Memes and GIFs That Will Instantly Trigger Leftists & Normies

He was brilliant with electricity, but he was not good with the ladies. He allegedly died a virgin. You can see why with the butthurt stuff he wrote here. Sad!
The story that I've always heard is that Tesla was a "volcel." That is, too obsessed with his work to dedicate time to women. He was very wealthy when he was younger, so I suppose he could have gotten women just based on that if he'd really cared to. I imagine he found them exasperating with his extermely logical mind and preferred the sollace of his laboratory.
He was brilliant with electricity, but he was not good with the ladies. He allegedly died a virgin. You can see why with the butthurt stuff he wrote here. Sad!
God bless him then. Was his observation not true and were his sentiments not what have echoed between the ears of men since his time and on this very forum?

From his Wikipedia page:

Tesla was a lifelong bachelor, who had once explained that his chastity was very helpful to his scientific abilities. In an interview with the Galveston Daily News on 10 August 1924 he stated, "Now the soft-voiced gentlewoman of my reverent worship has all but vanished. In her place has come the woman who thinks that her chief success in life lies in making herself as much as possible like man—in dress, voice and actions..." Although he told a reporter in later years that he sometimes felt that by not marrying, he had made too great a sacrifice to his work, Tesla chose to never pursue or engage in any known relationships, instead finding all the stimulation he needed in his work.

It’s a shame he never had any children, but I suppose that is the nature of some such men.
God bless him then. Was his observation not true and were his sentiments not what have echoed between the ears of men since his time and on this very forum?

From his Wikipedia page:

Tesla was a lifelong bachelor, who had once explained that his chastity was very helpful to his scientific abilities. In an interview with the Galveston Daily News on 10 August 1924 he stated, "Now the soft-voiced gentlewoman of my reverent worship has all but vanished. In her place has come the woman who thinks that her chief success in life lies in making herself as much as possible like man—in dress, voice and actions..." Although he told a reporter in later years that he sometimes felt that by not marrying, he had made too great a sacrifice to his work, Tesla chose to never pursue or engage in any known relationships, instead finding all the stimulation he needed in his work.

It’s a shame he never had any children, but I suppose that is the nature of some such men.
It hasn't happened for a while, but in the last few years of RVF 2.0 every so often a male anti-natalist "enjoy the decline" guy would show up trying to talk guys out of marrying and having children. I always fought those guys because I think having a good wife and kids who adore you is really all there is for most men, especially later in life. I'd always use Tesla as an example of a very rare case where a man not raising a family and also not becoming a priest or monk was a valid choice.
God bless him then. Was his observation not true and were his sentiments not what have echoed between the ears of men since his time and on this very forum?

From his Wikipedia page:

Tesla was a lifelong bachelor, who had once explained that his chastity was very helpful to his scientific abilities. In an interview with the Galveston Daily News on 10 August 1924 he stated, "Now the soft-voiced gentlewoman of my reverent worship has all but vanished. In her place has come the woman who thinks that her chief success in life lies in making herself as much as possible like man—in dress, voice and actions..." Although he told a reporter in later years that he sometimes felt that by not marrying, he had made too great a sacrifice to his work, Tesla chose to never pursue or engage in any known relationships, instead finding all the stimulation he needed in his work.

It’s a shame he never had any children, but I suppose that is the nature of some such men.
I'll be the first to say that women can be very difficult, and left to themselves they will try to emasculate their men, and try to make all groups and institutions fem-centric. However, men have some ability to counter this, or should.

Tesla's words that were quoted in that meme have an aura of defeat and inevitability. This kind of butthurt attitude is a symptom not a cause. He says he chose not to deal with them because he was too interested in his work to allow the distraction. However, to me this looks like a cope. The cause of him thinking this way was that he was terrible with women, as many egghead men are.

He was completely defeated by women's nature, worse than almost all other men. Fortunately for him, he was a towering king of the intellect, and has achievements that will stand for the ages. However, with women he was a loser.

You do see some of this thinking reflected on this forum, but it's usually from guys who are looking for better strategies to overcome the situation and win.