Relocating to Japan

Maybe. I feel like, toward my case anyway, it's more like a lack of motivation. Japanese people could form meaningful connections with me, but few wanted to invest the effort to do it. I think it's much harder for the Japanese person (especially one not obsessed with Western stuff) to empathize with an American like me and try to understand/connect with them, than the other way around, and most of the time they just don't think it's really worth it, especially given how transitory the western immigrant population in Japan tends to be. To be honest, I don't really blame them.

I thought I was going to marry a Japanese girl and spend the rest of my life there but I'm very thankful it didn't work out that way. I think communication problems and low-level, ongoing conflict would have been a problem no matter what, and there would have been a lot of stress and anxiety.

I spent two years living in a town in northern Japan and I just loved it. One of my favorite places I've ever lived, beautiful place. I think about it all the time and I miss that town and the landscape more than any girl from Japan. I'll share a few pictures I took back then, 2011-2012.

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Stunning thank you for sharing.

How inviting do you think the Japanese people would be to a Christian 'white' family?
I think Japanese people don't even try. Them putting up the wall is kind of a deliberate strategy I think. Cultural differences will always be there but its not an excuse to keep people at arms length.

For example I know guys who spent multiple years living in Brazil and they said they made heaps of friends and really fit in despite the fact that there are vast cultural differences between Brazilians and Westerners.

The Japanese in general are not outgoing people.....very much like Scandinavians. Think Finland. They tend to stay in their own cliques and groups.

I think even among Japanese, "they don't even try" ( as you said) simply because, being in a crowded country, they are more acutely aware of the concept of personal space.

Comparing them to Brazilians is a bit much because South Americans are some of the loudest, brashest people on the planet. With no concept of mindfulness of others in public places (unlike the Japanese).

The Japanese may keep people at arms length but I've seen how, when it counts, they come forward to help strangers in their time of need. Case in point, some young, idiot American white guy thought it would be cool to climb Mt Fuji with just sneakers, no socks and no gloves. Idiot was in danger of frostbite. Luckily, a young Japanese climber was on his way down when he spotted the idiot, was surprised by his lack of proper clothing and then the Japanese guy proceeded to give the white idiot his own spare gloves, socks and warm clothing. Then the Japanese guy went about his way. Not asking for payment or anything in return.

That's how the Japanese are. If you're in trouble, they would usually try to help if it's within their means. But in everyday situations, they mind their own business.

I think if you're an extrovert, you're better off somewhere else.
I can’t remember any instance in almost four years of life there where I experienced anything that could be described as discrimination or racism, but I’m sure it helped that I went to great lengths to learn Japanese language and culture and fit in, I was sort of the model immigrant from that perspective.

However, I did feel like I ran into a wall eventually, where I struggled to form real, meaningful connections with people through unavoidable cultural differences. This wasn’t ready the conscious fault of anybody involved. I just think the effort I put into it all passed the point of diminishing returns.
This is the same in Switzerland and am the same race. It's something that I have come to appreciate over the years is that you can never escape or change from the culture you grew up in. The Swiss keep themselves to themselves and as hard as I might want to try or what passport i have, you won't be one of them unless you were born here.

I imagine it would 1000x harder in a place like Japan.
The Japanese in general are not outgoing people.....very much like Scandinavians. Think Finland. They tend to stay in their own cliques and groups.

I think even among Japanese, "they don't even try" ( as you said) simply because, being in a crowded country, they are more acutely aware of the concept of personal space.

Comparing them to Brazilians is a bit much because South Americans are some of the loudest, brashest people on the planet. With no concept of mindfulness of others in public places (unlike the Japanese).

The Japanese may keep people at arms length but I've seen how, when it counts, they come forward to help strangers in their time of need. Case in point, some young, idiot American white guy thought it would be cool to climb Mt Fuji with just sneakers, no socks and no gloves. Idiot was in danger of frostbite. Luckily, a young Japanese climber was on his way down when he spotted the idiot, was surprised by his lack of proper clothing and then the Japanese guy proceeded to give the white idiot his own spare gloves, socks and warm clothing. Then the Japanese guy went about his way. Not asking for payment or anything in return.

That's how the Japanese are. If you're in trouble, they would usually try to help if it's within their means. But in everyday situations, they mind their own business.

I think if you're an extrovert, you're better off somewhere else.

I spent a month hitchhiking around Japan in 2011. It was by far the easiest place to hitchhike (with one minor outlying situation) I have ever tried - even more so than the Balkans, which was pretty easy.

Why I mention that is what I was told often by the Japanese who would pick me up.

"If I don't pick you up, and others also think like me, then you might be waiting there forever".

