Mid-to-long-term Effects of Isreal's Ethnic Cleansing?

And once the US stops supporting them, they will fall to the billion+ neighbors that they have long oppressed, and hate them for it. They did this to themselves.
European support for Israel is dwindling, due mostly to high numbers of Muslims in Euro countries that can both vote and riot. Most Euro nations are now in favour of a two-state solution. Also the idea of more migrants from Muslim countries is very unpopular for obvious reasons. The pressure will be on the US alone, both politically/militarily and economically. If the Jews really plan to take the Gaza strip and make it part of Israel, they will face a massive and permanent backlash from Europe at least.
And once the US stops supporting them, they will fall to the billion+ neighbors that they have long oppressed, and hate them for it. They did this to themselves.
This is why it's more likely that the kinetic portion of this war, the Iran-Israel (US), starts within the next 3-4 years. It's been planned for some time now, btw.

The interesting this is, as I've posted on other threads, is that Israel is losing yugely optically and socially, pretty much everywhere around the world.
The interesting this is, as I've posted on other threads, is that Israel is losing yugely optically and socially, pretty much everywhere around the world.

Other than Israel, there are only two quarters I see pro-Israel stances from. 1) Captured Western institutions and 2) Conservative, Inc.

Someone sent me a recent video of Douglas Murray on Trigonometry. I flicked through it and the gist was - Murray is part of the Con Inc. class of people that have spent the last decade mostly calmly commenting on the end of the West - the title of one of his books. Industrial ethnically-targeted rape, considerable increases in rape, an increase in crime, the destruction of national identity. But Murray has also been quite clear that there isn't really much wrong with other races or ethnicities - they just need to believe the right things. But now some Jews have had Muslims screaming that they want to rape and kill Jews - that's the final straw - Murray is now talking about re-immigrating people back to where they came from, because Jews don't feel safe. That British people have not felt safe and live like a permanent punching bag in their own country was something to talk calmly about.

Maybe Murray does feel differently about those things, but now only feels comfortable to say them now he can hide behind Jewish victimhood - a card that's past its sell-by date. And that's where we are with all these things. That is where Con Inc. and white people who want to remain in institutions and jobs are. Pretty much anything you are allowed to push back at must be through the guise of assisting a left-wing constituency. Stop Asian Hate! Democrats are the real racists! Antisemitism! Women in sports are being hurt!

But it's clear that that is failing - white people have had enough and there is a creep of people saying that more and more.
The leftist Jewish reaction to the non-white American underclass turning against Israel is having interesting repercussions. Here deranged far-leftist, frothing at the mouth Orange Man Bad hater Michael Rappaport now says "voting Trump is on the table":

Edit: Hollywood language

To rig 2024 against Blormf globohomo needs to have a clean sweep of Jewish money and intelligence. Will they have it? But also, does it matter? The below is the backdrop which no president can fix at this point:


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The leftist Jewish reaction to the non-white American underclass turning against Israel is having interesting repercussions. Here deranged far-leftist, frothing at the mouth Orange Man Bad hater Michael Rappaport now says "voting Trump is on the table":

To rig 2024 against Blormf globohomo needs to have a clean sweep of Jewish money and intelligence. Will they have it? But also, does it matter? The below is the backdrop which no president can fix at this point:

This filthy loud-mouth Rappaport needs to have a warning on his post.
I am actually surprised at the blowback Israel has been getting. Israel hasn’t changed. They have always had a policy of group punishment and have always bombed hospitals and routinely shoot children who throw rocks. What has changed is the Internet and the social media which has broken the corporate media monopoly. For the first time, the Palestinians can present their side of the story. The ADL is blaming TikTok, which is a source of news for many young people. Also, the leftist indoctrination in the schools has made young people more aware of colonialism. It is actually in the interest of young people to stop these perpetual wars orchestrated by neocons who are carrying out revenge, particularly against Russia, in service of their ancient ethnic hatreds. The young people end up with nothing but debt slavery. We are all Palestinians.
Where do you think the war will lead over the next several years?
I think it will diminish the US influence not only in the middle east, but in the whole muslim world, and if the anger of the "Arab street" is channeled by, let's say Iran, we might see attacks on US Embassies across the region - the number of attacks on American military bases already grew.
The United States will bear responsibility for all the atrocities that Israel is commiting, and any pro-American muslim government will be guilty by association in the eyes of its people. We might see civil strife in some Arab states, that could lead to another "Arab spring" - but this time it would be an organic uprising, not the astroturfed show of the Obama era.
Some stuff on Unz on this topic very much worth a read at the moment :

Various non-western large powers such as Iran, Turkey, Russia have various red lines which if crossed will provoke them to join in.

The first of those articles goes into quite immense historical detail of why the US supports israel, not just the first thing that comes to mind, but more to do with oil and resources in neighbouring countries.
Article delves into the implications of the US veto of a UN security council vote against a large majority of nations which was trying to organise a ceasfire in Gaza.

I wonder if they had not vetoed that if it would have meant that a UN army was required to go and try to stop the war. It does make it clear that it is effectively just one country, the US which is promoting it.

All this was about was the barest of bare minimums, just a ceasefire, not even a peace deal. Still, that was too much to ask of the US.
Was reading something recently about JFK and the various conspiracy theories on UNZ. First suspect was the follow on president Johnson, second suspect was Mossad, something to do with not letting Israel have the weapons it wanted.

