Prayer Requests Thread

I have a prayer request. Last week there was an incident at work and I've been essentially demoted. I think God wants me to retire from a specific kind of work, because I'm simply not focused enough for it. I'm praying that this is an opportunity to acknowledge my shortcomings and find a position that is right for in the short term while using what opportunities I can to develop in the long term. I want to learn from this and listen to whatever God wants me to do. I'm almost 44 and it feels like I still don't have my act together. Please pray for me.
I have a prayer request. Last week there was an incident at work and I've been essentially demoted. I think God wants me to retire from a specific kind of work, because I'm simply not focused enough for it. I'm praying that this is an opportunity to acknowledge my shortcomings and find a position that is right for in the short term while using what opportunities I can to develop in the long term. I want to learn from this and listen to whatever God wants me to do. I'm almost 44 and it feels like I still don't have my act together. Please pray for me.
I feel like a lot of my Christian friends are going through the exact same situation.

My current conclusion, based on what I've read and heard from wise men in the Orthodox Church, is that God is breaking down the idols we inadvertently made of our lives in this world.

I'm not sure there is any painless way to accomplish that, because it's tied up with so much anxiety and even outright fear of what is to come if we surrender.

I recommend bringing it up with your priest, if you have one. If not, I recommend looking for one. The Church is our hospital.
I always get a kick out of praying for people with their forum usernames. God knows who they are.

Lord, I pray for Unending Powerhouse Match's mother....

I'm surprised nobody has said this before from the OP. I laughed a bit, which is wrong of course, but come on. "Pray for Cognitive Dissonance"? I'll take just enough that it gives the impetus to improve, but not so much that it leads to despair.
My financial situation has been a bit shaky for 7 months now but has taken a nose-dive in the last month or so. I’m self-employed and it feels like everything is drying up and I’ve had to take a loan to stay afloat but even that has run its course. Last year was difficult, lost a vehicle to a bad engine, an air conditioning unit and had to put whole new air ducts in the house.

It’s a miracle I’ve made it this far—the breakdowns all began incidentally when I started attending my local Orthodox Church more frequently. My wife and I just finished the inquirers course at the church too and it has been a big step for her leaning more toward Orthodoxy, so I know this all parallels the steps we’ve been taking.

I’m praying that we can make all our bills this next month and also for work connections and opportunities, or even for clarity on what my next step should be if my current business is something I need to move away from.

More importantly, I ask for prayers for faith and trust that God will provide—I would be lying if I told you that seeing myself as a provider for my family hasn’t been torpedoed somewhat and I’ve really struggled with a deep sense of failure. This forum is always a great respite from those things and I would appreciate any prayers.
I once again come to you for support. My grandmother's operation worked great by the way, they didn't even have to remove a lot of additional tissue, so thank you from the bottom of my heart for all the prayers.

I'm currently in competition for a job that I very much desire, to the point that I don't really want to apply for anything else any more (it's the only job that's not a kafkaesque corporate nightmare), but the status of my application is very opaque to me at the moment and it's dragging me down.
Perhaps it's God way of making letting suffer through Holy Week, but if anybody can spare a prayer for me to find my vocation, I would appreciate it greatly.
Brothers, I rarely ask anyone for help, but circumstances in my life have become very difficult.

My family has dwindled greatly over the years. It feels like everyone is dying in their 50s. My heart feels heavy and overburdened already. Now I have two remaining close family members who have serious health conditions, one with a heart condition and the other with a difficult to treat cancer. I have very few friends remaining in my area and suffer from some minor health issues of my own. At work I'm falling behind, and I can't afford to lose this job. This past couple weeks, a series of other minor misfortunate events also occurred in my life.

I'm trying to push hard with prayer and fasting, but my faith feels shaky at the moment and I keep falling. I'm near constantly under demonic attack, even at church these dark and demented thoughts hound me to no end. My flesh is weak and the world's false charms are luring me back in and I fear falling into total despondency and losing my faith.

Please pray for me brothers, if you can spare some time. I would be eternally grateful for your help.
Dear all, I find myself needing your help with prayers as I don’t think mine is strong enough.

