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National Economics and the Confederacy was a Jewish Free Trade Empire


I'm just gonna ruffle a couple of feathers here and continue an argument that I've had with another gentleman from this forum earlier this week. I've realized that a lot of people, when they get redpilled, realize that the North didn't actually attack the South out of mere compassion for the poor Blacks and the South wasn't just a nation of evil racists who loved to lord over Blacks.

That's not wrong in and of itself, but it often leads people into a wrong reading of history, where they view Lincoln and the Unionists as proto-Marxist shidlibs, and I want to contend with that.

I consider (Christian) nationalism the only tenable political outlook for Christians, as it combines national loyalty, Christian virtue and international realpolitik.

I don't yet know whether or not this thread is going to catch on, but here my basic take:

- The Unionists were true Nationalists with an accurate perception of economic policies

- The Confederacy was a conglomerate of mainly free trade Capitalists driven by greed. Free trade, by its nature, is based on the exploitation of workers for the purpose of maximizing revenue of the Capitalists. While National identity might coincide with that, and it definitely did in case of the Confederacy, it is actually not nationalist at all, but always ends up in a Globalist position, as it does not make any effort to strengthen domestic markets and competes globally for low salary, low skill production.

Here a dump of links relating to the particular fact of Jewish involvement in the South:


I'm just gonna leave this here for now and see if anybody replies. I feel like economics is a big topic that dissident Christians still have to chew their way through.

There's a lot of introductory stuff I didn't mention, as this is a pretty ad hoc post, but feel free to ask questions and I'll see how well I can respond.
Well I'm gonna keep flying my Confederate Battle Flag I got off my plantation home.... Not sure I accept this premise but it's an interesting statement.

I don't think the Yankees were any more nationalist. They didn't want this war...and they didn't like blacks either. The Lincoln admin didn't want to be the ones to have the country torn asunder under their watch...

It was about which power center was going to control the country: majority industrialized North or majority Agrarian South...and the federalist element was at large an issue. Lincoln was a total tyrant and was 100 percent the most likely person to force a split up.... Yet he was pushed by the north....
Almost like the north wanted to have a final solution for the Dixie Question.

Yes Jews were big time slave traders...and the percentage of Jew slave ownership was very high. No doubt.

I'm not sure the argument for them being globalists is the case... Just because they wanted to export and import goods from Europe?

I think ole Razor Fist did a pretty good job cataloging a lot of the issues.
Well I'm gonna keep flying my Confederate Battle Flag I got off my plantation home.... Not sure I accept this premise but it's an interesting statement.

I don't think the Yankees were any more nationalist. They didn't want this war...and they didn't like blacks either. The Lincoln admin didn't want to be the ones to have the country torn asunder under their watch...

It was about which power center was going to control the country: majority industrialized North or majority Agrarian South...and the federalist element was at large an issue. Lincoln was a total tyrant and was 100 percent the most likely person to force a split up.... Yet he was pushed by the north....
Almost like the north wanted to have a final solution for the Dixie Question.

Yes Jews were big time slave traders...and the percentage of Jew slave ownership was very high. No doubt.

I'm not sure the argument for them being globalists is the case... Just because they wanted to export and import goods from Europe?

I think ole Razor Fist did a pretty good job cataloging a lot of the issues.

See, I expected a reply like this. I shall formulate an informative and witty response before sundown.
See, I expected a reply like this. I shall formulate an informative and witty response before sundown.
Okay, it wasn't exactly sundown, it was a semester. I had a lot on my plate, but I'll probably find the time for an elaboration soon.

It's still one of the most important things that I think should be pushed in the national movement.
It's very likely the entire Confederacy was a Talmudic operation curtesy of the Rothchilds.

They had an agent implanted within the Confederacy from the get-go:

Using Judah the Rothchilds pushed for pro-slavery causes, eventually even going as far as to advocate for succession as to not disturb the flow of cheap cotton to the London factories, which were all owned by the Rothchilds.
It's very likely the entire Confederacy was a Talmudic operation curtesy of the Rothchilds.

