
Only if you let them.

If you choose to believe in such a thing, then you allow it to live.

God is not telling us to go out and kill every single witch.

Why would he need such a thing, he is God. He could say it so and they would all fall down dead.

He is telling us not to believe in them, that they might have power over us.

That is what, "Suffer not the Witch to live." Truly means.

Exodus 22:18 King James Version
18 Thou shalt not suffer a witch to live.

For all in this world was created by God, not by the hand of the Devil.
Great response! Don’t open the door to them WHATSOEVER. It’s like mind altering drugs, KEEP CLEAR, don’t give the enemy or his minions a foothold.
Only if you let them.

If you choose to believe in such a thing, then you allow it to live.

God is not telling us to go out and kill every single witch.

Why would he need such a thing, he is God. He could say it so and they would all fall down dead.

He is telling us not to believe in them, that they might have power over us.

That is what, "Suffer not the Witch to live." Truly means.

Exodus 22:18 King James Version
18 Thou shalt not suffer a witch to live.

For all in this world was created by God, not by the hand of the Devil.
WRONG. Leviticus 20:27 (KJV) is QUITE clear on the matter:

"A man also or woman that hath a familiar spirit, or that is a wizard, shall surely be put to death: they shall stone them with stones: their blood shall be upon them."

For what it's worth, one of my aunts, my mother's eldest sister, was a witch and a whore. She practiced sorcery, consorted with familiar spirits, engaged in soothsaying and necromancy. Summer before last, the Lord smote her dead with a stroke. I prayed on the matter for nearly a month afterwards and the Lord revealed to me that she had never repented and is now in Hell.
What does it mean for you to not tolerate their nonsense? How far do you take this?

During a recent business dispute (not drug related) I had a young hispanic-American "immigrant" type-guy pull a gun on me and threaten to kill me. I wanted to kill him for this. I de-escalated the situation by saying "Whatta' ya' gonna do, shoot me?" He put the gun back in his trunk and at this point I was about to take him and hurt him badly but something compelled me to walk away (called cops and filed a report instead). For a moment I even felt possessed by a demon, and this guy definitely gave off brujo energy.
Well, my life certainly isn't as exciting as what you described here, but I see women pushing New Age/pagan ideas and behavior very often, or engaging in it. Even my ex started getting into that a bit (while still claiming to be a RC). By not tolerating it, I simply mean that I call them out on it hard and warn them to stay away from demonic spirits that they have no business getting involved with. Oftentimes these are weak-minded women who have no clue what they are messing with. Women are very susceptible to marketing, propaganda, cultish teachings.
Women who do not fear God are purely creatures of social status and stigma. Virtually no women fear God anymore, so since there's no stigma attached to witchcraft in society today, and since it gives them status among other women (other women will think it's cool and empowering and "like, spiritual and stuff"), they do it. It's a complete no-brainer to them. In their minds it just looks like free status.

All we can do for these women is pray.
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Witches and wizzards exist all over the world, in some places more than others, in some of the black culture in South Africa where I live they practice witchcraft and I remember a year or two ago in these black areas they actually went on a literal witch hunt I think they killed about 27 suspected witches, there is a show called the worlds toughest prisons watch the one in Lesotho, its a small country inside South Africa, the one prisioner there was convicted of murdering his two children and I think his wife too, until today he is still pleading not guilty because he said it was witchcraft and he was possesed and the spirirs in him killed his family, he is obviously still guilty but just proving the point thay witchcraft is still practiced its not a fairytale
Only if you let them.

If you choose to believe in such a thing, then you allow it to live.

God is not telling us to go out and kill every single witch.

Why would he need such a thing, he is God. He could say it so and they would all fall down dead.

He is telling us not to believe in them, that they might have power over us.

That is what, "Suffer not the Witch to live." Truly means.

Exodus 22:18 King James Version
18 Thou shalt not suffer a witch to live.

For all in this world was created by God, not by the hand of the Devil.
Something can still exist wether we believe it exists or not.

