Memes and GIFs That Will Instantly Trigger Leftists & Normies

I know liberals personally who are terrified that Trump is just going to ignore these orders. All their pet institutions got their gravy train shut off, and they don’t know what recourse there is if he refuses to obey.

They say “But Trump controls the executive! He gives orders to the US Marshals! Congress won’t impeach him! Who is going to stop him if he just ignores the courts!? Where are the checks and balances in ‘Our Democracy’?!” I just shrug and say that democracy is an awful way to run a place and it’s time for a spring cleaning.

He has these people on their heels. He needs to keep them off balance. These people are scared. Starve them. Strangle them. But most important of all, blind them. As they say, democracy dies in darkness.

I noticed just the other day that the DOD funded a media organization for the explicit purpose of social engineering and large scale deception. Sounds to me like a psychological warfare operation targeted at the public (we even have a psychological warfare unit in the Army, so that’s a type of warfare acknowledged by the DOD itself). I would think that would be a good place to start doing some work. Once you establish a foothold through one of the organizations, and make a public spectacle of it, you branch out. You can then consider anyone who impedes the effort as a collaborator. That includes these judges.