Problems And Solutions


If you have a problem or a solution post it here.

This could be either a personal problem for which you seek a solution, or a governmental/societal problem for which you have a solution.

*Note the emphasis on SOLUTIONS.

I'll start it off...

Problem: US food stamp/EBT fraud, waste, and misuse.


1.) Retna or fingerprint scans inorder to use your food stamp EBT card at the grocery store (this prevents the beneficiary from being able to sell their food benefits for cash on the black market at the standard rate of fifty cents on the dollar).

2.) Ban food stamp EBT cards from being able to be used at fast food restaurants and convenience stores (which charge 30%+ more than grocery stores).

3.) Ban the purchase of soda, processed foods, seed oils, candy, and items with high amounts of sugar. You may only purchase whole grains, fresh fruits and vegetables, stevia, honey, agave, real maple syrup, olive oil, coconut oil, apple cider vinegar, water, juice, eggs, milk, and inexpensive cuts of meat with your EBT card. *(This will also save the US money on healthcare as rates of obesity and diabetes will decrease under such a system).

4. Users of the EBT food stamp system are limited to a total of 36 months of assistance over their entire lifetime.
Who was it that said EBT users should be required to pedal an exercise bike for a certain amount of hours every week, generating energy sold back to the grid, to offset their transfer payments?

We need to establish a baseline kWh adjusted based on BMI and age.
EBT is about maintaining a welfare voting block from both the actual recipients and self-hating secular women(mostly) that associate the welfare state with charity. It's easy to feel good about giving away other people's money.

EBT is working exactly how it was designed.
I have a problem. My business is growing and I recently hired my first employee. My business is a bit informal and I was a bit lazy in my hiring process. My first mistake was I hired a young, very attractive girl. When I hired her I thought she was maybe 21 or 22. As it turns out she is 18.

Unfortunately, our relationship has gotten a bit personal as of late. She said to me last week "I'm on my period" to which I semi-jokingly said "Don't say things like that to me." Although she is a smoke show and it is hard not to look at her sometimes, I have more fatherly feelings towards her than physical ones (I'm 50+ with no kids). She told me recently that her mother had beat her and that she had slept in her car for a night or two (which pulled at my heart strings even though there's a good chance she's embellishing the story for dramatic effect). When I hired her I just assumed she came from a good family because she was so well put together and she seemed fairly bright and well educated (she's great with customers, technology, and social media). Against my advisement she recently got her first tattoo and is now talking about moving in with her boyfriend. I am definitely overpaying her (even though she is often late to work) and I now feel bad that in an indirect way I am financing these bad decisions.

Somehow, even though I've taken on a serious quest for celibacy and a vow to never marry or have children (due to sex addiction and the inability to cohabitate peacefully with women) I find myself existentially fostering a teenage daughter with daddy issues whom, truth be told, I'd have trouble turning down if she offered herself to me physically. Of course I feel horribly about all of this. I can't believe that after all these years, and after all my experiences with women that I find myself back at square one with regards to white knighting and putting the p*ssy up on a pedestal. I'm so disgusted and disappointed with myself.

I know I have to fire her and I am making plans to do just that, I'm just not sure how to go about it? I'm worried that she could take it badly and get vindictive and try to hurt me in some way (legally or by sullying my reputation).
I have a problem. My business is growing and I recently hired my first employee. My business is a bit informal and I was a bit lazy in my hiring process. My first mistake was I hired a young, very attractive girl. When I hired her I thought she was maybe 21 or 22. As it turns out she is 18.

Unfortunately, our relationship has gotten a bit personal as of late. She said to me last week "I'm on my period" to which I semi-jokingly said "Don't say things like that to me." Although she is a smoke show and it is hard not to look at her sometimes, I have more fatherly feelings towards her than physical ones (I'm 50+ with no kids). She told me recently that her mother had beat her and that she had slept in her car for a night or two (which pulled at my heart strings even though there's a good chance she's embellishing the story for dramatic effect). When I hired her I just assumed she came from a good family because she was so well put together and she seemed fairly bright and well educated (she's great with customers, technology, and social media). Against my advisement she recently got her first tattoo and is now talking about moving in with her boyfriend. I am definitely overpaying her (even though she is often late to work) and I now feel bad that in an indirect way I am financing these bad decisions.