They had an agent implanted within the Confederacy from the get-go:

Using Judah the Rothchilds pushed for pro-slavery causes, eventually even going as far as to advocate for succession as to not disturb the flow of cheap cotton to the London factories, which were all owned by the Rothchilds.
Can't take away my Confederate flag you carpet bagging Yankee!
I like this kooky guy's presentations. I'm sure he wears the costume to prevent the jews from firing him from his day job. He also verifies much of what is being exposed about the American Civil War, what has been known and suppressed for 150+ years and what has come to light since then.

Part one, where he talks about Andrew Jackson and Calhoun and the original secession movement:

"Forbidden History of Globalism Episode 12: US Civil War Part 1"

And part two where he starts talking about Judah Benjamin and the Knights of the Golden Circle, as well as Lincoln's interest-free greenbacks (what Hitler, JFK, Gaddafi also did):

"Forbidden History of Globalism Episode 13: US Civil War Part 2"

Interesting bit about the Tsar sending the Russian navy to defend American borders from the interference of the UK/France (more jewified than the USA at that point). There's some hidden details about that whole affair, but up until that point in history, Germany, Prussia, Russia, Spain, Italy, Romania, and America were the least of the White countries with jewish control. England and France were spoiled already (England from the jewish bankers and the City of London and France post-revolution and post-Napoleon is a no brainer, a degenerate masonic and jewish and multiracial colonial-backflow cesspool.)

They're pretty short, a good listen for a half hour between the both of them. Ultimately both sides were affixed to destroy each other, but we also have to remember the landscape of 1850s America. It was a frontier, most of the states did not have legit government, hanging and shootings were so common because there were no court of appeals in some of the western territories. This is not similar to the European civil wars, which were layered upon centuries of legalism, regal and religious disputes, and clear-cut jewish interference. For over 600,000 dead White American men, the country was put on a weakened path through "reconstruction" that laid the foundations for the Rothchild spawn to setup their eventual hive of control in 1913 with little resistance.
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The amount of jews living in the USA before 1865 must have been absolutely tiny.

Their big migration to the USA started in the 1920s and 1930s.
Every history of a given city seems to mention when the first Jews moved there. Usually it's pretty early.

They may have been a small percentage, but I think they were involved in finance and graft from an early date, and they had a strong network of connections to draw on.
I'm not being satirical.

I'm a proud southerner and I have always been raised that the civil war was indeed a war of northern aggression.

I grew up on a plantation home, zero Jews there.

If you want to jewify it now that's all fine. But I reject that narrative.
I'm not being satirical.

I'm a proud southerner and I have always been raised that the civil war was indeed a war of northern aggression.

I grew up on a plantation home, zero Jews there.

If you want to jewify it now that's all fine. But I reject that narrative.
As I said earlier, I don't blame the average Southerners for the economic and foreign policy of their leaders. I've been to the rural South only really two times in my life, but I love the culture and I think they have a very rich heritage outside of historical Confederate leadership. I'm sure everybody else in this thread views it the same. You'll have to forgive when people seem to use reductive language at certain points, but if everybody always tries to capture every little nuance in every statement, there would just be redundant walls of text everywhere.
Let's not be like annoying leftists.
Having certain criticisms of the elite culture of a group doesn't mean that you devalue that group.

Conversely, you could actually make the case that the Southern people would have been in much better shape for much of its existence if there had been more cooperation with actual nationalists.
If slavery had been ended earlier and peacefully, there would have been A LOT more wiggle room to segregate Blacks from Whites on good terms. Instead, the Southern people were dragged into a war that really aimed to protect retarded economic policies, then after they lost, the resentment between the two races were pushed to a point where the tensions had to pop. Sure, Marxist Js took advantage of that, but it's not like the situation hadn't escalated at several points in time before that.

I also actually have a lot of personal sympathies for most Ukrainians, but I recognize that they have become the henchmen of an evil regime, whether they want it or not.
The amount of jews living in the USA before 1865 must have been absolutely tiny.

