church isn't going to see great results from that in the long term. The trajectory of the West undoubtedly began with small things like men just checking out of being involved in church.
All we see from the past 100 years shows the end times are relatively close, but they could come in 50 years or they could come in 500 years. I would not base my life around that.

The saints have prophesized that there will be a great renaissance of the Church in Russia and EE before the end times. Possibly in other regions like China too. I believe this may come in the next few decades as we have some indications things are trending that way. It may be that fewer men than women go to church in Russia but, for both sexes church attendance is certainly much higher today than during Soviet times.
The saints have prophesized that there will be a great renaissance of the Church in Russia and EE before the end times. Possibly in other regions like China too. I believe this may come in the next few decades as we have some indications things are trending that way. It may be that fewer men than women go to church in Russia but, for both sexes church attendance is certainly much higher today than during Soviet times.
Also as Neophytos wisely says, the visionary also is happy to be "wrong" about his prophecies, due to the fact that very few of this are considered good by people of this world. That presents yet another paradox in that Holy people can and are wrong because they also are still in the fallen realm. I'm not saying they can't see a lot, but they see more important things (the Kingdom itself) rather than giving us details of what is to come.