Somehow, even though I've taken on a serious quest for celibacy and a vow to never marry or have children (due to sex addiction and the inability to cohabitate peacefully with women) I find myself existentially fostering a teenage daughter with daddy issues whom, truth be told, I'd have trouble turning down if she offered herself to me physically. Of course I feel horribly about all of this. I can't believe that after all these years, and after all my experiences with women that I find myself back at square one with regards to white knighting and putting the p*ssy up on a pedestal. I'm so disgusted and disappointed with myself.

I know I have to fire her and I am making plans to do just that, I'm just not sure how to go about it? I'm worried that she could take it badly and get vindictive and try to hurt me in some way (legally or by sullying my reputation).
You need to go about this professionally, not just get rid of her because she’s hot and that’s a problem for you. Talk to her about being to work on time and that it’s very important for the businesses successZ Start keeping notes on when she’s late. If she is really valuable and helpful to your business then keep her and figure out how to work with an attractive girl and not try to get in her pants.
You need to go about this professionally, not just get rid of her because she’s hot and that’s a problem for you. Talk to her about being to work on time and that it’s very important for the businesses successZ Start keeping notes on when she’s late. If she is really valuable and helpful to your business then keep her and figure out how to work with an attractive girl and not try to get in her pants.
Thanks for that, absolutely spot on.

Over last two weeks I have come to realize she is in no way valuable to my business, quite the contrary. As for any physical attraction I ever had toward her, that has completely dissipated, as, like with any woman (no matter how hot they are), the more time you spend with them the less attractive they become. As the old saying goes, "Show me the hottest chick in the world and I'll show you a guy who's tired of bangin' her."

I think The Lord is just running me through something one more time just to make sure I got it... Heard.

The update is, I have found a way to get rid of her without "firing" her. I let her know yesterday and she's taking it quite well (she's actually concerned for me rather than angry at me). I just had to employ a bit of old man 4D chess. I don't know what I was worried about, it's not that hard to out smart an 18 year-old hot blonde. 😅

As they say on the farm, "Never get into a game of wits with a chicken (or in this case a teenage girl)," but I did, and thankfully I won. I dodged a bullet, and The Lesson has finally been learned.
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I recently got into an altercation with a "kid" (early 20's) where he pulled a gun on me and threatened to kill me. For several days prior him and one of his "buddies" (he is hispanic and his buddy is black) had been trolling me for a reaction which they eventually got. They heard some things about me and this kind of set them off on a mission to f*ck with me. Prior to that, for months, these guys paid me no attention and we went about our business in a seperate yet cohesive manner.

On the day the hispanic kid pulled the gun out he and I had gotten into a verbal disagreement inside of a building which got pretty heated so I eventually said "Well, lets take it outside then." When we walked outside I had the full intention of getting into a physical fight but this kid walked straight to his car, popped the trunk, and pulled out a gun. Eventually he put the gun away and went back into the building and at this time I called the police. When the kid realized I had called the police he came back out, got in his car, and sped off before the police arrived.

I am very angry right now. All I can think about is getting my hands on this kid and hurting him. I also want to confront the black kid and beat his ass as well. There is a good chance that I am going to run into them or more of their friends again if I continue running my business in the way that I have been. My business is flexible and I can switch up my weekly business "pattern" but I hate to be a coward and let these young dark skinned invaders run my old white ass out of town.

What should I do?
I recently got into an altercation with a "kid" (early 20's) where he pulled a gun on me and threatened to kill me. For several days prior him and one of his "buddies" (he is hispanic and his buddy is black) had been trolling me for a reaction which they eventually got. They heard some things about me and this kind of set them off on a mission to f*ck with me. Prior to that, for months, these guys paid me no attention and we went about our business in a seperate yet cohesive manner.

On the day the hispanic kid pulled the gun out he and I had gotten into a verbal disagreement inside of a building which got pretty heated so I eventually said "Well, lets take it outside then." When we walked outside I had the full intention of getting into a physical fight but this kid walked straight to his car, popped the trunk, and pulled out a gun. Eventually he put the gun away and went back into the building and at this time I called the police. When the kid realized I had called the police he came back out, got in his car, and sped off before the police arrived.