Their big migration to the USA started in the 1920s and 1930s.
I think the ones that came earlier were just more crypto. The Eastern Ashkenazis were essentially these Yiddish-speaking shtetl-dwellers who lived in relative isolation and peace in their own zones in the Ukrainian countryside and were able to practice more or less open hostility against the Orthodox peasants around them while being protected by the aristocracy. They sort of the "hillbillies" of the Hebrews.

But the earliest Jews to arrive in America were traditionally Ladino-speaking and heavily urbanized Sephardim, who had very recently before that been chased out of Spain and Portugal and immediately went crypto in the Netherlands and Britain, from where they started dominating Atlantic (slave) trade and finance.

That's the reason you find a lot of Black people with weird Portuguese and Spanish names like Gomes or Sotomayor in the US. The first and most dominant slavers and plantation owners in America were Sephardi Jews.

People easily overlook Sephardim because Sephardim mastered crypsis much earlier than the Yiddish people. They also aren't as in-your-face as the latter.

But The City of London and the early financial speculation schemes in Amsterdam and Rotterdam were all conjured up by crypto-Sephardis. And some Western Ashkenazis from Germany and France. Everything Transatlantic was firmly in Sephardi hands, though.
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The same way Talmudic Jews use Ukrainians to attack Russia, was the exact same way Talmudic Jews used Southerners to attack the North.

In in the end, the South was completely destroyed, and half of the South is packed to the max with Blacks as a result. All of that "White pride" was used to destroy huge numbers of Whites, because King Rothchild wanted his cheap cotton and tobacco and needed Blacks to produce it.

That's the red pill history of the Civil War. Southerners were nothing more than useful idiots. Lincoln represented the red-pilled Whites who did NOT want more Blacks brought into America. Lincoln's entire platform could be summed up as, "ENOUGH BLACKS IN AMERICA," I kid you not. Read the Lincoln-Douglas debates. He was far more "racist" than anyone in the South, which is why most Whites agreed with and voted for Lincoln.
So it's basically been a ongoing War of Whites trying to establish a working economic model that allows the most peoples the many, as long as they work diligently and have a Middle Class and functioning relatively peaceful society or Nation, vs. some Merchant/Commercial Jews who want Absolute Dominion over ever economic doing all over the planet and a bunch of slaves to lord it over and live miserably?

I wonder if their is a string theory of sorts of all the Jewish groups and how they communicated and collaborated with each other to take on the Lost Tribes, aka Europeans over the centuries?
So it's basically been a ongoing War of Whites trying to establish a working economic model that allows the most peoples the many, as long as they work diligently and have a Middle Class and functioning relatively peaceful society or Nation, vs. some Merchant/Commercial Jews who want Absolute Dominion over ever economic doing all over the planet and a bunch of slaves to lord it over and live miserably?
I don't think any one of us here can paint a perfect picture of history, even much more so of the hidden war the jews have waged on Europeans going back to the time of Christ. We can just prove that time and time again, Europeans are targeted by jews for war and annihilation and not the other way around (jews were targeted by Europeans as financial pests to be removed and spiritual cancers to be extracted, but the Godly conduct of Europeans has never sought to exterminate them, though some would call us weak for sparing their lives when we had the ability to destroy them forever at many times in history).

Economics is easier to tear apart because unlike history (though the two go hand in hand) the first is easier to spot a lie, whereas the second, digging must be done. Numbers do not lie. Usury reveals the foe. Extreme monopolization or extreme collectivization, though they fall off different ends of the table, still end up feeding the same instinctive beast below.

One thing people forget was the international theater surrounding the buildup to the American Civil War. Benjamin Disraeli, first jewish (allegedly) British Prime Minister, was a mere tool of the Rothschilds, and according to Bismarck (La Vieille France, N-216) it was Disraeli and his patrons, the Rothschilds,, who invented the plan of destroying the United States by fomenting a Civil War there, and also by a foreign attack in 1863-64 by five powers. We know the Civil War was started in 1861, but not many people know that British, French, Spanish, Belgian and Austrian troops were already in Mexico City, ready to profit by the Civil War, staged by the Hidden Hand. Then Tsar Alexander II warned Napoleon III that he would invade France if this coalition helped the Southerners to smash the North . The Tsar even sent his naval squadrons at the disposal of President Lincoln to defend New York and San Francisco, as I mentioned above. President Abraham Lincoln had the right to order this fleet to fight any of the above five Powers. I do not believe the Southerners knew of the external machinations on America by various jewish-occupied nations, many of the delegates in Virginia prior to the outbreak of war had specifically cited the bloody wars in Europe as something they never wished to see on American soil.

