Adam's pre-fall body was not the same as ours is now.No, the Bible says death did not exist for humans. Adam and Eve could not die, but other animals and plants that Adam and Eve had dominion over definitely could die, or else they wouldn't have had dominion over them.
How would Adam get his protein if he couldn't hunt in the garden? And they were eating food, otherwise the forbidden fruit would not have been tempting for them.
Thus if animals and plants could die, they could have been morphing through an evolutionary mechanism. Not saying such a mechanism exists, just that it could plausibly exist and even if it did exist, it wouldn't matter at all.
Meat eating did not exist pre-fall and was only allowed by God after the flood.
Death and entropy entered Creation only after Adam sinned and the first death that Adam experienced was immediately after the exile when God gave them the garments of skin.