I can't find the exact passage at the moment but have been wondering after reading it if American presidents are not only financially incentivized to put Israel first, but have the fear of being "Kennedied" if they dared to slow or stop the flow of tax-payer funded foreign aid.
Was reading something recently about JFK and the various conspiracy theories on UNZ. First suspect was the follow on president Johnson, second suspect was Mossad, something to do with not letting Israel have the weapons it wanted.

I can't find the exact passage at the moment but have been wondering after reading it if American presidents are not only financially incentivized to put Israel first, but have the fear of being "Kennedied" if they dared to slow or stop the flow of tax-payer funded foreign aid.
It's always because someone attempted to stop the means of jewish control before any actual stopping the jews themselves.

See all murdered leaders who were done in the same or similar circumstances, either by assassination overtly, covertly, or by war with proxies:

Abraham Lincoln - Created debt-free greenbacks to finance the Civil War intended for nationwide adoption after the conflict, bypassing interest-bearing loans from international bankers.
James Garfield - Advocated for hard money backed by gold and opposed the control of the money supply by eastern bankers. "Whoever controls the volume of money in our country is absolute master of all industry and commerce. When you realize that the entire system is very easily controlled, one way or another, by a few powerful men at the top, you will not have to be told how periods of inflation and depression originate."
William McKinley - Supported a currency fully backed by gold, resisting moves towards fiat money controlled by banking interests.
Benito Mussolini - Rebuilt Italy and Rome with state-controlled funds, avoiding dependency on international banker money.
Adolf Hitler - Expelled international Rothschild banks from Germany and used Labor Treasury Certificates to rebuild the economy, abolished interest rates and ignored stock market jewry.
John F. Kennedy - Issued Executive Order 11110 to return the power to issue debt-free currency to the U.S. Treasury, bypassing the Federal Reserve.
Gamal Abdel Nasser - Nationalized the Suez Canal and stood against international bankers, seeking economic independence for Egypt and the Middle East. (Likely the first victim of the CIA heart attack gun).
Saddam Hussein - Advocated for Iraqi sovereignty by making developments to sell oil in euros instead of dollars, challenging the petrodollar system.
Muammar Gaddafi - Started an African bank and introduced the gold-backed dinar, seeking to establish financial independence from the US dollar and international banks.

The money of this world is the chains with which the jews enslave us with, that is why it is also their weak point when exploited.

As far as American Presidents being put the fear of "Kennedied" into them, I don't think that is necessary now because none of them can even become an incumbent without serious jew connections and blackmail-worthy dirt. They are puppets long before we ever know their names.
It's always because someone attempted to stop the means of jewish control before any actual stopping the jews themselves.

See all murdered leaders who were done in the same or similar circumstances, either by assassination overtly, covertly, or by war with proxies:

Abraham Lincoln - Created debt-free greenbacks to finance the Civil War intended for nationwide adoption after the conflict, bypassing interest-bearing loans from international bankers.
James Garfield - Advocated for hard money backed by gold and opposed the control of the money supply by eastern bankers. "Whoever controls the volume of money in our country is absolute master of all industry and commerce. When you realize that the entire system is very easily controlled, one way or another, by a few powerful men at the top, you will not have to be told how periods of inflation and depression originate."
William McKinley - Supported a currency fully backed by gold, resisting moves towards fiat money controlled by banking interests.
Benito Mussolini - Rebuilt Italy and Rome with state-controlled funds, avoiding dependency on international banker money.
Adolf Hitler - Expelled international Rothschild banks from Germany and used Labor Treasury Certificates to rebuild the economy, abolished interest rates and ignored stock market jewry.
John F. Kennedy - Issued Executive Order 11110 to return the power to issue debt-free currency to the U.S. Treasury, bypassing the Federal Reserve.
Gamal Abdel Nasser - Nationalized the Suez Canal and stood against international bankers, seeking economic independence for Egypt and the Middle East. (Likely the first victim of the CIA heart attack gun).
Saddam Hussein - Advocated for Iraqi sovereignty by making developments to sell oil in euros instead of dollars, challenging the petrodollar system.
Muammar Gaddafi - Started an African bank and introduced the gold-backed dinar, seeking to establish financial independence from the US dollar and international banks.

The money of this world is the chains with which the jews enslave us with, that is why it is also their weak point when exploited.

As far as American Presidents being put the fear of "Kennedied" into them, I don't think that is necessary now because none of them can even become an incumbent without serious jew connections and blackmail-worthy dirt. They are puppets long before we ever know their names.

I would add Nixon to this list, they didn't kill him, but they did take him out as a POTUS.

There was allegedly also an attempt on George Bush Sr's life, he was the last POTUS to stand up to Israel. Also the last WASP American political oligarch.
Was reading something recently about JFK and the various conspiracy theories on UNZ. First suspect was the follow on president Johnson, second suspect was Mossad, something to do with not letting Israel have the weapons it wanted.

I can't find the exact passage at the moment but have been wondering after reading it if American presidents are not only financially incentivized to put Israel first, but have the fear of being "Kennedied" if they dared to slow or stop the flow of tax-payer funded foreign aid.
If Kennedy was killed by Mossad, then LBJ was the "most benefited goy" as a result, and may well have had knowledge (as an Unz article I read implies). This might explain his reluctance to send help to the USS Liberty, as he didn't want to "embarrass an ally." Basically, he owed Israel a solid favor. Just a hunch.

More on topic, the current war is having the effect of uniting even reportedly Orthodox Christians with such allies as Hamas and Hezbollah. The Christians (of all branches) in Gaza are oppressed by and united against Israel. Now, reportedly a group of Orthodox Christians are attacking Israeli outposts in occupied areas of Lebanon, effectively allying with Hezbollah:
