Mr Beast Helps to Build Wells in Africa

What do you guys think is the primary reason for much of Africa’s complete lack of development overall compared to everywhere else? EMJ always says “the difference between Germany and Africa is 1000 years of Catholicism.”

He’s also mentioned polygamy as being counter productive to labor mobilization.

Is it an intelligence problem? What’s the real reason

Polygamy? Mormons are notoriously hardworking and productive.
Religion? Africa is probably more Christian than the west today.

IQ and Race Realism.
The Cold Winters Theory.

Actually there is empirical evidence to explain Blacks and Christianity that contradicts you Rax.

It's called Ethiopia. Been Orthodox for nearly 2k years, they actually converted before the Greeks did. Notice how Mr. Beast doesn't go to Ethiopia to make wells. It's because Ethiopians are smart enough to find clean water, because God has transformed them.

Anyone who meets Ethiopian Orthodox will understand that most "race realism" is actually nonsense. A landlocked country in East Africa, that has suffered a ridiculous amount of wars from Orthodox infighting, Islamic jihads, and even Nazi invasions, yet still remains one of the richest countries in Africa today with one of the largest populations.

Naturally, every time you see Ethiopians imported into the "West" they are all Muslim. Once in a blue moon you may meet an educated Ethiopian Orthodox who came to America however. All the ones I've met ask me the same thing, "Why is America gay? What is wrong with America? Why are you guys gay? What happened to America?" 😂

Blacks aren't as smart as Whites but that's no reason for not having basic stuff like water, food, and shelter. They are smart enough to do these things, the problem with Blacks is a problem of spirituality. When they stop murdering each other with impunity, and instead learn empathy, Blacks can make a decent country especially in Africa, which they were created by God to inhabit because of their sun-resistant skin.
What do you guys think is the primary reason for much of Africa’s complete lack of development overall compared to everywhere else? EMJ always says “the difference between Germany and Africa is 1000 years of Catholicism.”

He’s also mentioned polygamy as being counter productive to labor mobilization.

Is it an intelligence problem? What’s the real reason
Good questions. How much is wealth creation tied to long term material success? I was curious so I Googled the "wealthiest Black African nation". The answer is Nigeria. Does this explain why the Nigerians that come to the US or the UK are extremely successful similar to SE Asians? Back in the late 1980's when I entered college I met a fair amount of Nigerian students on campus. They were studious, disciplined, and serious about getting their degrees. Most were studying Civil Engineering or Agricultural Management, degrees that would help them develop their country when they returned after graduation.
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PewDiePie never did something like fake miracles, something that is directly out of the playbook of the anti-Christ. I wouldn't throw caution to the wind because other people are sellouts like him.
Buying surgeries for blind people is not a fake miracle, it's just charity. Mr. Beast does not pretend to do anything supernatural. To be clear, I do not like him and I think his content is Jewish brainrot.

My point is that what he does is not new or unique, and he's just a harmless astroturfed low-T entertainer for a teenage audience. Those are a dime a dozen.
It's because Ethiopians are smart enough to find clean water, because God has transformed them.

Ethiopians having wells because they are Christian doesn't make much sense. There are plenty of non-Christian people in Morocco, Libya, Egypt, etc. who have highly advanced societies (well Libya did before Murica destroyed it). Also if you visit almost any other country in Africa, they cannot stand the Ethiopians. I've never been to Ethiopia so I can't comment directly on their society (other than observing that they are one of the most active immigrant communities on the continent, which begs the question if it's so great why are they leaving), but it's pretty well known they are rather universally disliked and I listened to multiple ethnicities in South Africa complain about them openly. Also wasn't Ethiopia the original "poverty country" with Christine Sommors or whatever her name was doing tv commercials for?

Of course pointing to a religious nation and observing good things about it in no way explains how those good things came about. And Rwanda, Congo, and Angola make up some of the most Christian countries in Africa, while also very dangerous and unstable ones.