Please pray for my father to stop watching pornography, repent his sins as well. I don’t want him to go to hell. Also to help our family recover because he was warned once before months ago.

Please pray for my mother to get baptised as she’s Jewish but accepts Jesus as the Son of God and to repent her sins and not get easily seduced by the world‘s news making her irritated and grumpy. She has fallen for the western propaganda about Russia for example.

Please pray for me to strengthen my faith, removing all doubt of the resurrection and to pray properly to our almighty God. I need help to truly love thy neighbour as well. Also to help me with my driving test coming up very soon, to stop panicking and to have more confidence in my ability. :) Thank you and God bless you all.

I know there are other people who are worse off than me so I tend to pray for all those in despair so they can be comforted by God and get help. If we pray for each other then we have a chance :)
Please pray for me brothers. I am caught between a woman I have a commitment with who was kind of a rebound, and the ex who has entered the picture again. I might have broke up with her for the wrong reasons. All of this is no older than 6 months.I love one more than the other. But one might be better for me than the other. Either way someone is getting hurt. I will hurt and am hurting either way. This decision will have permanent repercussions. I have prayed and asked God to tell me what to do, but feel like He's left me on my own on this one. He has every reason to. Please pray for me to make the decision that would be His will.

Thanks, with much love and respect Brothers.
Hey brothers, I have lost the plot since my dad died a few month ago.

As many of you know from RVF - Them injections wrecked my dad and lots of my friends are dead and the rest are suffering from all kinds of injuries, cancer, heart problems etc.

I live on my own and I've cracked up and lost the will to read the word and pray.

I'm sat drinking and gambling myself into an oblivion. Stopped attending Church from the shame of my behavior. Members are ringing me, but I can't face anyone at the moment.

I should of reached out before this - The darkness is engulfing me and at the lowest point since becoming a Christian - I know the evil forces are running riot at this point in history.

Any prayers and advice welcome - my inbox is open.
Hey brothers, I have lost the plot since my dad died a few month ago.

As many of you know from RVF - Them injections wrecked my dad and lots of my friends are dead and the rest are suffering from all kinds of injuries, cancer, heart problems etc.

I live on my own and I've cracked up and lost the will to read the word and pray.

I'm sat drinking and gambling myself into an oblivion. Stopped attending Church from the shame of my behavior. Members are ringing me, but I can't face anyone at the moment.

I should of reached out before this - The darkness is engulfing me and at the lowest point since becoming a Christian - I know the evil forces are running riot at this point in history.

Any prayers and advice welcome - my inbox is open.

There were times when I was afraid to return to God, too, because of sin.
I was convinced that He was so angry with me that even my attempt at reconciliation would enrage Him even more, and then it would be better to keep my distance and not provoke Him.

It was a big mistake, and that foolish thinking caused me only more self-inflicted troubles.

Later, thank God, I discovered the truth. God always wants me to return.
There is no "don't come close" time.
The prodigal son wasn't sent away upon return, and we will not be sent away either.
Requesting prayers for a friend with schizophrenia, who got sent to the psych ward 2 weeks ago for not taking his meds. No news from him since then. Really miss him, he's a good kid.

Additionally, that he takes his meds? I used to do the same, but it really just made my relationship with my family way worse. My life got better after I started taking them, even if I was hard against them before.
I would like to request prayers for a female relative of mine. She is looking into joining the Orthodox church and I hope it goes well. I really care about her. She has been a turboliberal for the longest time but it seems like she is now trying to change and pursue the truth. She is finding it really hard, however, due to many years of brainwashing. May God free her from the Jewish spell she has been under.
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Friend of mine I knew from high school died from an overdose yesterday. We hadn't had much contact since the Coof, because I avoided talking to people who might be bluepilled on that stuff. Seems like ridiculous behavior on my part now. I didn't know he was doing so bad, although it was to expect. I didn't do anything to help him.
Please pray for God to take his soul to him. He mostly suffered throughout his short life. Name was Lukas.