Prayer Requests Thread

Maybe you can expand this thread to be "Prayer Requests", so other can put their requests in, too. Just an idea.
I figured this might be a good place for it. Everyone I’m sure on here believes prayers have genuine power. An ex-monk (I believe that’s what he was) said the only reasons the nukes haven’t flown yet is because of little old ladies in church. We should try to check this every Saturday or before a weekday vespers or something and pray for this little online community.

Stuff in here can stay general and as anonymous as possible to avoid doxing and God already knows the intention.
I'm stuck with a very annoying data analysis problem for an important (life-changing importance) project I'm on a deadline on. I burned through script files and tried different approaches and all I get are varying versions of failure.

I am thoroughly convinced at this point that I'm not going to be able to solve this issue without Divine intervention.

I'd be hugely grateful for anyone who can spare a moment or two to pay for the Lord to guide my hand in this. I feel out of my depth and there's no room for failure.
You might also want to ask for help from someone who has more experience in your field that could get you over your hump. In your line of work, sometimes you might spend several days trying to accomplish a task that a more experienced analyst might accomplish in a few hours - been there.
I'm stuck with a very annoying data analysis problem for an important (life-changing importance) project I'm on a deadline on. I burned through script files and tried different approaches and all I get are varying versions of failure.

I am thoroughly convinced at this point that I'm not going to be able to solve this issue without Divine intervention.

I'd be hugely grateful for anyone who can spare a moment or two to pay for the Lord to guide my hand in this. I feel out of my depth and there's no room for failure.
My third attempt at correcting my script file actually worked and I managed to put all my aggregates into one data frame.
I want to thank everyone who prayed for me from the bottom of my heart.
I'll keep notifications for this thread on so I can try to respond in kind to your requests.
^We're pretty much immune to this crap, we should pray instead for the souls of those poor bamboozled satanists who are going to suffer from their wayward ways.
^We're pretty much immune to this crap, we should pray instead for the souls of those poor bamboozled satanists who are going to suffer from their wayward ways.
You can do both. And I do not agree at all with the "immunity" thing. Aetherial activities affect everyone, always, even though properly baptized Christians have better protection. I lived in a city with a heavy masonic/occult scene after my baptism, and I noticed that it dragged me down. Demons attack baptized Christians constantly, and the writings of the Elders attest to that. People who commune with devils usually affect all of their environment in one way or another.
I have a prayer request for my brother-in-law. This is long overdue.

I had wanted to request prayers for a quite a while on RVF about the situation, and had a few posts written, but then deleted, as I was always in an emotionally compromised state, as his situation has impacted the family, and me internally. I always thought the post I had drafted was inappropriate when reviewed. I at some points considered that he could be a member of the forum (I do not get to speak to him often and doubt it, but kind of hope so), and thought it could be compromising information which is very private, regardless. Notwithstanding, I’ve been remiss and put this off for too long - the man and his family need prayers.

He’s an Orthodox Christian who endured the horrors of the Yugoslavian war in the 90’s in his youth, up close and personal. He’s beloved by my wife’s family and I’d characterize him as extremely calm, resilient, and stoic. I did not know he was Orthodox until after this situation ensued, but I was not surprised (I’m fairly new to the family). He knows loss, and how to endure it. He is a loving father of two children and husband to a wife he knew from high school and deeply loved, my wife’s sister.

Not too long ago his wife decided she wanted to be a lesbian because she became infatuated with another woman at her job. She left my brother-in-law and moved in with the other woman and resolved to divorce him. I will not speak further on that at this time.

Obviously his state has degraded. He sees his children part time. I have not seen him since before the incident, and was informed earlier in the winter he was not doing well.

A week before Christmas (I realize the Orthodox celebrate the Birth in January) his home burned down (his children’s childhood home). He has the clothes on his back at this moment. He has his children only part time and, as I’m apprised weekly, my sister-in-law is being quite difficult.

Please pray for him.
I have a prayer request for my brother-in-law. This is long overdue.

I had wanted to request prayers for a quite a while on RVF about the situation, and had a few posts written, but then deleted, as I was always in an emotionally compromised state, as his situation has impacted the family, and me internally. I always thought the post I had drafted was inappropriate when reviewed. I at some points considered that he could be a member of the forum (I do not get to speak to him often and doubt it, but kind of hope so), and thought it could be compromising information which is very private, regardless. Notwithstanding, I’ve been remiss and put this off for too long - the man and his family need prayers.

He’s an Orthodox Christian who endured the horrors of the Yugoslavian war in the 90’s in his youth, up close and personal. He’s beloved by my wife’s family and I’d characterize him as extremely calm, resilient, and stoic. I did not know he was Orthodox until after this situation ensued, but I was not surprised (I’m fairly new to the family). He knows loss, and how to endure it. He is a loving father of two children and husband to a wife he knew from high school and deeply loved, my wife’s sister.

Not too long ago his wife decided she wanted to be a lesbian because she became infatuated with another woman at her job. She left my brother-in-law and moved in with the other woman and resolved to divorce him. I will not speak further on that at this time.

Obviously his state has degraded. He sees his children part time. I have not seen him since before the incident, and was informed earlier in the winter he was not doing well.

A week before Christmas (I realize the Orthodox celebrate the Birth in January) his home burned down (his children’s childhood home). He has the clothes on his back at this moment. He has his children only part time and, as I’m apprised weekly, my sister-in-law is being quite difficult.

Please pray for him.
This is sad, and I hate to hear about this for him...but even more so for the children.

I'll pray he remembers to rely on God rather than his strength in this time, and that he remains resolute against the forces of Satan that are against him.
I was thinking that it might be easier to have the first name of the person being prayed for. Or a middle name perhaps?
Only if they are comfortable of course. I find it strange using forum names in my prayers.
I was thinking that it might be easier to have the first name of the person being prayed for. Or a middle name perhaps?
Only if they are comfortable of course. I find it strange using forum names in my prayers.
I always get a kick out of praying for people with their forum usernames. God knows who they are.

Lord, I pray for Unending Powerhouse Match's mother....
I always get a kick out of praying for people with their forum usernames. God knows who they are.

Lord, I pray for Unending Powerhouse Match's mother....
In the Orthodox Church we pray for the specific name of the person suffering. We don't pray for "John Doe's 3rd cousin twice removed", we pray for "Frank", or "Melissa", or "Diane", etc. Just give the name of the person you want people to pray for and your relationship to them.
In the Orthodox Church we pray for the specific name of the person suffering. We don't pray for "John Doe's 3rd cousin twice removed", we pray for "Frank", or "Melissa", or "Diane", etc. Just give the name of the person you want people to pray for and your relationship to them.
I understand. Her name is María. Should be fine to share it here as it's an extremely common name in all of Latin America. Thank you for being willing to pray for her.