I am very angry right now. All I can think about is getting my hands on this kid and hurting him. I also want to confront the black kid and beat his ass as well. There is a good chance that I am going to run into them or more of their friends again if I continue running my business in the way that I have been. My business is flexible and I can switch up my weekly business "pattern" but I hate to be a coward and let these young dark skinned invaders run my old white ass out of town.

What should I do?
It does sound like quite a bad situation but the thoughts of worrying about them coming back and try to shoot you will eventually fade away, they were in the wrong and you didnt do anything so I dont think they would return so stay put where you are, this is the time where you up your prayer life and also pray for the two guys that God would bless them and forgive them yourself in the prayers, this is going to lift the burden and anger you have now in your heart and mind.

I was once in a similar but different kind of situation, when I was still dating my wife she stayed in quite a bad neighborhood, 80-90% non white and lots of crime and violence in the area, one afternoon I left my car outside as I wasnt going to be long and my car alarm went off and I came outside and the window was smashed, there were some black kids playing with tyres in the street, I asked them who broke my window and they pointed down the road and there were 3 black guys far awat walking and they had just turned the corner, I had a police baton on the car so I took it, hid it in my pants under my shirt and ran quietly after these guys, as soon as we reached the next block as they turned the corner I took out my bat and hit all 3 guys on the head but the last one I kind of also hit my hand against the wall and cut it and I fell over, at this point I thought they might have had a gun and with me laying there on my back I really thought I was going to get shot, fortunately the guys got up and ran away in the opposite direction and I ran in the opposite direction too.

So now the problem is Im a white guy and they know what car I drive and which house I was at, so they could identify me but I couldnt identify them, so every day when I visited my girlfriend for the next few weeks we often used to take a walk to the grocery store and at almost every corner there were always 3 black guys standing on the street corners so I was never sure if it was those guys or not so I was always a bit on edge and expecting some kind of revenge attack, but nothing ever happened and eventually those feelings went away, theres no point reporting this to the police in my country so I never opened a case and Im 100% sure those guys didnt either so we just left it at that, most of these kinds of incidents are not reported theres no point nothing will get done about it, useless in my country.

So I dont usually react in this way but during this time when this happened our family had gone through quite a few attacks within about a 2 month period, my father was highjacked by gunmen and had to lay on the ground with guns pointed at his head, the guys highjacked about 5-7 cars all in the same parking lot, my house was also broken into and ransacked, my brother was also robbed at gun point, all this within 2 months, so when it finally happened to me I decided I was going to fight back against the criminals to teach them a lesson.
I recently got into an altercation with a "kid" (early 20's) where he pulled a gun on me and threatened to kill me. For several days prior him and one of his "buddies" (he is hispanic and his buddy is black) had been trolling me for a reaction which they eventually got. They heard some things about me and this kind of set them off on a mission to f*ck with me. Prior to that, for months, these guys paid me no attention and we went about our business in a seperate yet cohesive manner.

On the day the hispanic kid pulled the gun out he and I had gotten into a verbal disagreement inside of a building which got pretty heated so I eventually said "Well, lets take it outside then." When we walked outside I had the full intention of getting into a physical fight but this kid walked straight to his car, popped the trunk, and pulled out a gun. Eventually he put the gun away and went back into the building and at this time I called the police. When the kid realized I had called the police he came back out, got in his car, and sped off before the police arrived.

I am very angry right now. All I can think about is getting my hands on this kid and hurting him. I also want to confront the black kid and beat his ass as well. There is a good chance that I am going to run into them or more of their friends again if I continue running my business in the way that I have been. My business is flexible and I can switch up my weekly business "pattern" but I hate to be a coward and let these young dark skinned invaders run my old white ass out of town.

What should I do?
It does sound like quite a bad situation but the thoughts of worrying about them coming back and try to shoot you will eventually fade away, they were in the wrong and you didnt do anything so I dont think they would return so stay put where you are, this is the time where you up your prayer life and also pray for the two guys that God would bless them and forgive them yourself in the prayers, this is going to lift the burden and anger you have now in your heart and mind.

