Quitting YouTube

I think the problem if handling your time. One thing is to look for something useful, like instructions on something like painting a wall, change a tire, or anything that should be visual.

I think the biggest problem YouTube has is the incentives they set for creators. Many push a 5-10 min video instead of going straight to the point (due to monetization).

To learn coding or tech stuff, I go to LinkedIn Learning (formerly Lynda.com). You can pay a monthly fee and learn a lot. A friend of mine learned how to code and got a job.

For reading, I go to Z-Library. There you can find most of the ebooks you can imagine. I download the ePubs and throw it inside Calibre app and send it to my Kindle (that’s always in airplane mode).

I don’t subscribe to anything. I Torrent the movies and series I want and copy to an external HD I bought to store it all. Many stuff I am going to watch in the future. Some series, I store the episodes and wait to see when the season is over. Or when a few seasons start.

I am looking to start a physical hobby. Maybe cycling. Fun and keep your body/heart in good condition. If you just watch TV or play video games, you’re just letting your life past away.
Usually sometime mid-day, Ill take a break from work and I watch about 1-1.5 hrs of YouTube each day, usually during lunch. Mostly learning /educational stuff and music. I rarely/never go beyond 1.5 hrs. Once I work through my list of recommendations (the ones that interest me), that’s when I shut it down and unplug from the matrix and get back to doing productive things.
Youtube is a library of knowledge if used correctly.

Video formatted how-to-dos on almost any topic.

Wealth of knowledge and experience and first hand accounts on countless issues and places around the world.

I have acquired more knowledge about markets, macroeconomics, and investing than any random MBA guy in the last several years from listening to people I have discerned have great knowledge of history and current/recent cycles. In my opinion, there is no reason that videos or libraries can't replace universities entirely at this point. Hands on and getting in the trenches of any specialty, physical or not, will always be required though for periods of time.
Does anyone know a way to get around the new ad block crack down?
I had installed AdBlock Plus on my parents' computers (they have PCs and primarily use Chrome), but when I went to visit them recently I was surprised to see they were getting ads on Youtube. I did a little investigating, and switching their adblocker from AdBlock Plus to uBlock Origin seemed to fix the issue and stop the ads.
It's ogre, goytube caught up with Brave's adblock. Embeds also don't even load anymore. It's a big hassle to switch from invidious just to send links to normalfrens.
Personally Iv never really watched anything on youtube that I myself wasnt searching for and its rare that I actually look at the screen while the video plays, I use it more as a podcast while driving or playing or to play background music occasionally. But if its becoming a problem for you then maybe just delete it.
I find that there's plenty of good content that interests me. I disabled my watch history, from which YT bases its recommendations. I found that they were way out to lunch. So I pretty much just watch content which I've personally searched for or subscribed to. Seems OK to me.
You tube is a miracle of our time.

In the olden days of you had a specific niche interest, you had to hope it would be on tv at some point and then make time to be there when it aired so you could watch it with the network spin on it. Added bonus that YouTube basically killed the modern day msm.

Now you can watch what you want, when you want, with no filter between you and the producer of the content. The market is fairly free in that stuff that is popular is popular.

Note that I said fairly free. I really you tube puts spin on stuff through it's rules and promotes some things over other but for just gentle topics, for example, I watch a bunch of stuff about hockey, motorbikes and car restoration, it's fairly uncensored.

If you spend a lot of time consuming it, then you can multitask. For example, I now get on the treadmill and walk a couple of kms whilst I watch something. Better than sitting on the couch watching.