On Clique Theory

This is a fat neckbeard atheist's screed against God for not giving him an easy life with lots of money and women.

"Waah waah why can't I be better than everyone else, I HATE YOU GOD give me money and women now!!"

Some quotes:

Saul of Tarsus was a Loser. He clearly understood liberal arts given his use of analogies to Mystery Religions in his writings. But he was nothing more than a tentmaker, possibly because he came from Scumbag roots. He also couldn't get laid, a fact which he bragged about (he said he wasn't married, and like, all men were married back then). After striking out at OCI, he went mad and became a "disciple" of Yeshua, cleverly modifying his work to sell to the Greco-Roman masses, and thus achieving the rank of High Loser.

Doesn't know basic history. The Apostle Paul was a son of high priests, went to the finest school in Jerusalem, and on the fast track to becoming a high priest in the Second Temple himself. Gave it all up to make tents and preach the word of Christ.

Essentially, Peter is a Loser who starts to Win at life because he sheds the primary psychological roadblock of the Loser, which is to actually believe it when your parents, teachers, and cartoon characters tell you that they want you to behave, believe in God, and think of other people, when what they actually mean is that they want you to rebel, think of yourself, and realize that God doesn't exist.

Fat atheist loser detected!

Why would God create a world in which humans are endowed with Free Will, only to have them totally frustrated by their inability to escape the Cliques which He had them born into? (Exnite, 8/15/13)

Answer: God does not exist

Just a jealous omega male who wants what other people have and doesn't understand that none of it will make him happy. This is literally the writer:


I quickly realized what this trash was by simply doing a ctrl+F and searched for "God." Took me 3 min to understand what this long rant was.

How on earth can you find such drivel interesting, JR5, is a far better question.
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