Mr Beast Helps to Build Wells in Africa



73 million views in 4 days.

I don't really follow this guy but I've seen my nephews watching him before. Most of it seemed clownish. But this was something I have never seen before. The backlash is beyond odd from the left, but to be expected. Not that I trust Mr Beasts intentions fully but does it matter. The bottom line is the outcome...wells, drinking water and happy children. Man we live in a clown world.
You also wonder why Gates spends so much time worrying about injecting African children, when fixing African health problems seems to revolve around sanitation. What a freak.
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You thought the left would be softer with him, since in every one of his YouTube thumbnails his mouth is agape, waiting for a shot of soy-slop.

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I missed the whole Mr beast thing somehow. I see his face plastered all over youtube and my perception of him has always been some random guy who, somehow, has unlimited funds to give away.

One day I pulled up a video and it was him in a car with some other guys and a tranny and they were acting like old Logan Paul-type videos I've seen in the past.

Conclusion; ah dont like 'im an ah dont trust 'im
Mr. Beast has a really sinister physiognomy, imo. Like if you saw a bunch of hooded cultists making a human sacrifice, I could see the chief cultist removing his hood and being Mr. Beast.

Regarding Africa, the continent is a complete disaster -- their fertility rates are over 6, by far the highest in the world, yet the continent requires massive amounts of continuous foreign aid for survival, especially food aid, which if it stopped even momentarily hundreds of millions of people would starve to death. The kindest thing for Africa and for the world would be to gradually remove western presence from the continent entirely so it could find a population equilibrium.
Mr. Beast has a really sinister physiognomy, imo. Like if you saw a bunch of hooded cultists making a human sacrifice, I could see the chief cultist removing his hood and being Mr. Beast.

Regarding Africa, the continent is a complete disaster -- their fertility rates are over 6, by far the highest in the world, yet the continent requires massive amounts of continuous foreign aid for survival, especially food aid, which if it stopped even momentarily hundreds of millions of people would starve to death. The kindest thing for Africa and for the world would be to gradually remove western presence from the continent entirely so it could find a population equilibrium.
I'm not sure I'm on board with life only being worth living up to Western standards. And not that you're implying that either. But every human should have a right to their fertility, even if there ends up being some poor outcomes. Maybe they continue to have children as the happiness outweighs the potential loss.
Humans are supposed to be charitable so if that means shifting funds outside of our clown world West society and giving them to Africa I'm all for it if the goal is to help children and support a culture that revolves around family.
Take away Africa and what do we have left. Full blown clown world.
Mr. Beast has a really sinister physiognomy, imo. Like if you saw a bunch of hooded cultists making a human sacrifice, I could see the chief cultist removing his hood and being Mr. Beast.

Regarding Africa, the continent is a complete disaster -- their fertility rates are over 6, by far the highest in the world, yet the continent requires massive amounts of continuous foreign aid for survival, especially food aid, which if it stopped even momentarily hundreds of millions of people would starve to death. The kindest thing for Africa and for the world would be to gradually remove western presence from the continent entirely so it could find a population equilibrium.
I've never fully trusted Mr Beast either.

Regarding Africa, it's actually still under a form of economic colonialism from Europe and America and now China. The aid money we send to them is a pittance compared to the resources that get extracted, of which the average African sees almost nothing. The problem is their insanely corrupt elites who have no problem selling the people out.

Rwanda is actually a good model to follow. It's one of the safest countries in the world, the streets are clean, employment is fairly high, and the economy is booming, albeit still quite poor. All because they have a strong leader who takes law and order seriously, and doesn't let the West dictate their social or economic policies. Blacks in America can learn a lot from the peaceful people of Rwanda.

African countries will probably never reach European levels of wealth, but it doesn't mean they have to be hellish, crime infested failed states.
There has been wide discussion of Mr. Beast being the anti-Christ. I doubt some guy that got popular by making streams and videos repeating words for 24 hours will be the actual anti-Christ. Regardless, I don't think anyone should actually trust him with anything. His video on curing blind children is a massive red flag.

Nowadays his content is baiting kids for ad revenue, then funding these charity works. Some are good, and some are feeding dependent sea gulls that will die once the food aid stops coming in. The Africa thing was already discussed in a better way.