Christ blessing people economically in this life because of their faith is not biblical, and part of the gross wealth based Joel Osteen Christianity megachurch nonsense. Christianity is for your soul, not your pocketbook, and multiple efforts to change the plight of Africans, from economic payouts, to education, to infrastructure, to government (Liberia famously has the US constitution) have failed in making much of a change in outcomes. Perhaps the best example is Haiti vs the Domnican Republic where the same island has two totally different outcomes because one half murdered all their French colonists and the other had the "benefits" of colonialism.

This of course is not an argument for colonialism, but NOT realizing these differences is what true racism is; it's like thinking a woman can do all the things a man can, and then both are disappointed at the outcome, or expecting your toddler to know how to operate a gas stove and allowing himself to singe off his fingers. Failure to recognize race realism is the most racist (not to mention dangerous) thing our society has done for hundreds of years.

Of course, intelligence is overrated, and it says quite a bit about the dangers of rule by the intellectual that most Africans (certainly not unique to Ethiopia) can easily see through the social propaganda that Americans so readily absorb.
I knew a guy who went to Africa to help for a year and he learned that people would say, "the Europeans' well broke". They had no intention of fixing it; if you don't buy, create, build something yourself, you likely won't care about it very much or feel responsible for it.

Mr Beast wanting to provide clean water to people is noble. But how will he get Africans to build their own wells?
What do you guys think is the primary reason for much of Africa’s complete lack of development overall compared to everywhere else? EMJ always says “the difference between Germany and Africa is 1000 years of Catholicism.”

He’s also mentioned polygamy as being counter productive to labor mobilization.

Is it an intelligence problem? What’s the real reason
Europeans underwent vastly stronger and longer selection, in pretty much every way, to come to an intelligence level and adaptability to the surrounding environment that is, for better or worse, beyond the other races of people. Eurasians (to boot) have a different historical genetic and admixture makeup (like Neanderthals) beyond the intense selection that occurred to them, while sub Saharan Africans do not and include large portions of archaic DNA that eurasians do not have.
IQ and Race Realism.
The Cold Winters Theory.
As above, these are some of them. By the way, out of Africa is a known lie and failed hypothesis, but of course the mainstream media won't cover that it has been entirely disproven.
EMJ is a moderately well-researched historian, I would say excellent but he only looks through the Catholic lens even at places and people where Catholicism never applied. As a baptized Catholic who went through the sacraments and received years of education in the faith myself, while not as much as EMJ, I am able to see these same circumstances without one particular ecumenical bias and this is why I come to about 90% agreement with him in everything, the other 10% being the difference in the outlook.
Like most people, he knows a lot about certain things, but he is also a crystallized thinker and a classic stubborn catholic thinker type. What's more, you also recognize that he has a boomer and ecumenical bias which contributes to this. I don't personally care that europeans are more advanced in certain ways than other races, as the things of this world are not important vis a vis the next age and why we are here, but it is a fact.
Anyone who meets Ethiopian Orthodox will understand that most "race realism" is actually nonsense.
False. They are anthropologically more of a mix between Sub-Saharan Africans and levantine or ME caucasians, but they do not exhibit bucking the trend as I note above, again, not that it matters. It does matter to people who want material goods, technology, ease of life, and more advanced civilization though.
Of course, intelligence is overrated,
No it's not. People wouldn't be clamoring all over the world to get to euro civilizations, regardless of our current situation (different topic) if it were "overrated."
Good questions. How much is wealth creation tied to long term material success? I was curious so I Googled the "wealthiest Black African nation". The answer is Nigeria. Does this explain why the Nigerians that come to the US or the UK are extremely successful similar to SE Asians? Back in the late 1980's when I entered college I met a fair amount of Nigerian students on campus. They were studious, disciplined, and serious about getting their degrees. Most were studying Civil Engineering or Agricultural Management, degrees that would help them develop their country when they returned after graduation.
I am sorry but you couldn't be more wrong.
Nigerian and Nigerians are the prime example of what Africa and African should not be. They are an exception , an anomaly - and Nigerian are almost universally mistrusted and disliked amongst other African. That's simply because a large percentage of Nigerians are dishonest and violent - a group of people that causes problems to causes to locals wherever they go. It is very telling that nowadays even some African countries are considering implementing visa requirement s for Nigerian "visitors" (used quotation marks because most of these Nigerians nearly always overstay their welcome)
The alleged student you met in the 1980s probably were vetted by the US immigration authorities - so your anecdotal evidence doesn't stand up to scrutiny. The Nigerians who turn up up in South Africa uninvited, wash up on the European shores of the Mediterranean or the ones that are in the UK(The UK Home Office handed out British passport to Nigerian as if they were just leaflets - as recently as a decade ago) - are mush less genuine. It is very telling that even most local, native Black South Africans (Zulu, Xhosa, Sotho etc) admit that the group of foreigners they dislike the most is Nigerians. Go figure.

