National Economics and the Confederacy was a Jewish Free Trade Empire

I like his take on the Civil War and it makes sense given what we know about today and Ukraine along with other troubles. History does rhythm.

You even have Carpet Baggers taking advantage of the Southern misery to settle in for pennies on the dollar. Sounds like what Zionist settlers is doing with Palestine today.

I grew up in Northern Virginia and it was always fishy that they stopped at Bull Run after a victory when they were so close to Washington DC. A subverted government with agents influencing policies against their interest makes the most sense and you see that now in Modern times everywhere.

I like this kooky guy's presentations. I'm sure he wears the costume to prevent the jews from firing him from his day job. He also verifies much of what is being exposed about the American Civil War, what has been known and suppressed for 150+ years and what has come to light since then.

Part one, where he talks about Andrew Jackson and Calhoun and the original secession movement:

"Forbidden History of Globalism Episode 12: US Civil War Part 1"

And part two where he starts talking about Judah Benjamin and the Knights of the Golden Circle, as well as Lincoln's interest-free greenbacks (what Hitler, JFK, Gaddafi also did):

"Forbidden History of Globalism Episode 13: US Civil War Part 2"

Interesting bit about the Tsar sending the Russian navy to defend American borders from the interference of the UK/France (more jewified than the USA at that point). There's some hidden details about that whole affair, but up until that point in history, Germany, Prussia, Russia, Spain, Italy, Romania, and America were the least of the White countries with jewish control. England and France were spoiled already (England from the jewish bankers and the City of London and France post-revolution and post-Napoleon is a no brainer, a degenerate masonic and jewish and multiracial colonial-backflow cesspool.)

They're pretty short, a good listen for a half hour between the both of them. Ultimately both sides were affixed to destroy each other, but we also have to remember the landscape of 1850s America. It was a frontier, most of the states did not have legit government, hanging and shootings were so common because there were no court of appeals in some of the western territories. This is not similar to the European civil wars, which were layered upon centuries of legalism, regal and religious disputes, and clear-cut jewish interference. For over 600,000 dead White American men, the country was put on a weakened path through "reconstruction" that laid the foundations for the Rothchild spawn to setup their eventual hive of control in 1913 with little resistance.
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