I'm not sure I'm on board with life only being worth living up to Western standards.
I say this as someone who lives in the poorest region of Brazil. Africa is not anywhere near Western standards. No one likes being hungry and dying in the old age of 9 years. Africa would be better to live in if they didn't have 5 billion kids a day. Botswana is mentioned as the best Sub-Saharan African country a few times, and they're one of the least populated countries there.
Over here in my region there are beggars. A ton of them. They don't get jobs, they don't feed themselves half the time, they get by literally just bothering people on street sign stops. Their kids learn this from young age, live to be the same. Africa does not need that, and Brazil does not need that. That is without mentioning drugs into this mix.

But every human should have a right to their fertility, even if there ends up being some poor outcomes.
The condom is an urban legend to them. I doubt people with 5 mouths to feed, including themselves, barely meeting this demand, are planning on having another one. Some are, definitely, but you don't get the number 1 most fertile continent spot with entirely happy marriages and planned children. It isn't that way in the US either.

Humans are supposed to be charitable so if that means shifting funds outside of our clown world West society and giving them to Africa I'm all for it if the goal is to help children and support a culture that revolves around family.
I believe you have good intentions, but this reads like a leftist anti-white quote except with the word "clown world" in it. We shouldn't be taxed for countries we will never know or see, that don't even like us (kill da boer). There are Europeans being homeless in the UK right now while Indians are hanging out in the comfy apartment next street with a coding job and free food. Should we not care about them and instead give it to some Africans so they can continue to have sex? You have to get your priorities straight.
Regarding Africa, it's actually still under a form of economic colonialism from Europe and America and now China.
You are forgetting countries like Zimbabwe, Liberia, and Haiti.

Zimbabwe kicked out whitey, later actually begged for them to come back.
Liberia is... Liberia. It was supposed to be the "slaves actually going back to Africa" country but calling it a mess would be a compliment. One of the lowest national IQs to this day.
Haiti killed all the French. They now have so many collapses and disasters that the UN has to send in armies every day so they don't collapse for the fifth time of the day. Army vet at my church mentioned him going to Haiti on a mission. Quite the story.

I agree that they could have a decent-ish state if they weren't corrupt, however.
There has been wide discussion of Mr. Beast being the anti-Christ. I doubt some guy that got popular by making streams and videos repeating words for 24 hours will be the actual anti-Christ. Regardless, I don't think anyone should actually trust him with anything. His video on curing blind children is a massive red flag.

Nowadays his content is baiting kids for ad revenue, then funding these charity works. Some are good, and some are feeding dependent sea gulls that will die once the food aid stops coming in. The Africa thing was already discussed in a better way.

I say this as someone who lives in the poorest region of Brazil. Africa is not anywhere near Western standards. No one likes being hungry and dying in the old age of 9 years. Africa would be better to live in if they didn't have 5 billion kids a day. Botswana is mentioned as the best Sub-Saharan African country a few times, and they're one of the least populated countries there.
Over here in my region there are beggars. A ton of them. They don't get jobs, they don't feed themselves half the time, they get by literally just bothering people on street sign stops. Their kids learn this from young age, live to be the same. Africa does not need that, and Brazil does not need that. That is without mentioning drugs into this mix.

The condom is an urban legend to them. I doubt people with 5 mouths to feed, including themselves, barely meeting this demand, are planning on having another one. Some are, definitely, but you don't get the number 1 most fertile continent spot with entirely happy marriages and planned children. It isn't that way in the US either.

I believe you have good intentions, but this reads like a leftist anti-white quote except with the word "clown world" in it. We shouldn't be taxed for countries we will never know or see, that don't even like us (kill da boer). There are Europeans being homeless in the UK right now while Indians are hanging out in the comfy apartment next street with a coding job and free food. Should we not care about them and instead give it to some Africans so they can continue to have sex? You have to get your priorities straight.

No taxes. I'm talking personal charity here. Being charitable is not leftist unless of course you're talking about taxation. I think you misinterpreted my statement.

The condom is an urban legend for me as well so I guess we have more in common than I thought!
It seems the African countries learned nothing from the Europeans when they were colonies. Sure, some African countries kicked out the Europeans or the Europeans left on their own accord. The Africans saw first hand how Europeans ran governments, commerce, education systems, and rule of law and still Africa is dirt poor and a mess. Is it all driven by government corruption? As for Mr. Beast, it's sad that that some soy looking YouTuber can come in with a small construction crew and dig wells while the local people are utterly incapable of doing this?
What do you guys think is the primary reason for much of Africa’s complete lack of development overall compared to everywhere else? EMJ always says “the difference between Germany and Africa is 1000 years of Catholicism.”