If you want to experience genuine, decent, well-meaning countries and peoples of Africa - Ethiopia, Rwandan, Kenya and Botswana are the places for you to visit. Peace.
Actually there is empirical evidence to explain Blacks and Christianity that contradicts you Rax.

It's called Ethiopia. Been Orthodox for nearly 2k years, they actually converted before the Greeks did. Notice how Mr. Beast doesn't go to Ethiopia to make wells. It's because Ethiopians are smart enough to find clean water, because God has transformed them.

Anyone who meets Ethiopian Orthodox will understand that most "race realism" is actually nonsense. A landlocked country in East Africa, that has suffered a ridiculous amount of wars from Orthodox infighting, Islamic jihads, and even Nazi invasions, yet still remains one of the richest countries in Africa today with one of the largest populations.

Naturally, every time you see Ethiopians imported into the "West" they are all Muslim. Once in a blue moon you may meet an educated Ethiopian Orthodox who came to America however. All the ones I've met ask me the same thing, "Why is America gay? What is wrong with America? Why are you guys gay? What happened to America?" 😂

Blacks aren't as smart as Whites but that's no reason for not having basic stuff like water, food, and shelter. They are smart enough to do these things, the problem with Blacks is a problem of spirituality. When they stop murdering each other with impunity, and instead learn empathy, Blacks can make a decent country especially in Africa, which they were created by God to inhabit because of their sun-resistant skin.
I am glad you stated that the the Ethiopian Orthodox Church is the oldest and most unaltered orthodox church in the world. (Back in the days the prideful, butthurt Roosh and Co on RVF threatened me with a ban for daring to say the Ethiopian Orthodox Church was significantly older than their beloved ROCOR). And some of the least racist people on the planet. No, theirs is not a "Black Church". They are more accepting towards converts than the ethno-centric but aging culture clubs that are the so-called "orthodox" Churches of Eastern Europe and the Balkans. From what I could see, They welcome genuine converts from any background. In fact, apparently most of their converts in the West are actually from Europe or Asia...
On my experience the Ethiopians are some of the kindest, most genuine people in Africa. Always civilized and polite. Make great neighbours, co-workers and friends (albeit they rarely marry out)
There are plenty of Ethiopian Orthodox Christians in the West (The UK and the USA at least). And even Ethiopian Muslims are some of the most peaceful out there.
the Ethiopian Orthodox Church is the oldest and most unaltered orthodox church in the world

While you are correct on many counts, you err here. The Antiochian Church is the oldest, and as for most unaltered I don't know for sure if Ethiopia is or not, but I know the schism between the Ethiopian Church and the Orthodox Church is because of translation issues more than genuine disagreements on theology. I believe Ethiopians are far more Orthodox than Catholics, but I am not sure they are more so than Greeks, however.

This is a minor quibble, but I just want to be precise.
While you are correct on many counts, you err here. The Antiochian Church is the oldest, and as for most unaltered I don't know for sure if Ethiopia is or not, but I know the schism between the Ethiopian Church and the Orthodox Church is because of translation issues more than genuine disagreements on theology. I believe Ethiopians are far more Orthodox than Catholics, but I am not sure they are more so than Greeks, however.