Sometimes the first vehicle I saw would pull over. If communication was difficult, they would often think I was very poor. It would be hard for me to explain why I was traveling this way, and to refuse offers of free meals or a place to stay. I hitchhiked so I could go to places that buses were infrequent, meet interesting people, and spend time in tiny mountain villages. I ate at pubs and on too many occasions I had to accept locals to pay for my tab.

I am not at all surprised to hear that a random Japanese hiker gave away some clothing to someone who was unprepared. The shame he would have felt if he heard about a rescue of a frozen American youtuber would have been too much to bear!
This is not exclusive to Japan. All asians will stonewall you. You get what you pay for with asians. They’re easier to deal with because you don’t get the full range of emotional expression you’re used to. That’s the benefit. It will be much harder for an Asian to make you feel insecure, stupid, threatened, etc. It’s almost like a reset on your emotional development. You react to people’s behavior based on past experiences. In Asia it will feel like you’re experiencing interpersonal relationships for the first time. This is why you have guys going there and marrying prostitutes. They’re not operating based on past experiences, strictly pragmatism. “I need a woman and this whore is very convenient to have around. I feel nothing, I do feel lust though and I can act on it. This is good. I am happy.”

I want somebody to show me a single white man who integrated into Asian culture. Even if you learn the language the conversations will always be skin deep.

One of the main reasons why you can never get any real insight on Asia. Anyone who goes to Asia will be an outsider and will eventually have to hang out with other westerners to not go insane. The strange dynamic is also why Asians get praised all the time on the internet or the complete opposite where you have people who start bringing awareness to Asian problems. Lol.

People go there or date them and they’re kind of forced into this position of observing them from behind a glass. Your ego needs something to justify itself and your intellect needs something to explain things away. So you start grasping at straws when explaining Asia. They’re family oriented, they’re this, they’re that. People literally told me to read books on their culture. lol. Why can’t they show me who they are? Ridiculous.

Going to Asia is like walking into somebody’s house uninvited and the awkwardness never goes away.

I don’t think the comparison to Scandinavians is valid. The races are different, the nature is different. It’s like saying I’ve been around shy people therefore I’ll do great in Asia. No you won’t because the issue isn’t the shyness, the issue is the completely lack of a racial cross bridge.
This is not exclusive to Japan. All asians will stonewall you. You get what you pay for with asians. They’re easier to deal with because you don’t get the full range of emotional expression you’re used to. That’s the benefit. It will be much harder for an Asian to make you feel insecure, stupid, threatened, etc. It’s almost like a reset on your emotional development. You react to people’s behavior based on past experiences. In Asia it will feel like you’re experiencing interpersonal relationships for the first time. This is why you have guys going there and marrying prostitutes. They’re not operating based on past experiences, strictly pragmatism. “I need a woman and this whore is very convenient to have around. I feel nothing, I do feel lust though and I can act on it. This is good. I am happy.”

I want somebody to show me a single white man who integrated into Asian culture. Even if you learn the language the conversations will always be skin deep.

One of the main reasons why you can never get any real insight on Asia. Anyone who goes to Asia will be an outsider and will eventually have to hang out with other westerners to not go insane. The strange dynamic is also why Asians get praised all the time on the internet or the complete opposite where you have people who start bringing awareness to Asian problems. Lol.

People go there or date them and they’re kind of forced into this position of observing them from behind a glass. Your ego needs something to justify itself and your intellect needs something to explain things away. So you start grasping at straws when explaining Asia. They’re family oriented, they’re this, they’re that. People literally told me to read books on their culture. lol. Why can’t they show me who they are? Ridiculous.

Going to Asia is like walking into somebody’s house uninvited and the awkwardness never goes away.

I don’t think the comparison to Scandinavians is valid. The races are different, the nature is different. It’s like saying I’ve been around shy people therefore I’ll do great in Asia. No you won’t because the issue isn’t the shyness, the issue is the completely lack of a racial cross bridge.

Yup, even to those who have been to Japan for 10+ years they eventually start hanging out mostly with other foreigners.
This is not exclusive to Japan. All asians will stonewall you. You get what you pay for with asians. They’re easier to deal with because you don’t get the full range of emotional expression you’re used to. That’s the benefit. It will be much harder for an Asian to make you feel insecure, stupid, threatened, etc. It’s almost like a reset on your emotional development. You react to people’s behavior based on past experiences. In Asia it will feel like you’re experiencing interpersonal relationships for the first time. This is why you have guys going there and marrying prostitutes. They’re not operating based on past experiences, strictly pragmatism. “I need a woman and this whore is very convenient to have around. I feel nothing, I do feel lust though and I can act on it. This is good. I am happy.”