He’s also mentioned polygamy as being counter productive to labor mobilization.

Is it an intelligence problem? What’s the real reason
Mr. Beast has a really sinister physiognomy, imo. Like if you saw a bunch of hooded cultists making a human sacrifice, I could see the chief cultist removing his hood and being Mr. Beast.

Regarding Africa, the continent is a complete disaster -- their fertility rates are over 6, by far the highest in the world, yet the continent requires massive amounts of continuous foreign aid for survival, especially food aid, which if it stopped even momentarily hundreds of millions of people would starve to death. The kindest thing for Africa and for the world would be to gradually remove western presence from the continent entirely so it could find a population equilibrium.
I don't have a link unfortunately, but I once read an interesting opinion piece by an African where he said that foreign aid is the worst thing the West has done to Africa since colonization. Basically, as long as America and Europe pump billions into corrupt African dictatorships, there's no motivation for their leaders to really fix anything because if they were to do that the aid money would stop and there would be nothing to embezzle. His opinion seemed to be that it would be preferable to just "rip off the bandaid" and force African countries to fix things on their own.
What do you guys think is the primary reason for much of Africa’s complete lack of development overall compared to everywhere else? EMJ always says “the difference between Germany and Africa is 1000 years of Catholicism.”

He’s also mentioned polygamy as being counter productive to labor mobilization.

Is it an intelligence problem? What’s the real reason
Polygamy? Mormons are notoriously hardworking and productive.
Religion? Africa is probably more Christian than the west today.

IQ and Race Realism.
The Cold Winters Theory.
What do you guys think is the primary reason for much of Africa’s complete lack of development overall compared to everywhere else? EMJ always says “the difference between Germany and Africa is 1000 years of Catholicism.”

He’s also mentioned polygamy as being counter productive to labor mobilization.

Is it an intelligence problem? What’s the real reason
Some would say the curse of Ham, but I don't think that can be substantiated. Sub-saharan Africans have a great tendency towards religion, whether its Christianity, Islam, or Voodoo. I think this speaks to their history of being in a primitive developed state but also highly spiritual given all the practices they do and have done over the millennia. Much of their tribal history is replete with barbarism and cannibalism, but there were some that were wiser than the throngs of savages around them. I think each race and sub-race grew out of its own habitat in response to the surroundings their ancestors deposited them in after the fall of the tower of Babel. In Africa's case it was the most violent and dangerous place, and therefore the people had to become like that or they would have all died out. Unfortunately the suffering they wrought upon one another was also of great agony.

EMJ is a moderately well-researched historian, I would say excellent but he only looks through the Catholic lens even at places and people where Catholicism never applied. As a baptized Catholic who went through the sacraments and received years of education in the faith myself, while not as much as EMJ, I am able to see these same circumstances without one particular ecumenical bias and this is why I come to about 90% agreement with him in everything, the other 10% being the difference in the outlook.

Polygamy is really only necessary in terms of correcting a deficiency within a society. Too many males died in a war, well you can't have unmarried women with children, can't break the social bonds, so she must be married to someone. The reasons for polygamy are many, the reasons against are substantial but also don't carry the same weight if a people is facing an existential crisis.
Mr. Beast has a really sinister physiognomy, imo. Like if you saw a bunch of hooded cultists making a human sacrifice, I could see the chief cultist removing his hood and being Mr. Beast.

Regarding Africa, the continent is a complete disaster -- their fertility rates are over 6, by far the highest in the world, yet the continent requires massive amounts of continuous foreign aid for survival, especially food aid, which if it stopped even momentarily hundreds of millions of people would starve to death. The kindest thing for Africa and for the world would be to gradually remove western presence from the continent entirely so it could find a population equilibrium.
He just looks like an average low-T soyman to me.

His growth is not organic, of course. He works for a well-connected Jewish talent agency, as do most of the biggest "influencers". But let's not do the "his name is beast, he does miracles with his money, he looks evil I can just feel it" thing. The guy's a youtuber. There's 6 gorillion others like him, doing the same schtick of giving money away. The word "beast" just objectively sounds cool, so it's a good choice of brand name. No need to overthink this.