This is a minor quibble, but I just want to be precise.
Let's not side-track the thread. My reply was trying to focus on Ethiopian people. Let's not turn this into a theological debate. Peace.
According to my research, wells were invented in the Neolithic era, 7,000-10,000 BC.

Literally during the Stone Age.

What does it say that in the year 2023, a youtuber can present Stone Age technology to Africans and they react as if it's magic. In 9,000 BC man understood the simple equation of "no water means me need to create well for thirst or else me die". Yet here we are with entire communities in amazement about this "invention".

This goes beyond an IQ issue.

They also have zero issue enslaving tens of millions of their children for child labor, or allowing Big Pharma to use hoards of their children as vaccine guinea pigs - leading to many of them dying.

Long lost ancient civilizations from the Aztecs and Inca, to the Sumerians and everything inbetween, were more advanced and more principled as a culture than much of Africa is today.
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No it's not. People wouldn't be clamoring all over the world to get to euro civilizations, regardless of our current situation (different topic) if it were "overrated."
America has not had particularly intelligent leaders, really ever.
Probably JFK was well over 100 IQ, and he was a great leader, but he is the exception proving the rule and leadership in the west has little to do with IQ. And rule by high IQ autists comes with its own set of problems.

And the point above was that there are many high IQ libtards in the west that think tranny women are real women, there is no God, diversity is strength, etc. while 80 IQ Africans are mostly in agreement these are all insane beliefs. So focusing on intelligence to innoculate you from such insanity does not work.

IQ ignores a lot of other factors, not least of which is emotional intelligence, morality/religion, how individuals interact in a society, etc. Perhaps "overrated" is not the right word as intelligence really isn't valued at all today, but it's clear intelligence alone is insufficient on which to base a society or our rulers. I don't really agree with the old Roman idea of a good soldier makes a good leader but I also don't think a good nerd does. Would you want Elon Musk or Mark Zuckerberg as president? Do you think they are good leaders in their current positions?

I can't think of a particularly intelligent leader in any western country in my lifetime. Maybe Margaret Thatcher?
but it's clear intelligence alone is insufficient on which to base a society or our rulers.
On this we agree.

At a population level however, you're destined to be bullied by others without at least a minimum IQ (due to economic and technological factors), which is in fact advanced, given all the variation in the world.

I'll state it a different way, which perhaps you'll agree with. At the individual level, IQ is overrated. I would argue that because the practicality of something like 150 IQ or higher is minimal and only leads to high level theoretics or even closer to rationalizations about God (like with Christopher Langan) but those, when it comes down to it, aren't that necessary. They are also commonly associated with less social skills or affability, which is why you've noticed most leaders aren't all that smart. The best leaders are the 130 guys who are tall and decent looking, because they'll also be socially the most promising, like the best businessmen. And of course they can be faithful people and understand how important that is in life, as well.

Finally, if you have a good number of 130s in your society, it means you'll have a small number of 150s, just noting how things work out, so my conclusion stands as I've seen it empirically work out. I'm talking more here in this post as a human optimizer of things "of this world" please understand. Of course, you don't need IQ at all to be a holy person, which is far more important bigger picture and into the next age. I'm just talking generally about things in this world that do have a special place in God's creation because they are elevated forms. For example, one can experience salvation having intelligence, beauty, and skill that others don't have. It might be harder due to other reasons like ego, but it's hard to imagine that someone wouldn't choose to be smart, good looking, or masterful in a skill or trade rather than bankrupt in those same qualities. And that's for a reason; in a sense that's how we are made.
the Ethiopian Orthodox Church is the oldest and most unaltered orthodox church in the world.
It is neither the oldest, The Antiochian Church being older, nor is the "most unaltered", because it is schismatic. Also, the Orthodox Church is spelled with a capital O.

