Predictions for 2025

I have one good news prediction - at least 1 further European country gets a "far right" leader.

In several countries now the "far right" has been getting the largest number of votes but the regressive left mainstream parties have been resorting to tricks and nastiness to keep them in the opposition instead of the government. This tactic is starting to crack at the seams. France and Germany have had governments dissolve and Austria just had its chancellor resign. So there are 3 potential countries where the will of the people may actually come true. As for whether 1 of those happens in 2025 we can only hope.
I have one good news prediction - at least 1 further European country gets a "far right" leader.

In several countries now the "far right" has been getting the largest number of votes but the regressive left mainstream parties have been resorting to tricks and nastiness to keep them in the opposition instead of the government. This tactic is starting to crack at the seams. France and Germany have had governments dissolve and Austria just had its chancellor resign. So there are 3 potential countries where the will of the people may actually come true. As for whether 1 of those happens in 2025 we can only hope.
Remember how the Arab Spring uprising of many dictators was fueled by communications of the populist of those countries on Facebook and social media? Seems that this latest Western Society uprisings of the populists against the leftist ruling parties and world agenda is being fueled by communications and intel on X.

"So let's talk about the Arctic.

Russia is positioning the Northern Sea Route as a key global shipping lane, which it controls almost entirely. This route significantly shortens transit times between Europe and Asia. With improved infrastructure and receding ice, the NSR is superior to the Suez Canal - not only shorter (and therefore cheaper, and becoming cheaper with the infrastructure improvements), but also there are no queues, no tolls and no pirates or Houthis.

The melting ice also makes it easier to exploit natural resources in the Arctic circle, and they are estimated to be enormous: 15% of the world's undiscovered oil, 30% of the world's undiscovered natural gas (those numbers come from the US Geological Survey iirc). There are also other strategic resources such as rare earth elements.

Russia has been developing oil and natural gas reserves in the Russian parts of the Arctic, particularly in areas like the Yamal Peninsula and the Kara Sea. Diversifying energy export routes is CRITICAL for Russia moving towards the mid-21st century. Projects like the Yamal LNG and Arctic LNG 2 are absolutely crucial to Russian economic strategy, and these projects also involve partnership with China -- of course, Russia is China's only gateway to the Arctic, so they are highly interested in cooperation.

In recent years, Russia has reopened or a bunch of old Soviet scientific and military bases across the Arctic, particularly the Arctic Shamrock base on Alexandra Land. We're also testing many of our newest weaponry in the Arctic and even basing it there, such as the S-500 air defence system and various missiles (Bastion, Tsirkon). We are operating a respectable fleet of nuclear subs in the Arctic Ocean, too.

Currently, Russia has an edge over everyone else in the Arctic -- we own the largest portion of it, we operate the world's largest and most advanced fleet of icebreakers (including the INCREDIBLY cool nuclear-powered ones), we have been heavily investing in both military and civilian infrastructure in the region.

The Americans would obviously love to challenge Russia in the Arctic Circle. Oh, I forgot to mention -- the whole area is critical for all WW3 Armageddon planning, because the shortest flight path for ICBM exchanges also crosses the North Pole. The US don't want Russia to control an important global shipping lane, and they want those natural resources for themselves. They have been trying to invest in Alaskan infrastructure but efforts have been meh.

America is lagging behind when it comes to icebreakers and military capabilities in the area, though they have e.g. the "Arctic Edge" and "Cold Response" exercises.

It's clear that things like direct control over the Northwest Passage and being able to project naval power from Greenland would be highly desirable for the US in the long term. Allies and puppets are great but for "saving a floundering hegemony" and WW3 purposes direct control is always better.

In any case, the Arctic will be one of the most important strategic regions of the 21st century, and competition will be fierce. Also, we really should work on the Spitsbergen/Svalbard question..."
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The US and Canada together would have 19 million square miles, the largest nation in the world, beating Russia with 17 million currently. I bet the 17 million figure does not include Crimea or the new Oblasts from Ukraine, but that can't be a very large additional area.

Add in Greenland, and the US would be over 21 million square miles, which is 36% of the land area on Earth!

The Mongol Empire maxxed out at 24 million square miles, so we wouldn't be the largest in history. We should take Antarctica as well and be the largest ever! It's our manifest destiny! MAGA!
We might get Greenland, but the Canada thing ain't happening.
No, I don't expect so either. It is an initial negotiating gambit. Canada is about ready to melt down with economic weakness and being swarmed over by invaders. This idea has more than a little substance to it, and it puts Trump's opposition on the back foot.

Trump has something in mind, and this idea of Canada as the 51st state is designed to soften them up. It's shifting the Overton window.

Also, it's amazing to think, but Greenland does seem to be in play, and it would be a historic expansion of the American territories. Maybe the audacity of going after Canada is designed simply to make Greenland look like a moderate fallback position in comparison.

I've seen people say we should incorporate Great Britain into the US as well. They could do worse given the way things are going over there.
Having US acquire Canada would mean a lot of electoral votes going to left leaning Presidential and Congressional candidates because their political culture has always been more left leaning/socialist despite the trucker rallies and such. Not sure Trump realizes that unless he doesn’t care about the future of the US, but just wants his legacy to look like a big shot conquerer. That’s my fear. Same with the physical wall. Sounds great to keep illegals out, but if things ever flip in the future, US really collapses and goes socialist/communist, now we are trapped similarly to East Berlin/ Germany.
Canada/USA border is the longest unsecured border in the world as I understand it. Maybe that's why they are talking about making it into one big country...