When Abraham Lincoln wished to prevent the bankruptcy and forthcoming moral, mental, political and financial slavery of his beloved country, a jewish agent directly or indirectly of the Hidden Hand, John Wilkes Booth, shot him. Few Americans mention this. When another honest President, Garfield said : "Whoever controls the money of a nation, controls that nation". This truth and courage cost him his life. He was shot, as was Lincoln, for the same reason, by the same bankers errand boys.

The treachery runs deeper, and the chutzpah only exponentiated after the Civil War:

''The President will do exactly what I tell him to do", bluntly told me the secretary of President Roosevelt, a jew William Loeb, in February 1907.
"Justice Lubitz Brandeis (disguised himself to gentiles as Louis Brandeis), a jew, ruled the White House by secret tele-phone" ("Chicago Daily Tribune", July 22, 1922),
A brilliant Captain Harold Sherwood Spencer in his book "Democracy Or Shylocracy" on page 133 describes, how he got hold in 1917, of a tele-gram, saying that "Brandeis cabled Rothschild yesterdays.. Was Brandeis asking E. Rothschild's order to the White House! Or was Justice Brandeis communicating to Rothschild what he had found out about the White Houses.. But the people find it all right that the jews murder the American
Presidents, or rule the more servile one and imagine that America is a free country!"

Here is the book, a good read, download it while it's still available as this time in history was ripe with open unafraid confrontations with jewish power:

https://dn790006.ca.archive.org/0/items/democracy-or-shylocracy-shall-the-jew-rule-the-world-h-s-spencer-1919/Democracy or Shylocracy - Shall The Jew Rule The World - H S Spencer - 1919.pdf

Here is another, there seems to be multiple texts of this work, I am still looking for the completed one:


It seems the Hidden Hand was a well known agency in these days, before modern intelligentsia conveniently took its place and buried it in a miasma of rank and file citizen pencil-pushers who were equally as clueless to the ruthlessness of jewish assassins as they are to their own history.

I wonder if their is a string theory of sorts of all the Jewish groups and how they communicated and collaborated with each other to take on the Lost Tribes, aka Europeans over the centuries?

While some may tout jewish involvement in the great schism of 1054, most of the brother wars that accelerated the destruction of our peoples did not occur with a majority of jewish involvement until a few centuries ago (numerically if you tally it up, though there were instances of it in earlier centuries). The medieval ages and the pictures we are given, painted by our falsified records show them to be a bestial time, but in truth from 800 to 1800 roughly, from the time Charlemagne ascended the throne until les Années terribles (The Years of Rage), mankind, headed by the European races, ruled this world with Christ, even if we look at it allegorically. The subversive elements of Babylonian mysticism were kept in check by the Church (the corruption of the Templars, the jews kept in Shtetls, aliens never pierced the heart of Europa) and the law of the Lord reigned supreme in all its glory unchecked.

The thousand-year reign of Christian civilization, at its peak, is a testament to more truths than we ever think in the last 250 years. Everything that happened afterwards, the evangelizing of an entire continent, manifest destiny, everything escalated towards a seeming finality since that peak civilization could not contend with the demonic forces aspiring for worldly control.

The American Civil War fell after this thousand years, and therefore it is another exasperation of sighs in a long agonized being, theEuropean race, the bearers of Christendom, as they are tricked into attacking themselves, and eaten from the inside by a hostile alien toxin. Every other war to follow, despite one of them being a noble fight against this fate, ensured the same intended assault on the Europeans and their descendants by the spawn of Cain.

The jews have many theories, their Talmud is an example of pure manmade control, a theory in and of itself. What would become of men if they had to spend millennia confined to the rigidity of a layer cake of kabbalistic legalism imbued with expletive material reinforced in a perpetual cyclical assembly? What would become of such a lineage of prisoners? Look no further than the jews who suffer internally from their own poison and are desperate to remake the world in their own inverted image.