And some of the least racist people on the planet.
...and??? 😐

older than their beloved ROCOR
Badmouthing and playing interconfessional divide and rule, aren't we? 👽

They are more accepting towards converts
This is not true. Also, they are schismatics. Why are you directing people to schismatic and irrelevant "churches" away from the actually important ones?

than the ethno-centric but aging culture clubs that are the so-called "orthodox" Churches of Eastern Europe and the Balkans.
Are you *actually* question the canonicity of the canonical Churches? 😶 Really? On this forum? Chutzpah, aren't we, mr. Goldberg?
It is neither the oldest, The Antiochian Church being older, nor is the "most unaltered", because it is schismatic. Also, the Orthodox Church is spelled with a capital O.

I wouldn't call the Ethopians schismatic, they have changed far less than 99% of other Churches that broke communion with the Orthodox.

My Bishop, who is far more educated on this subject than virtually anyone, told me that the Chalcedonian schisms between Ethiopia and Copts were 100% caused by translation issues, not due to differences in faith. I know the Copts are already studying at Antiochian seminaries, they will be brought back into the fold this century. Likewise Ethiopians are also on the agenda to be brought back in.

English is making it possible. The translation issues between us are gone and things are getting fixed.
Badmouthing and playing interconfessional divide and rule, aren't we? 👽

This is not true. Also, they are schismatics. Why are you directing people to schismatic and irrelevant "churches" away from the actually important ones?

Are you *actually* question the canonicity of the canonical Churches? 😶 Really? On this forum? Chutzpah, aren't we, mr. Goldberg?
You don't need to accuse someone like this based merely on one post. Catholics will hold different opinions on canonical Churches and this forum is so people can discuss these things without insults or accusations. That said if we can establish patterns in a poster's behavior then accusations can be credibly made. But you are judging too quick here.

I would agree with anyone that some Orthodox Churches (Greeks especially) do treat their churches like culture clubs and do not take evangelizing seriously.

Please treat others how you would want to be treated.
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I wouldn't call the Ethopians schismatic, they have changed far less than 99% of other Churches that broke communion with the Orthodox.
The Ethiopian church is non-Chalcedonian and therefore schismatic by definition. This is a statement, not a slander. A simple fact.
I respect them, but they are simply not part of the Orthodox Church.
My Bishop, who is far more educated on this subject than virtually anyone, told me that the Chalcedonian schisms between Ethiopia and Copts were 100% caused by translation issues, not due to differences in faith.
They are monophysites. They are not in Eucharistic union with the Orthodox Church.
I know some educated bishops who are pro-LGBT and pro-union with Rome.
The translation issues between us are gone and things are getting fixed.
Hopefully, they will return to the fold of the church. Right now, they are not part of it.
Catholics will hold different opinions on canonical Churches and this forum is so people can discuss these things without insults or accusations.
He called the canonical churches "the so-called "orthodox" Churches", quoted verbatim, which is plain for everyone to see. How does this fit into "discussing things without insults and accusations"?

We Orthodox also hold different opinions about the Pope. Should we start calling him names in the name of "freedom of discussion"? How long, then, would this forum last?
Please treat others how you would want to be treated.
This is fine, but if badmouthing the canonical churches and bringing their canonicity into question is also fine, while criticizing it is not, then nothing.
But you are judging too quick here.
Could be. Except I've seen that pattern of behavior way too many times. Mark my words.
He called the canonical churches "the so-called "orthodox" Churches", quoted verbatim, which is plain for everyone to see. How does this fit into "discussing things without insults and accusations"?

Confessions of belief or unbelief are fine. If you were to say, the "so-called Pope" it would be no different and it would be your belief to do so. Simply banning those who do not adhere to our Church's values would not help them, nor help Christianity, nor help our Church.

"Turn the other cheek," comes to mind when having academic or theological debates.

This is fine, but if badmouthing the canonical churches and bringing their canonicity into question is also fine, while criticizing it is not, then nothing.

If someone brings canonicity into question, we would ask them to back up their claims. If they cannot or refuse to answer, then what's the problem? They look refuted and uneducated to the impartial reader viewing the two conversations, which then helps the side with better arguments.

Orthodoxy wins because it is true, not because we ban those who disagree with it.