I was once in a similar but different kind of situation, when I was still dating my wife she stayed in quite a bad neighborhood, 80-90% non white and lots of crime and violence in the area, one afternoon I left my car outside as I wasnt going to be long and my car alarm went off and I came outside and the window was smashed, there were some black kids playing with tyres in the street, I asked them who broke my window and they pointed down the road and there were 3 black guys far awat walking and they had just turned the corner, I had a police baton on the car so I took it, hid it in my pants under my shirt and ran quietly after these guys, as soon as we reached the next block as they turned the corner I took out my bat and hit all 3 guys on the head but the last one I kind of also hit my hand against the wall and cut it and I fell over, at this point I thought they might have had a gun and with me laying there on my back I really thought I was going to get shot, fortunately the guys got up and ran away in the opposite direction and I ran in the opposite direction too.

So now the problem is Im a white guy and they know what car I drive and which house I was at, so they could identify me but I couldnt identify them, so every day when I visited my girlfriend for the next few weeks we often used to take a walk to the grocery store and at almost every corner there were always 3 black guys standing on the street corners so I was never sure if it was those guys or not so I was always a bit on edge and expecting some kind of revenge attack, but nothing ever happened and eventually those feelings went away, theres no point reporting this to the police in my country so I never opened a case and Im 100% sure those guys didnt either so we just left it at that, most of these kinds of incidents are not reported theres no point nothing will get done about it, useless in my country.

So I dont usually react in this way but during this time many when this happened our family had gone through quite a few attacks within about a 2 month period, my father was highjacked by gunmen and had to lay on the ground with guns pointed at his head, the guys highjacked about 5-7 cars all in the same parking lot, my house was also broken into and ransacked, my brother was also robbed at gun point, all this within 2 months, so when it finally happened to me I decided I was going to fight back against the criminals to teach them a lesson. looki
If you have a problem or a solution post it here.

This could be either a personal problem for which you seek a solution, or a governmental/societal problem for which you have a solution.

*Note the emphasis on SOLUTIONS.

I'll start it off...

Problem: US food stamp/EBT fraud, waste, and misuse.


1.) Retna or fingerprint scans inorder to use your food stamp EBT card at the grocery store (this prevents the beneficiary from being able to sell their food benefits for cash on the black market at the standard rate of fifty cents on the dollar).

2.) Ban food stamp EBT cards from being able to be used at fast food restaurants and convenience stores (which charge 30%+ more than grocery stores).

3.) Ban the purchase of soda, processed foods, seed oils, candy, and items with high amounts of sugar. You may only purchase whole grains, fresh fruits and vegetables, stevia, honey, agave, real maple syrup, olive oil, coconut oil, apple cider vinegar, water, juice, eggs, milk, and inexpensive cuts of meat with your EBT card. *(This will also save the US money on healthcare as rates of obesity and diabetes will decrease under such a system).

4. Users of the EBT food stamp system are limited to a total of 36 months of assistance over their entire lifetime.
Im worried about the solution, although its not it sounds very similar to the mark of the beast system in order to get your food.
It does sound like quite a bad situation but the thoughts of worrying about them coming back and try to shoot you will eventually fade away, they were in the wrong and you didnt do anything so I dont think they would return so stay put where you are, this is the time where you up your prayer life and also pray for the two guys that God would bless them and forgive them yourself in the prayers, this is going to lift the burden and anger you have now in your heart and mind.

I was once in a similar but different kind of situation, when I was still dating my wife she stayed in quite a bad neighborhood, 80-90% non white and lots of crime and violence in the area, one afternoon I left my car outside as I wasnt going to be long and my car alarm went off and I came outside and the window was smashed, there were some black kids playing with tyres in the street, I asked them who broke my window and they pointed down the road and there were 3 black guys far awat walking and they had just turned the corner, I had a police baton on the car so I took it, hid it in my pants under my shirt and ran quietly after these guys, as soon as we reached the next block as they turned the corner I took out my bat and hit all 3 guys on the head but the last one I kind of also hit my hand against the wall and cut it and I fell over, at this point I thought they might have had a gun and with me laying there on my back I really thought I was going to get shot, fortunately the guys got up and ran away in the opposite direction and I ran in the opposite direction too.