The jews like to write snarky comments in their hollywood films about Catholicism being a religion of guilt and not love (though they have done and continue to do many more heinous blasphemies on the faith), but they have no guilt, no God, and they know not His love, so they know not what they speak. The time of Our Lord's Passion has long past, but His pain and suffering, and His will to fight never depart from us. I can't speak for everyone here, but I do not pray to God to forgive the jews for what they do now, nor do I pray to condemn them for the spirit of a demon cannot change even though the body of a man may. I pray that He gives us the will to resist and the physical and spiritual stamina to overcome them and ensure the survival of all that is good, no matter how and no matter what must be done.
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You've got a lot right, but you are wrong about a few things.

The subversive elements of Babylonian mysticism were kept in check by the Church (the corruption of the Templars, the jews kept in Shtetls, aliens never pierced the heart of Europa) and the law of the Lord reigned supreme in all its glory unchecked.

The Talmuds weren't just kept in check by the Church, but by the united Church, which the Catholics destroyed with their Pope worship. As a result of the schism, the bonds of the Talmuds were gradually weakened until the demons were freed.

Christ gave us this world to use pure and undefiled, but too many Judas' throughout history have destroyed his Church to the point where heresy runs rampant and Talmudic Jews run wild destroying people's souls by the billions. It is, indisputably, the fault of Catholic pride over the Pope.

I can't speak for everyone here, but I do not pray to God to forgive the jews for what they do now, nor do I pray to condemn them for the spirit of a demon cannot change even though the body of a man may. I pray that He gives us the will to resist and the physical and spiritual stamina to overcome them and ensure the survival of all that is good, no matter how and no matter what must be done.

The second you stop praying for your enemies, is the second you've let Satan enter your soul. Satan would love nothing more than for us to be pulled down to hell through hatred of his loyal minions, such as Talmuds or Muslims. Hating them is just as bad as converting to their doctrine. It's the same thing, really. The second you stop God's project of Love is the second you become yet another minion of Satan. It will destroy you.

The best attitude to Jews is the one I stated at the start of the JQ thread, that God may illumine their hearts and help them repent. Otherwise, it is impossible for God to forgive them. They must repent or be damned, and accept Christ or suffer worse than those in Sodom and Gomorrah (the fate of all Jews who reject the Messiah).
The biggest problem with the Jews and dealing with them is their Insidious tactics at deceiving their enemies into believing they are "Eternal" victims of persecution. And by Enemies I mean Us Christian European Gentiles. If you don't know Enemy you won't Win the battle. And many among the Christian (Devout and Fallen Away) European folk don't know their "Eternal" enemy.

And I say this because this isn't like a conventional battle of Yore where two sides are lined up ready to thrash to the death.

I'm all Ok praying for their "Sincere" conversion to the Blood and Body of Christ, but at the same time be ready as Imperfect Human Men on Earth can be to avoid another Bolshevik Revolution or Holmodor or the more Insidious Genocide of Whites through abortion-contraception and feminism as Organized Jewry have been 99.9% behind either from a Secular State or a Religious decree from the Church and Moreso the Lord himself with the End Times Scriptures.

This is a difficult thing to tackle because of the near complete indictment of a people being Complete Trouble Makers and Civilization Destroyers because of their inability to live among the Tribes and do what God wants and serve each other, albeit seperated IMHO. Folks just can't fathom the magnitude of their Earthly Power and leverage over others because most have Fallen for their Victimhood Narratives Hook line and Sinker.
Maybe we should redirect the posts back to the Confederacy and economics, because otherwise this will just be another JQ thread, of which we have many under different names they think. I'm not saying don't talk about it, but maybe try to do it only as it pertains to the subject at hand.

I think we have gone over their problematic theology and influence many times and there isn't much disagreement.

My primary goal with this thread was to clear the air on neo-confederate ideologies and Jeffersonian/Austrian School economics that keep their thumb on the Right in the West.