In the book of Enoch it explains that the angels who sinned and fell taught mankind how to cast spells etc
WRONG. Leviticus 20:27 (KJV) is QUITE clear on the matter:

"A man also or woman that hath a familiar spirit, or that is a wizard, shall surely be put to death: they shall stone them with stones: their blood shall be upon them."

For what it's worth, one of my aunts, my mother's eldest sister, was a witch and a whore. She practiced sorcery, consorted with familiar spirits, engaged in soothsaying and necromancy. Summer before last, the Lord smote her dead with a stroke. I prayed on the matter for nearly a month afterwards and the Lord revealed to me that she had never repented and is now in Hell.
The crime of witchcraft is so bad God even commands the death penalty for it in the scriptures, He never said it was fake👍🏻

Interesting story about your aunt, even necromancy is forbidden in the Bible, its the crime king Saul did. There is a famous author Napolean Hill he wrote books like "think and grow rich" I read it many years ago before I knew this, he apparently admitted it was through necromancy that he got the knowledge to write this book.
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Theres an interesting book I read a few years ago called the hammer of witches, its not an Orthodox book but the author from medieval times did seem to be a Christian not sure what kind though, it was mostly bas3d in France if I remember correctly.

This man wrote this book to try and convince the courts about the dangers of witchcraft as the courts refused to convict a witch and let her go.

In the book he talks about how the witches affected marriages and sex, incubi and sucubi where sperm was taken from someone and put inside someone else to make some kind of invalid pregnancy, the illusion of the male sex organ dissapearing, out of body experiences, changing forms, one case mentioned was a man who in the wolf form was killing and eating children in the fields and was wittnessed by over 50 people, the destruction of crops, affecting weather etc, some pretty wild topics discussed here but if you read the link I shared at the start of this thread of saint Cyprian its basically just as wild as this book.
The crime of witchcraft is so bad God even commands the death penalty for it in the scriptures, He never said it was fake👍🏻

Interesting story about your aunt, even necromancy is forbidden in the Bible, its the crime king Saul did. There is a famous author Napolean Hill he wrote books like "think and grow rich" I read it many years ago before I knew this, he apparently admitted it was through necromancy that he got the knowledge to write this book.
So, more about my aunt; my grandmother was a fornicatrix and my aunt was born in bastardy. My mother (the second daughter) was the first one born in Christian wedlock. My Aunt S. always hated and resented my mother as a result. Aunt S. spread her legs and whored herself to older men from the age of 15 (even engaging in sodomy) and cuckolded both of her husbands. My mother believes (and I give her some credence) that Aunt S. willfully turned to the Devil in her teenage years and did what she could to curse my mother, my 2 other aunts, and my uncle, who was afflicted with a brain tumor as a boy and killed by a drunk driver in his early 20's. In my late 20's, she even made some inappropriate innuendos towards me. All evidence pointed to her being under demonic influence.
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So, more about my aunt; my grandmother was a fornicatrix and my aunt was born in bastardy. My mother (the second daughter) was the first one born in Christian wedlock. My Aunt S. always hated and resented my mother as a result. Aunt S. spread her legs and whored herself to older men from the age of 15 (even engaging in sodomy) and cuckolded both of her husbands. My mother believes (and I give her some credence) that Aunt S. willfully turned to the Devil in her teenage years and did what she could to curse my mother, my 2 other aunts, and my uncle, who was afflicted with a brain tumor as a boy and killed by a drunk driver in his early 20's. In my late 20's, she even made some inappropriate innuendos towards me. All evidence pointed to her being under demonic influence.
She is going to need your prayers, especially if you still see her often and is in your life often its a good idea to keep her in your prayers, I know you not an Orthodox Christian but if you could get hold of an Orthodox prayer book its a good guide on praying for friends and family members in there, it has prayers in it for different topics, the prayer corner and the prayer books have been a great blessing to me that I never had before I was Orthodox.

The demons also dont like the cross its a symbol that scares them so its good to wear one. There was once a guy who could do all kinds of magical trickw with the help of demons when he encountered a priest he was showing off and asking the priest if he can also do these supernatural things, the priest said no but he knowa how to make those things stop, he put the cross around the guys neck and then asked him to try do those tricks, the man couldnt do them while wearing the cross.