I want somebody to show me a single white man who integrated into Asian culture. Even if you learn the language the conversations will always be skin deep.

One of the main reasons why you can never get any real insight on Asia. Anyone who goes to Asia will be an outsider and will eventually have to hang out with other westerners to not go insane. The strange dynamic is also why Asians get praised all the time on the internet or the complete opposite where you have people who start bringing awareness to Asian problems. Lol.

People go there or date them and they’re kind of forced into this position of observing them from behind a glass. Your ego needs something to justify itself and your intellect needs something to explain things away. So you start grasping at straws when explaining Asia. They’re family oriented, they’re this, they’re that. People literally told me to read books on their culture. lol. Why can’t they show me who they are? Ridiculous.

Going to Asia is like walking into somebody’s house uninvited and the awkwardness never goes away.

I don’t think the comparison to Scandinavians is valid. The races are different, the nature is different. It’s like saying I’ve been around shy people therefore I’ll do great in Asia. No you won’t because the issue isn’t the shyness, the issue is the completely lack of a racial cross bridge.

That was a fantastic and accurate run down, and a major reason that colonization never works in Asia. The only way for foreigners to operate there is within their own 'colony'. There are obvious outliers, but the deep feeling of all Japanese is that there will be a day when all foreigners will once again pack up and leave.

This might be changing though, as more and more pressure is sold to the Japanese. They have an Indian mayor in Tokyo now, and that was a huge surprise to the Japanese since most didn't even really know just how many Indians have snuck into their country since relaxing their visa laws. Not to mention bursting at the seems this past year or two with tourists, and the amount of Japanese Americans moving back to Japan and howling about the demise of America.
One thing about Japan vs the rest of Asia though, is that their women wife up very well, much more low maintenance and reliable mothers/wives than say Chinese or Filipina, difference is almost day and night among my friends who have married Asian women (or Latinas for that matter).
One thing about Japan vs the rest of Asia though, is that their women wife up very well, much more low maintenance and reliable mothers/wives than say Chinese or Filipina, difference is almost day and night among my friends who have married Asian women (or Latinas for that matter).
Women completely run the show in China and Philippines, especially Philippines, probably some of the most masculine women in the world right up with the USA, in Japan, it seems to be much different, women more feminine, politics largely men, albeit they have a major problem with cheating
One thing about Japan vs the rest of Asia though, is that their women wife up very well, much more low maintenance and reliable mothers/wives than say Chinese or Filipina, difference is almost day and night among my friends who have married Asian women (or Latinas for that matter).

Speaking from my own personal experience, Japanese women do seem to make incredible wives and mothers. There is a small portion here in the west who seem to have horrible mate selection tendency, though from spending time with the families of my wife's Japanese friends, they mostly seem to be very happy and content in their marriage.

- They take very good care of themselves. From hygiene to fitness and grooming, they are always among the best presented women around.
- They appreciate food, and will cook from scratch using fresh ingredients. Processed foods are almost a shame to them, and they tend to look down on wives who don't cook healthy food.
- Kids lunches. This might be a bit overboard, but they take the 'bento' to another lever. I like to bug her that its a competition, but it's also very much a competition. The result is that kids get probably they healthiest, tastiest and most aesthetic lunches on the planet.
- They are feminine, and prefer to stay out of politics and instead like to read about things like crafts, cooking and DIY home projects. My wife and her friends instagram is all about mom tricks and how to better organize your daily family life. Also a lot of fitness:
- Fitness is a big part of their culture. From a young age they do daily morning exercise routines, which continue right into the workplace. Each morning, even giant corps and construction companies do a 15 min exercise routine. This is just the minimum for most people, and my wife and most of her friends also do calisthenics, cardio and even plyometrics. This translates into more energy, and:
- Sex. Most women are having sex between 1 and 4 times a week. They tend to enjoy it, and see it as a pleasurable and bonding experience.

That is a list of positives, and there will be an equal list for negatives. But in my experience, the positives greatly outweigh the negatives and ensure a happy and healthy home life.
Speaking from my own personal experience, Japanese women do seem to make incredible wives and mothers.
Maybe if you are talking about the Japanese women aged 35+
The new generation of Japanese women aged 18 - 25 in many ways have a very westernized mentality and most of them are not wife-able.
Maybe if you are talking about the Japanese women aged 35+
The new generation of Japanese women aged 18 - 25 in many ways have a very westernized mentality and most of them are not wife-able.
And almost always, any 18-25 Japanese woman that is interested in a white guy is also bottom of the barrel, ugly, outcast, weirdo type