So now the problem is Im a white guy and they know what car I drive and which house I was at, so they could identify me but I couldnt identify them, so every day when I visited my girlfriend for the next few weeks we often used to take a walk to the grocery store and at almost every corner there were always 3 black guys standing on the street corners so I was never sure if it was those guys or not so I was always a bit on edge and expecting some kind of revenge attack, but nothing ever happened and eventually those feelings went away, theres no point reporting this to the police in my country so I never opened a case and Im 100% sure those guys didnt either so we just left it at that, most of these kinds of incidents are not reported theres no point nothing will get done about it, useless in my country.

So I dont usually react in this way but during this time when this happened our family had gone through quite a few attacks within about a 2 month period, my father was highjacked by gunmen and had to lay on the ground with guns pointed at his head, the guys highjacked about 5-7 cars all in the same parking lot, my house was also broken into and ransacked, my brother was also robbed at gun point, all this within 2 months, so when it finally happened to me I decided I was going to fight back against the criminals to teach them a lesson.
Thank you for the detailed reply. Your situation seems much more serious in comparison to mine and so that really helps me put things into perspective. God bless you and your family and I pray you all remain safe and sound.
Thank you for the detailed reply. Your situation seems much more serious in comparison to mine and so that really helps me put things into perspective. God bless you and your family and I pray you all remain safe and sound.
I actually thought yours was actually worse, mine only became worse because of how I reacted to it, but I really dont think you have anything to worry about now that its past, the worst thing that can happen to you is to let bitterness creep in and to let the worry take over, that alone can kill you, it might take a few weeks for your thoughts to go back to normal but they will👍🏻 I hardly even think about this event that happened to me It only came back to my memory when I read your post.

Vai com Deus🙏🏻
Problem: Housing is unaffordable, unless you want to be a debt slave for 30 years.
Solution: Get it into your head that renting is a better use of capitol at this point in time and start saving. Invest that savings in Gold and Gold ETF's, which will pace inflation over the next 30 years. Then, in 30 years, poof, you suddenly can buy a house cash. Don't believe me? Go look at the price of gold 30 years ago...
Problem: Housing is unaffordable, unless you want to be a debt slave for 30 years.
Solution: Get it into your head that renting is a better use of capitol at this point in time and start saving. Invest that savings in Gold and Gold ETF's, which will pace inflation over the next 30 years. Then, in 30 years, poof, you suddenly can buy a house cash. Don't believe me? Go look at the price of gold 30 years ago...
The other thing is that BTC is going to push RE to its marginal utility, as Jeff Booth has said, and Larry Fink just stated this as well. I can't believe they won't even listen to the Fink-ster. Absolutely wait until that drop until even thinking about things, and RENT. No doubt.

You are right, ThinTern - except that you should be in (at least majority) BTC, not gold.
Problem: Housing is unaffordable, unless you want to be a debt slave for 30 years.
Solution: Get it into your head that renting is a better use of capitol at this point in time and start saving. Invest that savings in Gold and Gold ETF's, which will pace inflation over the next 30 years. Then, in 30 years, poof, you suddenly can buy a house cash. Don't believe me? Go look at the price of gold 30 years ago...
30 years time is too long to wait, by then most will be in their 60's, kids out the house etc, you want a house when you still have small kids so they can grow up in the house
I actually thought yours was actually worse, mine only became worse because of how I reacted to it, but I really dont think you have anything to worry about now that its past, the worst thing that can happen to you is to let bitterness creep in and to let the worry take over, that alone can kill you, it might take a few weeks for your thoughts to go back to normal but they will👍🏻 I hardly even think about this event that happened to me It only came back to my memory when I read your post.

Vai com Deus🙏🏻
Absolutely, thanks again for all the wisdom.

UPDATE: The kid showed back up to the facility (which is open to the public) yesterday and was arrested and banned from doing business there or at any of their other locations for life. I went asymetrical and switched up my routine and so I feel pretty secure about my safety. I am however looking over my shoulder and packing heat "just in case."